Now there's Been Real Rain!

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)


All is finally green again!

Welcome to the place where I can make a garden! Most likely a Straw Bale one :)

Yesterday I saw it was getting cloudy and grey and so I went to buy the water butt, the last one since ages has sat in the shop just waiting for me to have the cash convenient to go buy it!

I didn't realize whilst laying in bed yesterday evening, that it had started raining and I hadn't set up the 210 L water butt container, rain collector thingy yet. So in my boxers and bare foot I went out to move the tubs of dumpstered paint that were there under thick ice and snow all winter so are proberbly trash again. (Left)

They did come in handy though for the base of the water butt. The actual container itself cost 360 kr, but I get a discount for being a freak and the base that is sold separately with it, costs 299 kr. I didn't obviously buy it, and I know, that after summer at the latest, I will find the base in the trash for free as they have no more water butts.


You know its worth to get out of bed and go out in the rain and do something if you get a overwhelming thought to go do it, if your farming or gardening - its a must.

This was the rain water I got from 2 mins of getting wet last night, a nice reward considering it will most likely be full on hot summer again after this rain, and the stream will have dried up again.


There's also a tap with it and as I usually would loose something like this, it's in a safe place for now! This is just rain water from one side of the roof because the other side runs of into the valley from over the night. Ill have to drill a whole and fit the tap when it's needed doing, but as its quite low anyway phfff.. It can also definitely easily become a place for me to bath in every now and then!

Before we go to the BloomBox..

Everything has been appreciating the rain. The other day I found lots of small lavender plants being thrown out at a garden center, nothing even wrong with them they just needed a sunny spot. There was also this black plastic tub, both had just a crack damage around the rim (which will defiantly be used for washing body's in as its fine!) and also the green basket that the lavenders were in.

The lavenders will be helpful to mix in with the smell of sweet ganja plants that will be wofting down the hillside! here's one from yesterday that I transplanted at the top of our stairs. Its now as I type, is getting a good watering..


This Above was taken yesterday after transplanting..
The other Pictures Below are from now (before it started heavily raining right now!)..


Potatoes that are standing in a gas heater we got from the trash, it doesn't work something need fixing or it could be filled with soil and be used for planting the baby pumpkins in to reduce trash!



Can you see the CBD Critical Cure?

The terrible Acupolco Gold Pheno

Both didn't fit in the BloomBox and are now outdoor experiments, the Acupoloco gold can be eat by slug's for all I care!

Wanna see the BloomBox?!

They arn't receiving this rain because I gave them a heavy watering not so long ago and I want it to dry out first and maybe even let the leaves drop a bit so they get hungry.

and a bit closer..


Left Side

Right Side



The Canopy!

I plan to go buy sheet's of metal mesh that I saw in a shop and then to make a layer at the height of the green sheets that make up the walls. I have no experience of this I've only seen things over the years, so I'm open to suggestions (as always) here, on when the next layer should be added!


I saw in the valley what I believe to be a worm hole to another dimension!! Trippy Photo!


Its rained so hard since starting this post, check this out! A near disaster if the BloomBox wasn't strongly built. I just got soaked because I heard water splashing on the back steps and the guttering was blocked, causing water to splash back on the door, which was what I have already repaired! That tree must go soon!

It came with a tap and that's something I could easily use so its in a safe place now!
Check out the garden..


And the paint pots were not full it seems as one collapsed under the weight!


There's been so much heavy rain today I'm very happy that I have a green house! It would have been way too much water for the plants and I'm sure that this would have made the roots get rot and mold on. And anyway I don;t have to worry about having a collection of rain water any more! In fact I could ask the magic of pronoia to manifest me a 1000L cube and plonk that on the other side of the cabin.

Big Love and Abundance Everyone! The tables are slowly turning, and you are not alone!

Most previous post's - Oldest First..



I have never grown bud outside but I am thinking about doing a green house. One question I always wonder is if the ladies should get any shade or should they be in full sunlight all day? I am worried they will get burnt if in direct sunlight too long.. Your ladies seem to be doing pretty good so I thought you were the right person to ask.

More sun = Bigger plants :) It was also my first time to grow in a green house and something I should have done all them times before! Its a good thing to get not clear plastic for covering, and this prevents the sun from burning plants because it disperses the sunlight more evenly :)

Im still waiting for more direct sunlight, as the neighbours trees are huge! I get sun from 11am til 3pm which is just over the minimum requirements of 4 hours a day

I am getting the white plastic green house so I guess I will be good to go with them being in direct sunlight for about 8 hours a day. I am so excited to see how much better they grow in real sunlight!

Ah you lucky bastard! THEY GROW WILD!! white plastic as in not completely see through? If so thats perfect! I remember my first time in a sunny country and i went away for a month and let a friend to water a plant that i let under and olive tree and it was nearly always in the shade, it was a baby and when i came bakc it was 1.2m!

Yeah, white plastic not see through. I left a picture below. I hope to have some big ones by the end of summer. I am going to try some auto flower seeds for my first time. Apparently they go from seed to finish flowering in just over 90 days regardless of the lighting schedule so hopefully I will be enjoying my own bud again by the end of summer! :)

NICE! wow, next year you should pack that fucker out bulging with mama's!

Auto's are awesome! And yes they are crossed with rudarilus (proberbly spelt that wrong!) and this type of plant flowers early , so thanks to some breeders somewhere we now have autos! Do you have any seeds yet? Also its worth (if you have the possibilty) to start autos under a light, giving them 24 hours of light in their first 2 weeks of growing.. because they are on a time bomb for flowering, this gives them a bit more growth for when they automatically begin flowering, which is usually around 30 days

I do plan on packing this fucker full LoL but I have no clue how much that is since Ive never grown these atrains or outside so the plants are prolly gonna be so much bigger than my indoor plants were..
Yes I have already the auto seeds but Im not in my home yet so I cant put them in the ground just yet.. I didnt know to keep them indoors under light 24/7 so thanks for sharing that info with me, good thing I kept some of my lights.. I figured outside was the best light to give them all the time.. anyhow, thanks for all the tips, i really appreciate the advice..

Some people give autos 3 eeks of 24 hour light, but then the roots wouldnt grow so much as they grow in the dark lol :) The plants will get huge, but thats when u can have alot of space between them and use the LST method. or just keep topping them to stunt upward growth lol.. i smell a jungle!

Try and replicate the ground also, like 40 -50 cm of nice soil, or even make a bed like @ceattlestretch!

I'm considering raised garden beds and using good organic compost along with something to make the soil a little lighter and a bit less dense. Good drainage is always important and its pretty humid around here so I don't want to run into any mold. I have grown for over 10 years but never outside so I kinda feel like a newb again lol.. definitely excited to try it out :)

Hihi! thats a good amount of experience there! Just keep everything the same as indoor, the only difference is that now you have like a million watt lamp and cant adjust the height hahahahahha

LoL, I think I can handle that..

outside growing is much more fun!

Looking extremely green and verdant, my friend.

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