Smoking pot / weed for my first time in 42 years !

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)


Greetings Steemit,

Yes, you read correctly. I am considering smoking MJ ( Let's just refer to it as such from now on ) for the first time in 42 years.
Why 42 years? Well, I have never smoked MJ in my entire life, and 42 is well, I'm sure you can figure out the significance of that number.

I have a very strong stance with regards to being anti-drug use. Yes yes I know, it's not a drug it's a herb. But just bear with me here ok. Due to my ignorance I have very bad thoughts or better yet, perceptions, with regards to MJ.

For some reason I think that if you smoke it you become so trippy and drugged up that you don't even know your own name. I dislike anything that alters a person's state of conciousness.

For the record I have read numerous articles on MJ, the effects, the up's, the down's etc. I have interacted with individuals that have smoked MJ, & to be honest they seemed fine. Yes, they had bloodshot eyes, or their speech might have been very slightly "delayed", if I may use that term.

But never once have I seen someone so "out of it" that they couldn't stand on their own two feet. Which is a good thing I guess. I don't have anything against people who smoke MJ. It's their life & who am I to tell someone what to do. I have even been to parties where people smoke right beside me, & I have had good conversations with them.


Well, I know the difference between Indica & Sativa. I guess I'll try Sativa first & see how it goes. I'm still a bit in the dark about the difference between Outdoor & Indoor ( Feel free to explain it to me in the Comments if you wish ).

Look, I'm not going to get trippy high by smoking an entire joint. Yes, it'll be a joint. None of that bong stuff for my first time. I'll take a toke ( is that the proper term? :) ) or two and see how it affects me. To be honest I'm terrified I'll trip out and start seeing pink elephants farting rainbows. Eeeek!


Well to be completely honest, I want to experience it & see if it's really as bad as what I perceive. That's it, short & sweet & direct.


  • What if I smoke & I get addicted?

  • What if I smoke & nothing happens?

  • What if I really see weird trippy things?

  • Will smoking make me a hypocrite due to me being anti-drugs?

These are my main concerns that are hindering my final decision to smoke or not.

I have interacted with the most intelligent people I have ever come across & these individuals smoke MJ. So it really cannot be that bad right? I mean, surely this doesn't affect an individuals IQ or ability to perform everyday tasks at full capacity?

I'm the type of person that likes to be in control of a situation. Based on my experience with other MJ smokers I feel at ease watching them and seeing that they were, according to me, in full control of what they were doing.

Their inhibitions & decision making abilities seemed on point as far as I could see. So now, I hand this over to an open discussion or just a comment or two. What are your thoughts?

To get a different perspective from regular / recreational MJ smokers would be a plus. Will this make me a bad person? A hypocrite? Or will it merely make me an individual who is curious and has done his research to the best of his ability to feel "safe" in trying this out?

Ladies & gentlemen, I thank you for your time. It took a lot of courage to post this, so I trust your unbiased opinions / advice with regards to my decision.

[edit] Thank you to all who have replied so far! It is greatly appreciated!


Just smoke. Experience is key. If you really don't want to smoke, than you know what to do. Trust your instincts.

Wise words.

Thank you for your honest opinion.

that's a good one. i like that.

I'm over 40 and smoke occasionally (perhaps 2-3 times a year) Marijuana is not addictive, not for me anyways and I've never had any bad trips (I grown my own and do not buy from black market sources)

I am a creative person and I find that a J allows me to gather my thoughts in ways that i could not have perceived before. I also become more in tune with my emotions and the emotions of people around me... The whole experience stays with me as I learn from it.

Good to know that you LEARN from it. I am a huge believe that it's good to LEARN from something.

Thank you for this reply Sir !

lol nice.

Thank you for the comment

lol - better would have been to smoked before writing.... addicted on sweets maybe. :)


LOL imagine me smoking for the first time ever, and then writing this article.


Hey I think you will be fine. Its more likely that you feel nothing than you get hooked.
Sometimes happens with first time smokers... they feel absolutely nothing. Don´t get disappointed if this is the case, just try again another day.
And I don´t think it would make you a hypocrite, at all. Doing it for comprehension purposes makes you a great individual I think. You will be able to learn from experience, take your own conclusions and grow as a person (IMO)

Good luck! ;)

yeah you are right - so minimum smoke 2 times :)

Thank you so much for the encouraging words. It means a lot.

Thank you!

I'm one of those. Felt absolutely nothing. Now, sleepy time

haha - then there would be definately something suspicious with the weed :)


Lol!!! It would have been the longest blog and a lot of empty wrappers @iamnotageek

rofl indeed !

Followed, upvoted & resteemed - welcome to #smokeclub :)

I'm framing this comment. Thank you Boss !

he has not smoked yet :)

Yeah you also ,very great to know that😎 happy 4:20 I have few minutes to roll another one. Cheers

A few choice points of advice:
-Don't overdo it. If you are smoking some high grade, start with just one puff. Don't make it a huge puff.
-Try a little sexy-time with the lady once you have a decent sense of well-being. You'll last longer and it will amplify the experience.
-Do not, under any circumstance, go out into a wooded area containing marmots to smoke. You'll quickly be surrounded and regret will follow!

This guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

It's diffucult to describe. It all depends on person's mental situation, concerns, character. You can't get addicted to weed, not even psychologically, it can become a habit though. Considering trips, they are influenced by the THC/CBD ratio in the strain. If you are prone to anxiety and stress don't try high THC strains because they will only make things worse.

On the other side CBD strains have true medical value for anxiety and other mental issues. Not recommended if you are going to work et cetera. It's a drug afterall.

Marijuana is one special thing, it reveals your true self. It's not just about laughing and finding simple things funny, it's a real treasure for philosophical thinking, questioning your past, present, future.

(don't use it if you or your family have a history of mental illness like schizophrenia and clinical depression because it might trigger one)


lol no history of any of those

I'm in general a calm loving person. Not violent at all.

Thank you for this comment!

I'd highly recommend trying a vaporizer as it eases you into everything, smooth drags without the coughing and it's a little bit nicer to handle. Hopefully you enjoy your first time :) Listen to some dank music.

I used to smoke but have stopped. Not that I'm against it, I'am for it to be honest. The effect is just different for some people, for me I've only tried Indica and I get really sleepy and hungry fast. Haha The reason why I stopped because I usually smoke when my friends are with me, and I'd rather just spend my time with them and have fun and not worry about falling asleep.

Sounds harmless enough. The eating though... lol

Thank you for your comment

It is harmless. Not gonna force you or pressure you, but you need to try it with your "good friends" atleast once imo and prepare a lot of food haha

Yea, MJ smokers I'm around always get the munchies. hehehe

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. :)

Aaaaaah, snacks !!!!

I have smoked most of my life, and quit recently in order to get some personal issues in order, and I can tell you a few things for sure.

  1. You will not become physically or psychologically addicted with casual use.
  2. Some times the first time people smoke they don't feel much. I have heard of this happening before.
  3. You will not see visual hallucinations smoking small amounts of marijuana. If you ingested large amounts tho you may see small visual distortions.
  4. I was never big on other drugs, even alcohol, and marijuana was my choice. I think most people see a clear difference between marijuana and so called hard drugs. Furthermore your approach towards it and your behavior is more important than the act itself.

My suggestion would be to give it a try. The human brain has built in receptors specifically evolved for cannabis compounds. Humans have been eating and smoking it for thousands of years. Unless you have severe psychological issues or a family history of schizophrenia, you have nothing to worry about using it casually. I would suggest being careful if you are on any medications as well because it can multiply the effects of other drugs. For anyone who has any questions about any drugs I would suggest, it is a wonderfully detailed resource.

Wow, awesome reply. Thank you!

No known medical issues this side.

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