War Against Cannabis Rages On Meanwhile FDA Approves Of Powerful New Opioid Medication

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

Thousands of people die every year because of an overdose related to opioids.

It's estimated that 1 in every 4 individuals who receives a prescription for opioids is going to end-up struggling with an addiction.

At the moment you can find multiple lawsuits that have been launched against pharma companies for their alleged contribution to the problem.

These lawsuits relate to allegations relating to misleading claims, fraud, and deception.

The “opioid issue” is one that has impacted many communities, destroyed thousands of lives. Previously released Purdue documents have illustrated only a small extent of the pressure that sales agents had previously been placed under, to push for sales of opioids such as Oxycontin.

Interestingly, cannabis has been shown to help with opioid addiction..

The FDA still maintains to this day however, that cannabis has no medicinal value; they still haven't approved of the use of cannabis as a safe or effective drug for any indication. Cannabis is still nonsensically listed as a schedule 1 drug.

But the FDA has recently approved of a new opioid medication that is reportedly 1,000 times more powerful than morphine.

That medication, known as Dsuvia, is allegedly a 10x more powerful version of fentanyl.


They claim that the hope is to use the drug to help soldiers seek relief from their pain...

Do they really believe that cannabis would not be safer for veterans than taking an opioid medication that's this powerful? If they really want to help veterans with their pain then they should decriminalize cannabis and allow them to make the choice for themselves to medicate with that plant.

Cannabis has been shown to be preferred to opioids by a majority of patients and has also been shown to help battle drug addiction and reduce the risk of relapse.

There has never been a single death attributed to a cannabis overdose, yet thousands of deaths have been attributed to opioid overdoses.

Doesn't really make much sense, does it? What could go wrong.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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Hillbilly heroin is an epidemic but weed is a gateway drug. Usually leads to groceries.

oddly it's usually the alcohol or the nicotine that comes before the cannabis, but they never want to label those ones as potential gateways do they? 😂

Heavily regulated and taxed.......consume away!

1 in 4 though......that is staggering!

I'm glad to see more and more people waking up and realizing what our governments and the pharma industry is doing to it's people which is not doing what is right but all about money and not caring at all about us.
The sad thing is that majority of people still believe all these lies and so thank you for spreading the word @doitvoluntarily.

It really is so frustrating to hear all the politics and see laws still making weed illegal. Where I live opioids have ruined so many lives from addiction. Now the local governments are realizing prescription pills are are more of a problem and are spending money to deal with all the addicts legal medicine created. The only good news for Tennessee is they may allow a cannabis research facility come here to study it for medical purposes. Lets hope they build it and some research can be done to help get it legalized for medical use here.

ABSOLUTELY insane that this still is happening. Makes no sense at all.

Posted using Partiko Android

You have written an interesting article. Weed has shown tremendous positive effects, but with the long usage of the drug, few of the complications may arise-:

  1. Addiction and it can lead to greater number of crimes.
  2. Weed tend to result in instability of mind and in some cases total loss of control over the brain, if usage is overdosed.
  3. I have a very good experience with weed except I started to develop a unnamed theory on that night. When I come into consciousness I was just making some bullshit piece.😀

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't have a problem with opiods, I have a problem with them being handed out like candy. Terminal cancer like end of life, or short term pain use. Purdue was trying to get everyone on it, that's just messed up, promotional vid for oxycontin in 1998

It truly astonishes me how the people who contribute to oppression of drug users manage to live with themselves. How can a DEA agent sleep at night knowing they create so much suffering and death? How can they live with themselves as they imprison and impoverish their own people? Do they really think they're not oppressing their own people? Its genuinely mind boggling.

Yea, it's crazy. Not too sure why the powers still encourage something so provably dangerous while ignoring scientific facts of the alternative being a better option.

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