New Survey Shows Cannabis Legalization Doesn't Spike Underage Usage

in #cannabis8 years ago

For many years, opponents of cannabis legalization have fear-mongered that by embracing the freedom of people to choose what they put into their body (cannabis) that it will likely prompt further underage usage.

But from what we see in areas where they have ended prohibition against the plant to some extent, this doesn't end-up being the case.

Colorado, Washington, and a number of other states have decided to embrace civil disobedience and allow their citizens to access cannabis for either recreational or medical reasons. From their move to allow the plant, we have seen that those states didn't descend into chaos like some anti-cannabis advocates had suspected would happen.

A recent survey in Washington also polled roughly 37,000 students who were in either middle or high school. The survey analyzed the rate of consumption for the teens and it was found that they aren't consuming cannabis any more than before legalization came around.

Federal surveys and state data have also found similar results; teenagers aren't consuming any more cannabis than they have over the last few years.

A study from Columbia University back in 2015 looked at more than a million adolescents and it too found that cannabis usage hadn't increased. It is surprising to see that moves to end prohibition in a number of states, hasn't fostered any more consumption with teens. Perhaps anti-cannabis advocates could finally drop that unfounded fear and criticism regarding cannabis legalization.

banner by @son-of-satire

Washington State Department of Health


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Exchellent post and very interesting dear @doitvolunarily..
Your work is very beautiful...!!

Thank you but is true this 0 death from cannabis..(Amazing)

Excellent post and very interesting post @doitvoluntarily

Excellent post!!
I like your work dear

Very interesting post . Doesn't surprise me at all tho. This was recently in the dutch news as well . And the underage usage was the first thing they tried to stop the decision .

We do have to watch out for Bayer/ Monsanto and dupont seeds tho.

After global legalization they will definitely try to take over this market!

absolutely there are issues with pesticides too!
Class Action Lawsuits Launched Over Pesticide-Laced Cannabis

Wow , i am planning to write an article on this . That it''s not the cannabis , but the pesticides used , causing the withdrawal effects on your body when you quit smoking weed. There was a dutch study on it !

look forward to reading it !:)

Try to read about Aceh Canabis

Weed is not that bad as people make it out to be. Nice post.

nice post friend

Great information

The Dutch approach shows similar results. I should add that when a marihuana selling point, commonly referred to as "coffee shop" here, is caught selling to the under 18, or even having somebody under 18 on the premises, or selling any other substance including alcohol, it is closed without discussion.

This has also shown that the stepping-stone theory doesn't hold; it seems that moving to another drug isn't related to the drug itself, but to an environment where all kinds of drugs are sold and used by the same people. Vigorously separating the selling of marihuana from other drugs has stopped this "moving to another drug" almost completely.

The Dutch are liberal about drugs, and treat hard-drug addicts as patients rather than criminals, but the enforcement and punishment for marihuana sellers who also sell other drugs is fierce, and has no exceptions.

there are really some human beings serving life sentences in jail because of trying to sell $20 of cannabis (for ex).

The war over it is completely outrageous

It's more like a war on drug users than a war on drugs.

The USA prison system has become an industry in itself, with all the capitalist interests that go with it, even providing cheap and semi-forced labour to the government. The prison population in the USA is larger than anywhere else. You might suspect there are other reasons for this than having a high crime rate, but I couldn't possibly comment any further 8-).


There is nothing wrong with capitalism. It's CRONY capitalism in the USA today presently which is causing so many issues and the nonsense victimless crimes.

There are perfectly good definitions of capitalism in dictionaries and economic text books; I prefer not to define the inherent problems of capitalism away by distinguishing between "good" and "bad" capitalism. I like private property and voluntary trade, but that does not define capitalism, it is called capitalism for a reason, and I think there is a lot wrong with capitalism.
But I am not willing to discuss this until I come up with something better, in the anarchic, voluntary, distributed, semi-socialist, workers owning means of production individually or in self-chosen groups, freely trading and having private property direction (vague enough 8-), so let's agree to disagree here. It'off-topic anyway.

i see no issue with private property + voluntary exchange (capitalism free market). Where i see problem is when a centralization of force and coercion tries to get involved in those exchanges and prevent human beings from doing better in life. Not cool :p

That's just free market, and doesn't cover the core of what capitalism is. Accumulation of capital (that owns all means of production), which is what capitalism is about, in the textbook definitions, will always lead to "centralization of force and coercion" and localised poverty. Oh shit, now I am discussing it after all. Sorry, it won't happen again 8-). I'm off taking photos anyway.

Good post @doitvoluntarily! I always say "when things are forbidden, people tend to break the law". After legalization it is like "who cares, it is there for everyone to use".

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