More Cannabis Freedom In Germany As New Changes Come Into Effect

in #cannabis8 years ago

New changes to cannabis legislation in Germany, that were passed back in January, recently came into effect and it looks like citizens there are hopefully going to have an easier time getting access now.

Before the changes, the only way for an individual to get legal access to cannabis, they had to apply and get special approval from the state and that sometimes was quite a lengthy process. Some individuals even died before they received their permission to access that treatment method, and only about 1,000 people were given the permission prior to these changes.

Things are different now in that patients will be able to get prescribed the cannabis right from their doctor and medical insurance companies are also newly being required to cover the cost of cannabis treatment for their customers. The prescriptions are going to be given out for a number of reasons and a new Cannabis Agency has been established in order to oversee the transition and implementation of the new changes.

Cannabis is said to be the most popular “illegal” drug that is consumed in the country, with millions of people regularly smoking the plant.

It's nice to see them try and embrace the opportunity to get the plant into the hands of more people who need or want it, but it's past the time to end the prohibition against this plant. It violates natural rights to try and prevent individuals from accessing, growing, or using cannabis if they want to. In 2016, there really doesn't seem to be any need to extort or initiate violence against someone just because they want to consume a plant.

With the new changes in Germany, there is going to be more cannabis placed into a greater number of pharmacies, and the nation will also start growing its own cannabis. And when it comes to the changes of moving to embrace the freedom of individuals to make their own choices about what they put into their bodies, like cannabis, the biggest target for a potential fallout from the changes is going to be the pharmaceutical industry. Data in the US has already indicated that more individuals than ever are turning to cannabis over opioids and it's been suggested that decriminalizing this plant really could be a game-changer in revolutionizing the pharma/medical industry.

Banner by @son-of-satire



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Like I have said before it is a "God given plant." Your photo of cannabis is stunning!

Everywhere in the world Canabis should be free. It is nature. Nature shouldn't be against the law. Our laws are against the nature. We should understand that Canabis has the potential to solve most of the worlds major problems. That might be the reason why it is iligal arround the world..

I dont know if I'd agree with that line of reasoning. I believe that of course cannabis should be legal, but just because we observe in in nature does not justify its legality. For instance, we also can observe in nature the barbaric practice of cannibalism. Should we legalize that as well?

So, while I agree with your conclusion (that we should legalize the plant), I disagree with your reasoning. Just because we observe something in nature does not make it inherently right.

It's how you interpret it my friend, but when it comes to nature we still have to obey the laws, and things are ass they are. We should not forbid the helpful fruits of nature. That's the point. living in harmoney with nature that does not mean adopting distractive behevior but rather the constructive

At least they're doing something right.
Embrace freedom and liberty Germany. It's good for you.

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