My UFO Story (Occurred deep in the Santa Fe National Forest)

in #camping7 years ago (edited)

I haven't told many people this story and can't believe I"m about to share it here on Steemit. So, here goes.

Camping with my brothers in New Mexico located at Santa Fe National Forest. My oldest brother was in the Air Force at the time and was assigned to clear an old trail that hadn't been used in 50 years. I was with my 2 older brothers, John and Abraham, and our friend Jim.
We all met up in Clovis, New Mexico at Canon Air Force Base way back in June, 1991. The project was to last 1 week. That's how much time the Air Force was giving him to accomplish this task. Also, the New Mexcio Forestry knew about this project and ok'd it.

My brother acquired a bunch of hiking gear, and tools to clear the old trail. We then drove up to the Santa Fe National Forest. We parked our car, got out, and breathed in fresh air. There is nothing like the forest and getting back to nature.

So, we got out all of our gear and back packs, and headed out to the beginning of the old trail that needed clearing. we then hiked about 2 miles into the forest to reach the old trail. When we arrived it was obvious no one had used the trail in decades. Overgrown trees laying over the trail, etc. My brother was given an old map of the trail from the Air Force. We sat down and made our plan. Start out at the beginning, my brother John said.

So we put down our back packs and worked on making a camp. We set up a fire and pitched our tents. The next day we would work on the trail and try to go into the forest another mile or so, depending on how much work the trail needed.
That night we slept sound, very peaceful.

After having breakfast we packed our gear and tents, and then began working on the trail. We would move our packs with us and set them down about ever 50 feet into the forest. Marking the trail was of utmost importance. Following the map we would find large trees located next to the old trail and make a mark on the tree with an ax (The form of a little rectangle sideways over another one). I would simply take an ax and hack out the 2 forms into the bark. The bark of the tree would fall out and there would be a nice little marker with the tan wood of the tree showing.

We worked, sweated, worked, hiked, and enjoyed our man conversations. After 4 days, when we were roughly 8 miles into the forest from the start of the old trail we were beat. As we were walking we came up upon a beautiful field with little trees (about the size of 2 football fields side by side).

We put our gear down to go exploring. We ended up setting up camp because there was a nice river near by. As we explored further we found some old Indian dwelling remains. We were amazed.

We began looking around the old Indian dwellings and found some nice and very old arrow heads, and and some old beer bottles that had to have been at least 50 years old. Our minds raced with wonder.

After setting up camp on the edge of the field, about 10 feet into the trees and close to the river we had dinner and washed dishes and cleaned up. We then made a large fire and sat around just talking about the next day and the fun we were having in the forest. About 10 pm it was pitch dark, so we began to get ready for bed. As we all climbed inside our tents it was so quiet you could hear a pine cone drop 200 yards away.

At about 11 pm we were all sleeping. Suddenly some animals began howling in the distance. I didn't think anything of it and drifted back off to sleep. It wasn't 10 minutes later I awoke to my brother inside my tent shaking me to get up get up. I got up and put my shoes on. My brother, Abraham then went out of my tent and I followed. When I stepped out I saw John and Jim looking at the small field through the trees. Abraham then said to me "look at that" as he was pointing to the field.

I turned around and saw a bluish/white beam of light (no joke) about 3 feet in diameter going from the sky to the ground and moving around. We basically were hypnotized with fear. We didn't make a move. Fortunately we had a little tree coverage. As I looked up All I could see was this beam. The beginning of the beam seemed to be coming out of nowhere. There was nothing there. camping11.jpg

After standing there with my brothers and Jim for about 1 more minute the beam stopped shining. It was gone. Suddenly we then heard a humming sound (low pitched like a microwave running). My brother John stepped a little closer to the edge of the trees to get a better view. Remember, it was still pitch black outside and we were afraid to turn on our flashlights. Our camp fire was shining with a little light of the red coals that were still burning. We were terrified.

We then heard something moving by the old Indian dwelling 100 yards away from us. We heard walking, footsteps of at least 2 walking. For some strange reason my brother John shined his flashlight toward the area. We didn't see anything or hear any more footsteps, only silence and the humming noise around. John then shined his flashlight up in the sky. We couldn't believe our eyes. We were all looking up at this massive black craft just sitting there in the air. My jaw dropped to the ground and fear penetrated my entire being. The craft was black as night and in the form of a HUGE triangle. Suddenly a bluish/white light came out of the bottom of the craft, the same light we had seen before. We then were still staring in amazement. That's the last thing all of us remember.
This picture is as close as I could find. The only difference was we didn't see any lights on the corners of the craft.

Suddenly it was morning and all of us were in our camp site in our tents. However I was in my brother Abraham's tent and Abraham was in my tent. We have no idea what happened after seeing that blue light come out of that black craft. Alien ? Government? I don't know. All I know is what I saw on that crazy night back in June of 1991 in the forest.

When we got up we simply packed up our gear. We all walked over to the Indian site to see if we could see something. There was absolutely nothing out of place. No foot prints, except for ours. We then simply picked up our tools and finished the trail. None of us ever talked about what happened. I tried talking about it, but my brother John simply told me to keep my mouth shut, and that we didn't see anything. After the trail was finished we then got on one of the new trails that was about 4 miles from our car. We then hiked to the car, loaded it up, and drove back to Canon Air Force Base. We then all went our separate ways.

This was a Camping/work trip I will never forget. Any thoughts? Thanks for the reply's. Cheers all. Keep Steeming on Steemit. I Love Steemit.

I changed the names of my brothers and our friend in my story because they would be quite upset if I used their real names.
(All images from google imaging). I tried my best to find pictures in the Sante Fe National forest that showed what we had encountered.

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Thank you very much. I appreciate that mrsquiggle. Cheers ! The pr really helps tell my story. Have a great day. I am now following your blog.

@ausbitbank , Thank you for the upvote. Makes a HUGE difference when a Whale votes up my articles. Cheers Mate !

We were all looking up at this massive black craft just sitting there in the air. My jaw dropped to the ground and fear penetrated my entire being. The craft was black as night and in the form of a HUGE triangle. Suddenly a bluish/white light came out of the bottom of the craft, the same light we had seen before. We then were still staring in amazement. That's the last thing all of us remember.

Wow, that is quite a story! That is fantastic!


Yes, I hope to never have that experience again.

I am Groot! :D

Ah, the cousin of "MEEP"? haha. Good to meet you. Following.

I am Groot! :(

Translation: Please Flag this post if you had a smile on your face when you saw my comment.
I don't comment for the same user more than once. I don't intend to spam. :(

Love the story, also wonder what it could have been!

No idea. Just see a lot of crazy pictures and stories on line. Some similarities in a few of them.

Wow. Amazing experience. Sounds like a one of the black government space program. I wonder if they intended to do that to you guys when they sent you out there. I wonder what they did to you after they blacked you out. Have you considered hypnotic regression to see?

That is a good question. I haven't considered the regression. A little timid about someone messing with my mind. Who knows.

I feel you there. I have seen quite a few documentaries on this topic however, and there are some highly respected doctors involved in this field of study. I hope to visit New Mexico this winter to poke around for artifacts, arrowheads, gold, aliens, whatever. Is this area where you had this experience on the military base or public lands?

Public lands in the Santa Fe National Forest. I can't remember the exact location. I'm sure my brother would know though.

Man that's intense, don't you ever get the feeling it's not over yet? It's like you just know you will encounter this thing again.

I've wondered. I always do look up in the sky at night and wonder.

For some reason I feel there is unfinished business. I was not too far from where you were, maybe a 100 miles or so. It's not like "if" I will see it again but more of a when and where will this happen again. Before this I used to want to see something but when things get real, it starts to get scary.

The best place to see something in my opinion is where the people are not. Deep in the forests or places where hikers just don't go. Good Luck and be careful out there. Cheers.

This is awesome and I believe you would not make it up I am always wondering about aliens and if they really exists. Perhaps you should go up there again sometime and see what happens perhaps take photos.

I would love to go back there, with a lot of people. Beautiful place. The one experience wasn't the greatest but would love to go back.

I f you go I would like to go with if I can afford it :-)

It was a very interesting story. Thank you!

Thanks for reading. I appreciate it. Cheers.

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