Byteball FREE Airdrop to ALL Steemit Accounts!

in #byteball6 years ago (edited)

Hi to all my followers and fellow Steemians! Just wanted to check and see if you got those free Byteball tokens that Byteball is giving for free to every person on Steemit.


You No Longer need to ask anyone to send you some bytes for the attestation process! Now simply use My Link:
to download your wallet, then do the attestation process which remains the same.

You can verify this change by reading Byteballs announcement on Medium:

Also Note this change:
Rewards for the rep 30–40 and 40–50 brackets have been halved to combat the profitability of buying upvotes to boost your reputation.


The official Steemit company blog mentioned it here:

and the post from Byteball is here:

The amount you get is based on your rep as you can see here:

Steem reputation above 30: you get a $10 reward (now $5)
Steem reputation above 40: you get a $20 reward (now $10)
Steem reputation above 50: you get a $40 reward
Steem reputation above 60: you get a $80 reward
Steem reputation above 70: you get a $160 reward

All rewards are paid in Bytes and may be subject to changes particularly for the lower reputation scores.

Your reward is split 50/50 between cash and a smart contract. This means that 50% of the reward is spendable immediately and the other 50% is paid to a smart contract that can be unlocked after one year.

And Byteball is going UP a lot today!

Just wanted to make sure you heard about this, so you can get this free token! I got my $80 worth of Byteballs today ( which are Already UP in value, and just helped 2 Steemit friends get their Byteballs ( and I wanted to make sure everyone else knows about it too.

If you have any questions or need any help, just ask! Have a Great Day!


Hello everyone!

You No Longer need to pay an attestation fee, so you no longer have to ask anyone to send you bytes! I have edited the post above, with this New Information.

Just follow My Link to Byteball, and I will be your referrer. Thanks!

I’ve also already registered and it is very amazing apps.. Thank you @kenny-crane for sharing this info.. I think all steemian are keen to get this byteball.. and they will happy after got this app.
#sharing is caring...

Thanks for sharing. I've smashed the upvote button for you!

Also, if you are looking to get some tokens without investing or mining check out Crowdholding ( They are a co-creation platform were you get rewarded for giving feedback to crypto startups on the platform. You can earn Crowdholding's token as well as DeepOnion, ITT, Smartcash and many other ERC-20 tokens.

Exciting news, @kenny-crane, thanks, for alerting us to it!

Having trouble figuring it out; can I ask for your help, please?

Of course I can help! :)

Basically you will have to install a program on your computer, or app on your phone, which will be the wallet to hold your new byte tokens from Byteball. The program has other features too, such as a chat and the ability to back up the wallet which is always a good idea.

Then you will link your steemit account to your new byteball account which you get when you install the program. This linking is done through an attestation process to prove that you own the steem account that you are linking to your byteball account.

The official process is detailed here: but be aware that that post has so many comments that it can take up to a minute or more to finish loading in your browser!

Step Number 1 is to download and install a Byteball wallet, which you will find here: Under the picture of the phone, you will see several icons. I suggest installing on a computer. Mine is Windows but yours may be Mac.

Once you have the program installed, you will need a small amount of bytes to pay for the attestation process. I will gladly send you those bytes. So will anyone else, because whoever sends you the bytes Also receives a good amount of bytes as a reward for helping you! If you want to ask someone else for the bytes, of course that's fine, but if you ask me, I'll send you some. :)

But first you need the wallet to be installed to receive these bytes. Then you will see a Receive button at the bottom of the wallet. Clicking that will show your byteball wallet address, which you can copy and paste as a reply here if you do want me to send you some bytes.

Once you have the bytes, then you can do the attestation process, which goes pretty quickly, in just a few steps, which we can talk about next. First thing is to get a wallet, if you decide to do this. By the way, at your rep level, you will be receiving $80 worth of Byteball bytes! Half will be available immediately, and you could send them to Bittrex or other exchanges, sell for Bitcoin, then move that to your checking account through a Gateway like Coinbase for example. I already did this with a little of the bytes I got, and I can attest that it can easily be cashed out. The other half is locked in a smart contract and becomes available to you in one year.

Any other questions, let me know. If needed, I can help you during the entire process with a phone call. I'm here to help! :)

Hi Kenny. I've downloaded my Byteball wallet. Would like to take up your kind offer for some bytes to - BQDOAXLFKCFRZXJ4YUIM6ICJ6WWOPUXS

Thank you

Thanks, so much, Kenny, for taking the time to walk me through all that! (I tried, repeatedly, with page you mentioned but it kept hanging...) Anyhow, I've downloaded the wallet per your instructions & excited about next step. You're a gent to be so helpful; I'm a bit of a technophobe and appreciate the hand holding :)

Glad to help! If you have downloaded the wallet, I assume you were able to install it. But if not, if you have any issues on getting it installed, I can help with that too.

If you have installed it, you can now open the program and click Receive on the menu at the bottom. That will show a screen that includes a QR Code graphic and under that should be your wallet address. You can copy and paste that in here, or email me it at kenny[at] and I will put 600,000 bytes into your wallet which is more than enough to cover the attestation fee.

All the following is the attestation process - You will click Chat in that bottom menu, then click the Bot Store tab, click Steem Attestation bot, then click Add.

The app will start a conversation with the bot, and the bot will tell you what to do next. You will be asked to send the bot your Byteball address, which you can tell it by clicking the blue button on the bottom left with three dots in it, and selecting Insert my address, then click the send button at the right of the chat area, Not the Send button in the bottom menu! The send button is blue with a kind of triangle in it.

The bot then gives you more instruction. In there will be a link to pop up Steem Connect in a browser tab. That is a tool developed by one of the steemit developers and used by everyone to sign into steemit from some app that is not steemit. It is safe to use; I have researched it. You will enter your steemit name and password there. I think the button at the bottom of Steem Connect says Sign In or something similar.

A message in the browser will then tell you that you have connected you steemit name to your byteball account. You can close that tab now.

Back in the Byteball app, it will now ask you first, public or private name (choose public so people can use your steemit name to find you on Byteball) and second, to pay the attestation and it will have a link right after that. Click the link and it will take you to the Send functionality and will prefill the fields. Just click Send.

That's it, you should now have $40 worth of Byteball bytes in your "small expense" wallet, and another $40 in a smart contract that unlocks in one year! You can do whatever you want with the $40. Hold, sell it and buy Steem and power that up, or whatever you decide!

Any questions, please ask. I'll check Steemit again a little later, as I always do. I'll answer any questions once I see them.

As I said, before you can do the attest part, I will need to send you the bytes to pay the fee. So when you reach that part of the process, as I described above, get your Byteball address to me here or by email and I'll send you what you need.

Have a great night!

I acknowledge receipt of bytes from you into my Byteball wallet. Many thanks Kenny.

I'm glad you got the bytes you need to do the attestation process!

But actually I've been sleeping so it wasn't me who sent them. Several people on Steemit have created bots to look for Byteball addresses in posts and comments, and they will send bytes to whoever asks, so I think that is what occurred here.

If you have any questions on the attestation process, please feel free to ask. :)

Thank you.I did get a bit confused,but the bytes appeared in my byteball account and I've sent them to Bittrex.Now want to sell them for Bitcoin

I'm glad you got the bytes! I sold a little yesterday and they are up a little today. $130 seems to be a fair price but you can wait and see what the future brings. Good luck on your trade!

Wow, it's been a while since I saw you post anything :) And thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'm off to download the wallet!

I thought it was important for everyone to know that we are being given a new Free token, if we just go and get it. :)

If you have any questions, please let me know. You will need someone to give you some bytes, and I will give you some if you ask. If you want me to give you some bytes, please send me your Byteball wallet address in DIscord and I'll send them to you! If you already got some from someone else, that's fine too! :)

Sorry about the late reply. I just did that! Ah, I got some bytes from @broncnutz. Thanks for the offer :)

oh really its a great news thank you for share this :)

This is an opportunity for every steemian ,very very to do no stress at all.

Thanks for writing on that topic so that more steemian will benefit .

I've just registered and got my byteball wallet today. I recommended all steemians to take this opportunity to get some additional $. Its good that you are sharing this info @kenny-crane.

Byteball is new in steemit , hope everyone in steemit can take the opportunity to register ...

Oh wow... I registered 3 days ago but only today i figured out why I can't received msg in the chat room. Now i understand the concept... only a bit. LOL. Anyway, thanks for this useful info...

If you need any help, please let me know! :)

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