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RE: Steem Life Post HF22(21) #NewSteem

in #busy5 years ago

I've been told before that I don't know when to quit.

I've also had friends tell me if I do something I do it all the way...

The group of goons in slack hardly seem like the CIA... but who knows.

I don't need this to work. I want it to though. Not sure how or if the CIA is benefiting from my account .

They haven't told me.

Or are you saying I am a bot too?


A bot? no - but I have long wondered if you are a contractor - a key thing being that whatever the subject you swing both ways and hold no strong opinion.

Almost everyone has quit, most of the remaining accounts are fake, and you are doing posts about how great this hardfork is. Nobody voicing a genuine personal opinion would think that - they all think like this:

(PS. Note that since the hardforks I'm mainly upvoting my own comments rather than other people's, to prevent flagging - but that is not how a platform works)

Not once will you find a place where I have said I am excited about the hardfork.

What I did say, is that I will make the best of it and give it a chance to work.

I am excited about NewSteem. It might turn out like New Coke. Not much better, but if we sit around here fighting with ourselves..

Where does that get us.

I have plenty of strong opinions, I just don't have the annoying need to press my personal views on everyone else.

I'm comfortable in my own skin. I am fine with people agreeing and disagreeing with me.

I'll explain my point of view and you can take it or leave it.

Insisting that I think like am immature angry person who is losing, is odd. When I don't know how to make something work... I keep trying.

We have a long history on Steemit, and I have never said anything like this to any other person here - if I'm being up front with you now it's because I am sure that in any kind of mind games you can take me to pieces.

I suspect you are not what have previously told me you are (a mother in your mid 50's who lives in a caravan and only does Steemit as a hobby) - rather I think you are using this platform in some professional capacity - if nothing else the time and attention you spend on technical blockchain geek stuff just doesn't match well with your life story.

After hardfork 20 I tried a positive approach, but nearly all my friends quit - this time round I've basically accepted that it's all some kind of psyop, and I can't win this, but I'd still like to work out a few more things, hence the itch I need to scratch.

Team leader or hobbyist?

You realize I spent my career in management right?

Things broke, people scrambled to pick them up.

lol, about living in the caravan.

We sold our house suddenly and moved into the RV while we decided where to live. :) haha The husband is a couple of years away from retirement. Seemed like a reasonable option, until we settle. It wasn't out of poverty or anything.

I'm an ex start-up exec from the .com tech era. I love this stuff.

I was/am semi-retired, the kids are grown... I have the time I have the interest. I don't need the income.

This project has the potential or had the potential to be the biggest opportunity most here have ever seen. We've squandered much of that.

Now I'm emotionally invested.

I love crypto, I love tech, I don't understand all the details, but I like to know how things work.

:) Haven't you ever worked on something because you love it?

Yes I have, and like you I thought Steemit could really be quite something.

But it has totally crashed and is unlikely to recover - and a key thing is that has been done very deliberately, with large groups of powerful accounts initially encouraging new members, then later driving them off the platform.

In many cases the accounts fighting each other are all fake accounts most likely run by CIA contractors - play both sides is standard psyop tactics...

You almost had me convinced once, but I'm to exposed to them. You give them too much credit.

Maybe Ned and Dan who knows, but the stakeholders are guys who were able to sit at their computers and figure out broken instructions to mine. When Steemit inc restarted the mine they had a the patience and the time to sit there and do it again. :) Have you ever hung out with computer geeks? It's like a puzzle to them and it makes totaly sense they love crypto.

Since they had the time and the patience to mine it under difficult situations, it's pretty easy to guess why they have no clue how to build the social side. These are not socially well adjusted individuals. Nor are they dumbies they are highly intelligent and really bad at leadership and relationships. That's why they were mining. :) Also they have some Dunning Kruger effect... since they know they are smart, they don't realize there is a difference between being smart and being good at people and management. I don't think I am smarter than them, I just think I have more relavent experience on the building a young product side.

The odds are slim and getting slimmer, I can't help myself from trying to push it a bit longer though. There is hope and here is why..

Crypto is young, when a huge crowd comes in it will not matter. Half the battles here are personality issues and people being stubborn. Most of the problems would fall away in a strong market with a larger group of people. I'm going to ride it until the next pump in crypto. I acknowledge we might have fallen too far out of the spot light.

I know it's arrogant, but if I had more influence, I feel like I know a lot of what we need to do, and how to do it.

I think you've nailed it. But because of the fact that STEEM was mined, it will not be considered a security at any point. Less chance of legal trouble unlike some projects.

The spotlight issue can be turned around once the technical and the product side are ready. Steem is constantly near the top in stuff like development activity. The price is currently completely out of whack with that.

Yeah, the question of whether it's not deliberate at all, and they are just total social retards, does keep raising it's head - but when you are saying flagging is a way to improve things, I'm utterly perplexed - you know it's not good... don't you?

Remember writing this?

I will probably never understand what I've seen here in the past three years but I really need to quit again like I did seven months ago.

I've done new tech before. It's messy. It's not for everyone. If you can't handle messy, if you can't handle change and yes even some corruption you should quit again.

I'm never going to beg you to stay. I enjoy your perspective.

I don't care that it is imperfect and broken. If you do care... act accordingly.

At one point I had around 50 Kiwi Steemit friends - now apart from me nearly ALL of them have totally quit (two are still occasionally posting comments) - I gave it quite a shot - and the stuff you post perplexes me the most of the lot - this is well beyond imperfect - this is a smoking wreck.

And yet here you are day after day.... I still think you are missing one very important market indicator.

You claim to hate steem and Lucy... and many others.. and here you are everyday.

We are in a bear market of Alt coins. We are a young product with a lot of issues.

You wait when the market turns around to see how fast the rest reappear. :)

I'll be here. You are ignoring your own behavior while you question mine..

And that is why I still believe in Steem

This place has no real characters left - with the odd exceptions of course.

It's getting blander by the week, from what I see..

Nobody voicing a genuine personal opinion would think that -

You grilled that spot on.


cia contractor?
Have you considered investing in aluminum for all those hats you need?

Funny he brought that weird as it sounds. Years ago I made a similar statement on another blog site. It just seemed so totally unreal that extremely highly intelligent people were engaging with such idiots....which made the thought enter my head that maybe some blog sites are set up by intelligence agencies to draw out radicals....I admit at the time I was a moderator on a site that did a lot of middle eastern stuff but I don't think it's totally impossible of a probability.

I guess aluminium isn't a bad prospect - it's used in all the vaccinations that are used to make kids autistic...

i hear it is also in deodorant... the investor case grows.

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Ah the name calling twat that everyone hates, anymore cliche bollox you want to add Mr normal? Boring asshole?

oh look, ms congeniality found a way out from under the rock.
did you get a boo boo or did someone piss in your wheaties to make you so humourless.

This whole shit show on here works wonders towards making even the happiest soul miserable, enjoy, I am not coming back, and you may well like that fact. :-)

For the most part, I'm pretty neutral on who stays and who leaves.

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