You can keep it, good luck

in #idiots5 years ago

Honestly you had a chance to make things better, not mirror the shit show.
Steeemit sucks big time now, I will not be back.

What a shower of shit that runs this place with lap dogs woof fucking woof!

You will not get it, if you are a zombie!


Same Fork, different day. My vote dropped by 40%, how does that happen? The price of Steem didn't drop 40% now did it? Hope things work out where ever you end up going. Take care bud.

What do you want? LOL sounds very much like this place eh!

Oh look my vote is worth shite now, and eh, lets celebrate my payments went down too. And I thought poli-ticians were bad, this place sucks big dogs bollox now!

Woof woof!

I wish I never came back, this place is toxic from the top down, except a few like you!

I'm just being a mosquito until my long gruelling powerdown is complete. Fuck steem it's kiss assery and it's worthless coin...

I try to just focus on the handful of non shills but they are few and far between... It's mostly idiots or those desperately hoping they can do some damage control on their investment into a ponzi scheme...

more like bunch of deluded fuck ups, who dare not speak the truth, or their paymasters will not vote for them shit show. Fuck steem and this whole mess.

I can not say I blame you, and this is why steem is worth fuck all when btc is worth 11k!.

Yeah I take it for what it is, try not to get too involved. There are things that annoy me but I don’t have the time or energy to dwell on it. Keep up those motor bikes my friend! Will check in with you from time to time!

I can't disagree with the fact it is disheartening to see what happened to so many small accounts while the big account holders are right back over on trending doing the same thing they did before. I am not agreeing that either way, small or large what they were doing was right but this move sure didn't help in that regard. I couldn't even imagine being half way to dolphin and becoming worthless more or less. I am SURE GLAD I didn't invest money in the platform, I am patting myself on the back for that...I can't tell you how many times I came close to caving in and giving my license information to the exchanges to buy a hundred steem here and there, it'd all went down the drain.

And they encourage theft by flagging, sound like any form of shite government via tax yet?

Actually someone higher up did refer to the ten percent off the top as a tax, some decentralization huh?

Steemit is registered as a corporation, say no more.

ps...what do they call that?....a circle jerk?

It's a crazy place here alright I do hope you pop in now and say to say hello. Was great to have you back for the shirt time. Take care mate👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Disgusting is it not, and even more so that people actually agree with this shit show!

I have been suggesting we all unvote any witnesses we voted who are in the top 30.

If we choose 30 witnesses from the list after the top 30 (I chose one who is at 85), it will mess them up far more than all our comments can.

You want to leave? Do you think they care? They keep getting new they keep opening new accounts for themselves, so they can keep voting for themselves so as to grow wealthier, even if the coin is at the bottom end of the market.

When they claimed that only they, the 'curators' (that word sure is a joke, isn't it?) are valuable, not us creators of posts, this was what they meant. So, how about us showing them we are important, for we can vote in new blood and maybe some of them will not want to play ball with the older witnesses and force a change?

Someone said, you can only bring about change if you are an optimist; pessimists just give up. That is how I feel.

Now...has anybody got any 'outsiders' worth us voting as witnesses? That is my problem, I do not know who to vote for (Ah, keep in mind, when you unvote someene, you are not reducing their position by one vote, for you are giving your vote to someone else, which gives your one vote the power of two votes - but for it to be strongest, we must all vote for the same weirdos).

As for losses this week, I have lost nearly 20 Steem, without any flags - that I can find. The week before, I lost about 30 Steem thanks to flagging from that miserable sod and his follow-on accounts who names himself after the most dangerous of the marxist politicians in the USA. Who cares, 50Steem is only $10 (if that) let's say I paid for someone to have a cup of coffee :) (yes, I know, $10 is expensive for a coffee in my country, but even here, if you want chemicals put in to turn the drinker into a soyboy, it costs a bit extra)

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