Let's Talk About Tribes and Tags and Downvotes

in #busy5 years ago (edited)

Over the last few days I've seen a lot of conversation about DownVotes and Tribes.


I think most people who use any of the Steem front-ends could agree that lack of curation has been a contributing problem with the users' enjoyment of Steem.

Many of the Tribes are trying really hard to get a clean start with distribution, curation and higher-end content.

If we want better content we will have to curate.

Things you can do to support this effort of getting some great tribes up and running...

  1. Know the tag and the rules. If you aren't clear, don't use the tag, it really is that simple
  2. If you use a tag and end up getting downvoted accept it and move on, the last thing we need to do is to reinforce the idea that downvotes are bad.
  3. Help curate Downvote and remind others to use the tags well also.
  4. Be polite if you leave a message after a downvote
  5. If you are really uncomfortable handle it by letting someone moderating in the community know.

If you don't care about curating content, and I know many of you don't... Just continue to do what you do, but don't expect others to clean up for you.

The users on STEEM are used to having very low standards so it is going to be a shock for some. Expect some backlash.

Downvotes are a part of curation, abuse protection and not personal in most cases.

Personally, I am using this account to curate across all platforms, so if I downvote you on one platform it will impact all of your tags.

My future vision of Steem is a Blockchain token with little inflation and SMTs and Scot Tokens for rewards for various Dapps. It is not an effective long-term tool for content rewards. This transition will happen gradually.

My favorite tribes are:
Creativecoin.xyz - CCC
Stemgeeks.net - STEM

Which are your favorite?

I am stacking what I get and taking curation seriously! I hope you will to.



#palnet - I think and I feel this as a type of BTC, I mean it's the Alpha of all Scot Tokens!
#neoxian - It's all about @neoxian
Those are my cool tags and using #zzan and #marlians, honestly I have no good idea about them :D



Did something happen. Not sure where your rant is coming from?



Sheesh, Dude, you need to take a chill pill. Do you know that newsteem post had 540 comments and 1000s of tags.

So, I'm sorry I missed your video, but chill the fuck out.

Thanks for supporting the movement and next time, try.. Hey Whatsup did you see my video? :)



Haha, Forgiven.


Can I repost it with you as the beneficiary?

Lol... yes you can

You've got DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to steem-engine.com.

Personally, I am using this account to curate across all platforms, so if I downvote you on one platform it will impact all of your tags.

This is unfortunate. As long as no UI supports voting differently using different staked tokens, there is no choice but to use multiple accounts. Fortunately, SteemPeak supports switching between accounts.

My future vision of Steem is a Blockchain token with little inflation and SMTs and Scot Tokens for rewards for various Dapps. It is not an effective long-term tool for content rewards. This transition will happen gradually.

I agree with this.

{there is no choice but to use multiple accounts} https://economicstudio.github.io/vp/?a=markkujantunen&t=LEO
On right you can see Vote weight multiplier:
Just click on it (uses KeyChain)

not sure how the down vote thing works yet, have only just started to play with this.

credit to blockchainstudio

Well, my stake is pretty even. In the platforms I care about I would be about a dolphin anywhere. So, hopefully it works out, I'm already juggling 3 accounts with the curation account and DRAMA. I'm just not going to do more.

I agree, there's enough work managing one account, I made an alt for @actifit posts and I hardly have time to keep an eye on what's happening there. I'm still trying out the tribes 😊

I'm glad you have some thick skin, cause it looks to me like you are going to need it!

Also. So far so good. Keep on keeping on.

Yeah, I do have thick skin. :)

People mention that to me.

Thanks for the support!

so if I downvote you on one platform it will impact all of your tags.

Same here so I really hope people are being careful. It's not my problem if they lose more than they bargained for and I'm certainly not going to go out of my way to make several accounts just to make their life easier.

It's a simple concept. Do the right thing.

Every downvote I gave out in CCC so far, I started with an apology and a direct note stating what's happening. I've had no problems with backlash. All but one was respectful and some even vote for my posts now. Wtf that's all about, I - don't - know.

I usually leave an explanation and in most cases I'm very polite. I rarely get revenge downvotes and if I do, I just let the moment pass.

Yup, just ignore the tantrums.

Yeah I think the explanation is the way to go. Hopefully will lead to a change in behaviour if the person specifically knows why they were downvoted.

I think that the apology and polite explanation of the reason for the downvote is what makes all the difference. Most of the time, the downvotes I come across have no explanation behind them. In fact, the ones I've copped have been from accounts which just seem to be one a downvote rampage and pretty random. I don't think they have a reason for their downvotes, other than that they are upset about something with the system.

If I go to the steemit trending page and downvote, 7 times out of 10, all of my posts and comments will get downvoted. Those people are babies. So annoying.

Being extra gentle does help... but not on steemit's trending page.

I guess the trending page needs to be downvoted from multiple angles then. Enough people downvote and they'll have to spread their votes thinner and might end up with low VP and low value votes.

Posted using Partiko Android

Or we just have to suck up the backlash for a while.

Do what is right, regardless.

My favourite Tribes are #palnet, #creativecoin, #int and #mediaoffcials.

Posted using Partiko Android

people are busy using all the tags and don't even know which tribe is about which one kind of hard to let all of them know but one has to start

I'm already seeing 'tag spam'. I really hope people don't abuse the tag system. Hopefully there'll be a significant group of people policing it with downvotes. Oh and I kind of forgot that downvoting will downvote on all tokens that are staked. Good point. Hopefully as that knowledge gets out people will be more incentivised to not 'tag spam' nor otherwise breaks the rules of the communities.

I've staked three tribes (PAL, LEO, CCC), as I like the idea behind them and hope they will flourish into the future.

People dont curate cos its easier to delegate and earn rewards that way with no work. Allgood if they delegate to @steemhunt @actifit etc as they pay back to the community. However most bots are just greedy and dont help

I still think that people will take downvotes personally, it is just a matter of human psychology. That is why in the centralized social media there are no "dislike buttons". The idea is good though.

Youtube has downvotes.

If there is money involved and there is, we have to be able to fight abuse.

We should have been doing better all along.

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