Check out the Classy Behavior Of the Dstors Crew on my post!

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

So, I made post commenting how dstors isn't building anything on the steem blockchain...

I reminded people that didn't work out well for Steem with Dlive.

These guys freaked the hell out!

Flagging, getting mad, calling me names and carrying on...

Many of our own whales are supporting this which allocates

80% of Dstore tokens go to Dstore.
10% of Dstore tokens go to Bitshares.
10% of Dstore tokens go to SP Delegators, Gifting, Drops & Shares.

This post will be short lived because I am getting flagged by Haejin, Starjuno and ranchodeluxe .

When if this were a legitimate business there would be no need for this reaction... All they would have to do would be to state their business case.

Let me tell you where we are at..
The have no site.
The white paper sucks
And they can't answer simple questions without freaking out

Good Luck everyone.... I hope you know what you are supporting.


Totally, unacceptable. I had high hopes for dStors this IS NOT how you handle this situation. Customers/investors have 100 % right to question what the project is and what it is doing ! Hopefully, they come back with an apology and clarification on what the hell is going on. Geesh.

Edit: A much more even toned response by @Kaliju here .

I think dStors also have full right to counter what was literally a conniving, negatively biased writeup. Also, laden with an insult in comparing dStors to dLive. That was uncalled for....for sure! And yet, @whatsup did exactly that.

Absolutely @haejin, they should have pointed out how their product would help steem and let their investors know.

The also could even say.. Gosh we feel insulted by the way you compared us to dlive, here is how we are different... That's what business people would do.

They should have just acted like business people instead of Scammers caught in the act.

They are not scammers. What they need is a chance...a badly needed chance without heckles or negative biased writeups that clearly will hurt their chances.

I can clearly see these guys truly want to make Steem a success. They are not doing this to hurt Steem.

It's the only initiative I've seen so far that is not backed by whales or Stinc....but ALL community.

Give these hard working bastards a chance...that's all they need.

Your biased article does not help. You should have first talked to the CEO, to @derangedvision...not just ask a question and capture it and twist it to your purpose. That was mean and uncalled for.

Had you taken the genuine time to truly sit down with the team and express your concerns to them prior to your negatively biased post, you would have had a much better outlook and understanding. Clearly, that did not happen.

In this horrible bear market, chances stoked by encouragement and unbiased posts will be the best thing that can help to help revive Steem.

They are doing something different but positive, I feel and see it and obviously many in the community too...they are advocating for-profit ventures to be nurtured by Steem. And this could provide a deep root for Steem to rely on to rise above all other blockchains.

That's not how the world works. when you make a project and ask for investors, people get to review your business plan and figure out whether or not it is a good idea to invest in.

The tokens for a site that is not yet built actually are promising they are funding bots to upvote people out of our reward pool for a token that sits on bitshares and is owned by whaleshares.

How is that a win for Steem? Maybe you could ask your friends to mansplain that to me.

Your lens of the world is then not healthy. I almost feel sorry for you.

Whether you approve or not, matters none, clearly.

Owned by whaleshares? You haven't a clue about what you are talking about. You say you've read the white paper...but again, your lens is thick as a coke bottle.

As I understand it, you need to seek these answers from the team which as all know, you did not take the initiative to do. Instead, you accused and now you feel justified to wait for dStors to defend. That is not a technique that fosters discussion but reaction.

I hope they won't fall into your furtive and yet pugnacious trap.

If you were a reporter on my paper, I would have fired you on the spot for zero standards.

"All we ask for is to not ask quesions." Any Question other than related to our great STEEM beneficiary program is contra productive and therefore bad for all of us. stop it whatsup.

I don't work for you. I don't work for Steem. I just reminded the community that this isn't a Steem project.

Instead of insulting me over and over please do line out how it will help Steem in the future?

I don't care if you respect me or not
or if you like me or if you think I am a bitch.
I haven't attacked you personally once.

Please do tell how this benefits the Steem Community and why you are so mad?

I left a comment on your other post that gave a few reasons they will benefit the chain. I will outline one more here.

Many feel that crypto will replace fiat. I don't see it as it currently stands as the barometer for the value of crypto is in fiat, there are very limited uses for real life purchasing with crypto. The masses are wary of crypto, and if there is ever to be mass adoption it will come from a model such as this that allows for Both to be used on the same platform. This will allow crypto to be like a house currency, similar to what Binance does with their coin. IF, and this is the heart of the matter, if they are able to gain buyers and sellers (I mentioned in my other comment why this may happen) who are not crypto users, this could be an important doorway that allows them to jump in without the headaches of using an exchange. That is a huge impediment for many not willing to use crypto.

As Steemit was my doorway into crypto, this endeavor could be the doorway for many more, as many don't wish to blog, but many do wish to buy and sell. I mentioned in my other comment that Ebay was ruined as a peer to peer site by Meg Whitman and John Donahoe. There are many sellers who long for something to replace them that is truly peer to peer.

I understand that you are Steem focused. I respect you (which is not easy to come by with me), and hope that you will consider the dynamics I pointed out. I don't get excited over most of the projects announced here, but this one excites me to no end, despite my not having any power to delegate to them. If they are successful, it will be part of their history that it was with Steem backing they pull this off.

Why the fuck are you asking me the questions you should be asking, no, SHOULD HAVE ASKED dStors before posting, in a collegial, professional discussion? Duh!

Yeah, that's should have asked these questions to the dStors team IN ADVANCE of your post writing. Wouldn't you think that would have been the better way?

You don't seem to be having much smarts upstairs, young lady!!

As Archie Bunker often said, there are too many meatheads walking around.

Sorry to pitch in betwen.... @haejin the intention is pretty clear when they are upvoting own photography contest posts with dstors delegated SP rather than a dstors promotional post

Posted using Partiko Android

What steem said, also personal posts.

I disagree.
Please site what you are talking about; because I read the post and did NOT interpret it that way.

I think he raised concerns, but I would not call that "uncalled for". New projects SHOULD be met with a healthy dose of skepticism. If you want to invest go for it. but when someone else is not investing and sharing his concerns... well that is NOT a personal attack against the project (as I see it)

@haejin, this is fine and they have replied back to someone with valid questions in a very hostile manner. No need for it even if whatsup was coming at them in a certain way. Negative write-ups are going to happen that is life really. Hopefully, things can be fixed.

Yeah flagging for this is very child like.

What she said 👆🏽

That is what upvote is for silly.

I did 🤣🥃

I was teasing qaqa


Let me read these comments....."truce"

The community got two set of bullies! Now you are dealing with one of them! You got my 100% support anytime, I know I am not a whale or a dolphin! But you got me against such bullies!


Thank you I always appreciate you!


Thanks for this public service announcement. I respect your integrity and am looking forward to your continued success here on steemit.

Thanks for everything that you do bud.

So I am not the only one that hasn't bought into the dstores idea.

Well done for speaking out and telling others. We need better allocation of resources, I am delegating to projects that I think are bringing real value with proven teams. I pulled back my delegation from dstores when every post I read bout dstores was full of enthusiasm and no details.

Exactly and their website is not up and doesn’t work. Hey, we all want whale backing and if it’s not working and if someone looks at the white paper and finds that it’s not tied to steem I know I welcome This info. For Some
People it won’t matter and they love wls and this is great. many are making good stake on wls.

Steem is risky enough as an investment, wls is a step too far for my risk appetite

Hey @kabir88 let me know any better delegation option that can benefit me....observing few thing now I wanted to back off..they are not sticking to what disclosed in their white paper...

Posted using Partiko Android

You can check who I delegate to via steemworld.

At the moment, I am very excited about @share2steem, their MVP is working and live and I have seen people posting from twitter and earning on steem for their tweets.

I even tried the sign up process myself to make sure it works.

It can do with improvements, but even in its basic form, I like the way it allows existing social media users to have a leg in the steem boat. Much easier transition for users.

Their account creation process is also quick and easy to follow.

Finally, they also pay a decent APR for the steem delegation that is made to them


Exactly... no details, fuzzy logic, fuzzy math... the whole project... is really just an idea.

Admittedly a great idea with no substance.

When an ecosystem is struggling, we need to focus on the essentials; keeping the blockchain working and fixing bugs; onboarding more users that add value; supporting projects that have clear objective and have proven value.

I am not reading posts everyday from people on steem, asking how to operate commerce on the blockchain. I just don't see the demand for this at the moment

I was concerned about the lack of professionalism and personal attack, it's not what I expect to see from the sponsors of a business proposal, especially one of this scale and seeking the support of investors.

But I am confused: on the website it says @dstors is (will be) "powered by the steem blockchain" but the response to @whatsup in the Open Forum says that it will be a separate website and as revenue and profits increase it will consider becoming truly decentralised. I'd like some clarity about this - is it going to be powered by the steem blockchain or not, and if not, please be explicit and consistent about that.

Given recent discussions in the State of Steem Forums, I'd also welcome some clarity about how @dstors is going to help sustain the Steem price. The model seems to be about aggregating SP to reward buyers and sellers who can then cash out. What fiat investment is behind dstors?

They are not building on the blockchain, they are not interfacing with the blockchain. The token dstors will reside on Bitshares and also they will be rewarding end users of Whaleshares as well.

I look forward to your review.

You are my muse for working out my editing software....
You are my first gif..... ever!
Not Tarantino yet - but I'm getting there....slowly...verrrrry ....slowly....


I'm not sure why it doesn't paste directly into here....(can anyone help on that score, please?)

Now you “borrow” the word muse from me? Wth

...I think that you will find that if you check your time stamp, ....ti's you who is the usurper! !!!

Holy hell!!! This was all brought to my attention by a post from @practicalthought, and after checking out the comment section- I don't know why anyone would have any faith in them. That was the trashiest shit I've ever seen! Voice a concern and some reasonable questions and get called a bitch, a wench, and creepily hit on, WTF??

You handled yourself beautifully, for a positive side note :)

Why thank you, I almost got caught up a few times. I had to remind myself to remain calm. :)

I think you got caught up at exactly the right moments- even your Fuck You was well placed LOL- dude's response to that though WHAT??? Where did that even come from? Ewww, haha!!

I'm waiting to see how the project plays out now. It sounds like a good project in theory but having large backers attack people like this can only damage their reputation. Reading the responses in the comments and personal attacks is a very bad way to promote any project. It's only fair to question and challenge a large project like this backed by the community and if they are a solid project should have no problem answering anything in a professional and prompt manner.

Now I know that he is a delegator and not a partner so the responses are not from dstors but they should be able to communicate by themselves and hopefully learn a few lessons from what has happened with steemit Inc and the community.

Posted using Partiko Android

This post received hefty flags from all three of Haejin's big accounts. His actions and words are abusive and the business plan is to build a site and give out tokens that can be cashed in for Steem Votes. lol, how is that a win for Steem?

My red flag is the project is backed by Haejin... Nuff said for me.

Even though he had shown some improvements, the flagging of contrary opinions resumes. Guess he didn't learn enough last time.

Looks like your prompted them to show their true colors. I don't know if that was intentional but, if so, that's like you're playing some 3D chess.

Yep, that is a red flag for me too

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