Why I Never Liked the Health Care system [ Personal Story about my Mother]

in #busy7 years ago


I just came back from the mountains, fresh and filled with happiness, it was truly an amazing adventure which I will share with you all in my next publication but right now I wanted to share what happened when I came back. This is a personal family story that has been going on for quite some years now and I decided its best if I share it here, someone might think twice about something in the future related to health care.

The Story

I will keep it short.

Six years ago my mother became ill, she started fainting for no reason and since that day she has been unable to work. From that day forward my family has seen some hardship but we managed to go by thanks to my father. He has made so many sacrifices for the family, working day and night before I started working.

Once my mother became ill she has visited countless of doctors and hospitals and has been given countless of prescriptions for a wide range and variety of pills, including anti depressants and other heavy stuff.

The truth is that till this day forth we don't really know whats wrongs with her. She is quite fine when she is at home but as soon as she starts to do any labor, things go wrong.

What Happened Today

Today we went to have her do some Health checks and something strange showed. It seems that she had generated a small tumor that wasn't there before. Seems that it had formed as she took so much medication. the countless pills didn't do anything for six years and now she has to go through an operation to get the tumor out. Good thing its not life threatening, although this isn't the main topic I wanted to discuss.

The doctor

We visited a private hospital which is covered by the health insurance we pay monthly. The doctor that checked my mom told her she had a tumor and had to be operated ASAP, in the meanwhile he bragged about how he was the best doctor in the Country that deals with this sort of stuff. He told us a fixed price before starting to brag about himself, afterwards telling us a different price.

The thing is that the Health Insurance should have the operation covered and totally free, although the professional doctor had a different point of view regarding that.


I just wanted to share with you all that the Health Care system has turned to shit these days and some people would milk you for your money, caring little to nothing about your health. The dude told us it was some extreme shit that she was going through and he rushed us, afterwards we found out things were perfectly fine and non life threatening.

Thanks for reading

I didn't add any pictures to this post, because I don't like any medical pictures



People unfriended me in facebook long time ago because i could only shit on western approach, they are good life savers. That's it. Feel like starting a rant here but will hold my horses. The original problem of your mother is nothing for an allopathic docter, she should see indian ayurvedic indeed, or chinese, anything except allopathic really. Hope she recovers well.

'Health care' is strange term for system that is not design for keeping people healthy. Mind game with words to convince people that it is health system. Wish you and your mom all the best!

Thank you brother ! I wish you the same in return. And it is quite true what you said.

Is your mom open to alternative healing methods? Not only healing, also researching causes of illness when western medicine don't have the answer. I know few people which used ayurveda and similar alternatives to find what is the cause of their condition and after that healing with

Yeah, not really into western style stuff, but she does try to follow some Bulgarian traditional methods on healing with herbs and stuff. She's getting better for now. Hope even better after the tumor is gone.

Good luck man! I know it is hard when you have that situation hanging over your had. If it is help, you can always talk to Steemit community. What I saw there is some wonderful people here.

Will pray for your mom. Health care today is driven by profit! All you have to do is look at the doctor's cars and holiday homes. I also have some severe struggles but tell your mom that we hope she gets better soon. Upvoted.

Sadly, everything has turned into business these days. I have seen many doctors incorrectly diagnose patients so they keep returning to them and increasing their business. My grandmother went through a pretty rough episode about a month back. She is diabetic and visits a certain doctor she is very fond of. We, however disapprove of that doctor because we feel he isn't that adept in his field. He gave her a wrong dose of a medicine and that made her go incredibly weak. For days, she couldn't even manage to open her mouth to eat. Luckily, we took her to another doctor on time and she is in much better shape now. The same is with the education system. I feel like ranting out like @bubke said but I too will hold my horses. Lots of prayers for you and your mom. Hope she is blessed with good health and happiness and recovers soon :)

Sorry to hear about that, Goldie. I have countless stories like that and will share one more to add up to yours. Definitely rethinking whether to pay my health taxes, as it is just A WTF situation.

My grad mother went to a oculist in Pernik half a year ago, as she is having issues with her sight. The doctor prescribed her some eye drops and told her to come back in 5 months. As months went by, my granny's sight got worse and she says that she lost about 40% of her sight in one eye since then. She went to Sofia and when another doctor saw her, he was socked how careless the Pernik doctor was, as things are very bad at this point. I hope we manage to save some of her sight, as I can imagine how scary it is to get blind.

I know for a fact that some GP's work with pharmaceutical represents and it is highly possible that they take commission from selling their drugs. That is why prescriptions have the doctor's name, so they can be associated with the specific drug. Basically health care has become like the laws - with good starting idea and very poor application when it comes to the people's interest.

I hope everything goes smoothly and you guys can root out the cause of this problem. Stay strong

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