Gratitude Day 10/62: Food

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Food is an edible expression of God's love.


I hate to cook. I see it as a waste of time. Why should I spend so much time cooking when I can just buy food. I just don't have the patience to cook but today, for some bizarre reason, I decided to prepare jollof rice. One of the most important spice for jollof rice is maggie. You should use two to three cubes to get the desired spicey taste. Guess what? I forgot to put maggie in my pot of rice. I also didn't put tomatoes. I was in the middle of my cooking when I realized that there was no tomato sauce anywhere in the kitchen. There was no tomato sauce but the show must go on. So I added plenty pepper to the food. If you know anything about cooking jollof rice, you would agree that this was a terrible idea.

Come to think of it, why would any sane human being forget to put maggie in his pot of rice? I am someone that get's easily bored. Cooking is boring to me. I don't like doing the same thing over and over again especially if the outcome is going to be the same. So when I was cooking, I was listening to my favorite speaker Rev Gbeminiyi Eboda. He was talking about having an abundance spirit. I was more interested in his teaching than in my cooking. The result is that at the end of the 40Minutes I spent in the kitchen, I had made enough blunders to ruin my meal. I'm used to making cooking mistakes. The only time I cook well is if I'm cooking for other people. I don't know why.

I love food. I love good food! There are some moments in my children that I remember as divine moments. I remember the first time I tasted shortbread. OMG!!! There was this Christmas when my mum took us to visit one of our very rich Aunt. She prepared the best fried-rice in the history of mankind. I don't remember anything about that Christmas except that the rice was out of this world and then we had shortbread for dessert. I may not like to cook but I appreciate good food a lot. I'm not the type that usually selects food. I can eat pretty much anything, as long as it is not poison and it is edible. I know how to abound and abase. But when I eat good food, I appreciate it.


So I had a terrible breakfast which is entirely my fault but I'm grateful to God for the gift of food. Thank God that I can cook even if I'm a terrible cook sometimes. Thank God that I can eat. When you realize that there are some people who have no food to eat; when you realize that some people have food but they are too sick to eat, you would be grateful.

Special thanks to the following VIP's who took part in yesterdays challenge. Thank you!

What is Gratitude Day

Everyday is gratitude day.

Gratitudeday is all about being thankful for the things that are happening in your life. A lot of us go through life taking things for granted. The goal is to challenge you to make a blog post about something you are grateful for. It could be big or small. It doesn't matter. Little things matter. I'll be doing this for 62 days (62 is not a random number). It's not an endurance game, you can join in anytime you want and opt out anytime you want.

How to Participate in #GratitudeDay Challenge

Upvote my #gratitudeday post
Resteem my #gratitudeday post(not compulsory)
Write a post about anything you are grateful for.
Use the tag #gratitudeday10

Please use the tags, #gratitudeday10(for today), #gratitudeday11(for tomorrow), #gratitudeday12(for next tomorrow) e.t.c. so that I can easily see your posts.

This is what I will do in return.

I'll upvote your post
I'll note your name in my spreadsheet, that you qualify for the grand prize of 62SBD. The grand prize is now unknown.

Thank you very much.


@tojukaka Issa #lazynigerianyouth😉😉😉

Hello @tojukaka,

I thought I was the only one that thought cooking is a time wasting affair...spending an hour or hours monitoring a pot,lol, if only I could focus on my books that way.

I was fooled by the picture, thought you were the Naija Gordon Ramsey, 😂. Your story reminds me of the time my little brother cooked jollof rice and added a cup of palm oil for "colouring". Anyway, as far as its edible, food is food, and we should always be grateful because,

Some have food, but cannot eat. Some can eat but have no food. We have food and we can eat, glory be to thee oh Lord. Amen

Hello yvonn
It's a pleasure to meet you

Now that we are talking about food.......I can relate.....simply because


Please use the tags, #gratitudeday10(for today), #gratitudeday11(for tomorrow), #gratitudeday12(for next tomorrow) e.t.c. so that I can easily see your posts.

I love the way you made this bold. U've been saying this for a while and people are still not taking note. I hope everyone sees it well now.

Thanks @oredebby

using the tag that way makes it really easy for me to track things

Funny how i rushed to open this post because of the picture. In my mind i was like na @tojukaka cook this thing? until i saw source... lol

if you give me 2 bitcoins I'll cook like that

Sir, for you to appreciate this little thing from God, I pray that God Almighty will always provide for your daily meal in Jesus name.
Mr @tujukaka I did day #9 of gratitude but I didn't add #9 to the tag. I will correct that today. Stay blessed sir

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This is only thing I was good at after my sec school.
Whenever you come to my house, if you don't see me in the room, then it's in the kitchen.😂😂

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beautiful post! also it looks very delicious

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