I think generation Z is my hero.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy6 years ago

I am so glad that humanity has a natural tendency to rebel against old generations. Its literally the only thing we have to genuinely shit all over political correctness. How long until gen Z begins getting involved with Crypto based social media where its going to allow anonymity on top of no nearly zero censorship. Most Menials are fucking cancer and it makes me happy to see something being done about them and their bad ideas and terrible arguments.

I actually think that being an ironic Nazi will be viewed as cool and edgy for gen Z. I wonder about this. I remember being a cool edgy devil worshiper was to rebel against christian evangelicals. Its not out of the question honestly. We may actually see people don swastikas ironically just to "troll libtards" in the coming years. The counter culture is likely just getting warmed up.

And its all your faults millennial. You reap what you sow. Just keep poking the hornets nest until Gen Z dabs on your ass. Its hilarious to see this play out too.


That's good news for now. The bigger question is what we do for future generations coming in a few decades from now that may try to counter this even in an endless loop? Here is an upvote from me, Oatmeal. Happy New Years 2019.

Don't be a lame adult and kids wont rebel. That is really the magic formula. Its hard to do because when people get older they tend to get trapped into dumb moralistic ideals.

To be moralist openly admitting that you are above everyone. You are smarter and everyone else is dumb. Look at how Cyberdemon LAUGHS at people like they are scumbags and she is gods gift to morals. When you act that way you empower everyone and everything you hate and believe you are above.

Never let that happen to you.

Agreed that I have seen a lot of lame adults who become too pacifist, undetermined, ignorant, arrogant, lacking passion, lacking direction, lacking Oatmeal haha.

You do the same thing, bud. The only differences is that I think hate speech is bad actually and you think it should be encouraged.

The only differences is that I think hate speech is bad actually and you think it should be encouraged.

Isn't it funny how your interest and the interest of corporations that drone strike innocent brown people on the other side of the planet align perfectly? Man that's a weird coincidence! It turns out corporations don't like free speech either because they don't want people talking about all of that imperialism going on with our tax money.

What really boils my noggin is people like you WHO WANT DONALD FUCKING TRUMP TO HAVE THE POWER TO SILENCE HATE SPEECH. Don't you hate the guy? The implication of silencing hate speech is basically you empower anyone who wants to mass murder any group they want. Jews, blacks whites. If nobody can talk about it then KILL KILL KILL with zero consequences. Banning hate speech will instantly be used to ban all speech which means serious real life consequences. People are going to be mass murdered if they listen to your delusions.

Hey did you ever make the connection that freedom of speech and basically not being able to stop anyone who controls the narrative? Oh I see you thought that your side would be in control the entire time. But in reality the alt right do not want hate speech either.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, crypto based social media is not something you can silence so this whole debate is moot anyway. The very technology used to talk to me right now is immutable. You cant ban crypto wallets.

So what's is the point? You cant do anything about "hate speech" on these kinds of platforms. You might as well just pretend the entire debate is already over.

Because it is. Crypto makes it so anyone with 20 bucks can post IPFS hash to videos and all kinds of immutable hate speech with no way to stop it. What then?

This entire discussion is pointless.

what the fuck lmfao

I literally post about the genocides occurring by imperialism on a weekly basis, dude. When did I say I want donald trump to be able to censor people? Hello? You're doing this weird libertarian thing where you pretend that being against hate speech is being against free speech when it's not. First, free speech does't exist. Second, the US govt already heavily cracks down on left-wing freedoms of protest AND speech frequently (of which I also post about frequently). I'm against central power, so of course I'm against the US Govt and corporations lmfao, do you know anything about basic anarchist principles? Decentralization is the key to the future, people having power over one another is a bad thing, and I fight against it. We're all equals and the fact that you seem to think some groups need to be murdered off is pretty fucking weird and not at all left wing. If someone doesn't hurt others, then they shouldn't be hurt. However if someone inflicts massive damage (idk, like stalin or hitler) then they should be dealt with accordingly. It's not that hard.

The point is to change society to stop enforcing white supremacy. Not to "censor" "free speech". Wanting to murder jewish people isn't a fucking """opinion"""", dude.

The point is changing society to stop enforcing white supremacy, not by "censoring" "free speech". Wanting to murder jewish people is not a fucking "opinion", dude.


im gonna die from laughter this is just literally alt-right propaganda that you're posting at this point LMFAO

I love Paul Joseph Watson (SJW) who talks about the counter-culture.

Paul Joseph Watson is an uneducated and morally bankrupt loser who has never said anything interesting in any capacity. He's cute AF tho, would succ

im gonna die from laughter this is just literally alt-right propaganda that you're posting at this point LMFAO

Its devil worship too guys. Obviously we all need Jesus in our hearts.

This is how dumb what you said actually sounds. Prove to me you are not a morally bankrupt loser actually. Because I suspect you are in full out cope mode while people like him and Pewdiepie continue to grow in popularity while everyone on your side bleeds out fans.

The numbers don't lie, SJW culture is bullshit and everyone knows it.

reminder false equivalences aren't arguments

Yeah. Paul is so cute. That is why I watch him.

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