Steem Owes Us Nothing

in #busy6 years ago

Over the last week or so, I notice some posts dealing with the expectations many have on this blockchain. There was a lot of emotions put forth after the Hard Fork, some of which still persist. Many on here are unhappy with how things are going.

The word "entitlement" has come up a few times. @ned mentioned it in one of his comments. Also, @tarazkp wrote a couple of posts covering this topic after some conversations with @abh12345.

I guess this is all part of the mindset of the world today and is no different on here. The overwhelming sense is that many feel they should get what others have. It really comes down to that. People feel they should come on here and instantly get what others are getting and, when they do not, they attack those who are having success.


People are like crabs in a bucket. There is no need to put a lid on the bucket to keep the crabs in. They do that for you. When one starts to escape the others pull that crab down.

I make no apologies for my stake on this blockchain or what I receive out of it. I am grateful to have gotten that. I came here, the same as most, with no following. I was fortunate enough to buy some STEEM to power up in my first month or so. Over the first few months I was able to add a bit more to my hodling.

Yet, some seem to think I was lucky or had some advantage they did not. That is simply incorrect. I conclude that is the justification they use to attack others.

There is a lot of conversation about bidbots and how they prevent quality content from getting to the front page. Well, here is the deal: take $200 and promote your post to the front page. There is nothing stopping anyone from doing it. If your goal is to get to the trending page, there is the path. Be aware, from what I heard, many times those arrangements are losing propositions. Some make money on the promotion but many do not get all they put in back. However, anyone is free to use a bigbot if he or she sees fit.

I saw one comment that said this place is like socialism. Actually, it is the exact opposite. This place is anarchy, something few experienced. We are so accustomed to big brother setting up the ground rules that we cannot handle a state without them. Facebook has the left dancing with joy, I am sure, over the banning of many conservative pages. Get rid of that "hate" speech or whatever the mantra is. Of course, that will persist until the tune is changed and they start being deleted. That is the power of big brother.

It seems people believe that others on here should give them success. We live in an instant gratification world. Combine that and we see the mindset of come to Steem, make a few posts, get few rewards, so, in turn, start bashing the system and those who are having success.

Talk about an over exaggerated sense of importance.

I saw many who posted they were leaving Steem. My only question is, why the post to announce to the world you are leaving? Do these people think anyone will miss them?

Let us be real. This is the Internet. If I left tomorrow, some of my followers might ask where I went for the first couple weeks. After that, I would be forgotten. If you do not believe this, think of people who commented on your posts 6 months ago who no longer do. What happened to them? Have you even given them a thought? Yet we believe we will be different.

The truth is Steem does not need us. This is especially true for those of us who are content creators. I know, some will find that statement to be insane. Steem has a monetization system. The Internet has content but not much of a system to monetize outside of advertising. Smart Media Tokens will be out within 6 months. Billions of sites around the world have content that could be monetized if those sites choose to.

Those of us contributing content on here now are adding value to the blockchain. We might even talk to a couple of people into joining. Nevertheless, that is a drop in the bucket. Truthfully, we are secondary in the process.

I have brought about 7 people to Steem in my year+ here. A couple are active while a few faded away. This might be better than some, worse than others. Even if I quadrupled that, it is still under 30 people I could attract here.

Now compare that to an application developer. One application has the ability to draw thousands of people if not more. Even a not so successful one could get a few hundred people to sign up. I could go 10 years and never achieve that level.

Users are like car drivers. No matter how good a driver one is, how expensive and nice the car one has, it is all minimized if there are no roads. In that instance, the people building the roads are a bigger priority.

We see that here. The developers and entrepreneurs who are building applications (businesses) on the Steem blockchain are the ones who are paving the path for the future. I try to support them where I can but I know very well that I am just support. I hope my contribution is helpful but I realize it could easily be replaced.



Steem is going to charge ahead, with or without me. This week I am looking at buying more STEEM because I foresee huge growth on this blockchain in the future. The Internet is an enormous market of content. Steem has a way for entities to monetize that content while incentivizing their users. This is something that could completely change the way sites operate.

Anyone is free to participate in what is taking place. Is it easy to build a large Steem account? No it is not. It takes a lot of work. There is also a chance that it will take some money. It appears very few people are willing to put their money into this. That is their right of course but it is ironic since so many felt, when STEEM was $4-$5, that others were lucky to get power up when it was cheaper. Guess what? STEEM is a lot cheaper. So why aren't these people adding to their STEEM hodlings? Some have no money which is understandable. The scarcity/fiat world is very tough and is designed to keep the majority struggling.

Nevertheless, there are many who do yet refuse to put their money into this. Perhaps they do not believe in the prospects of Steem going forward. If that is the case, obviously putting in money is unwise.

In the 1990s, I had no money. Thus, I couldn't buy Amazon stock at $50. A year or so ago, I had a few dollars which allowed me to get in Amazon at $1,000. The first time I couldn't; the second time I didn't; sorry about my luck.

Will this be the case for many when it comes to STEEM a few years down the road?

The bottom line is Steem owes us nothing. We join here of our own free will and we stay here the same What one does here is his or her choice. Whining and complaining might get a ton of upvotes on Facebook but it doesn't appear to be a great way to get votes here. Attacking others gets quite a following on the traditional site yet it doesn't seem to be a path to getting upvotes from accounts with some SP.

But are free to do what they want. Those intent on having success here will attract the attention of accounts that are larger than them. It takes time and a lot of effort. This is something that most appear unwilling to do.

I believe Steem will get a lot bigger. For that reason I am willing to put the time and effort into this along with some extra money I can put together. It is something I willingly choose to do. There are some who are having a ton more success than I am and good for them. At the same time, there are some putting a lot more money into this than I could ever put my hands on. I am glad for them.

To be it is reassuring when some larger accounts are buying bigger stakes showing their belief in the long-term prospects of STEEM. Someone like @exyle just ran his account from about 100K to 150K in a couple months. He did not do that exclusively from his rewards. There was a significant investment on his part.

Of course there will be some say he is lucky.

One final thought: If you are having a tough time believing some of what is written here, let me give you one thing to think about. Look at all those people who left Steem in 2018. Now compare that to where the ecosystem is today versus where it was in January. Follow the road map of the blockchain and the apps.

Steem is still charging ahead.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.

Nothing in this article should be taken as financial advice. Just because I choose to buy STEEM does not mean it is right for you. Do your own due diligence and seek the guidance from those trained in such matter. This post is for informational purposes only.


Your opinions are expressed very clearly. And they are excellent. We need more people like you here to move it. And we always support such voice. Upvoted 100%

To each his or her own. For me, being able to buy Steem for under a dollar seems like a bargain..

I am adding to my SP as I can afford to.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

I bought Steem at $4.30
I bought Steem at $2.60
I bought Steem at $1.50
I bought Steem at $0.90

I will continue to buy Steem. The lower it crashes the easier it is to become a dolphin.

Your posts are very informative and I learn a lot from reading them, however the blue crabs caught my attention because I am hungry and I love crabs. I love them steamed, fried and in gumbo. Good image. 😊

People are like crabs in a bucket. There is no need to put a lid on the bucket to keep the crabs in. They do that for you. When one starts to escape the others pull that crab down.

I like that you reference the whitepaper ;) Many of the features of this blockchain are designed with exactly this behavior in mind.

Once in a while I show that I read it even without realizing I am doing it. 😀

Been a while since I read that and the SMT white paper...might be time for a refresher in both.

The context was a lot about bad actors and flags. Because if one abuses, the other abusers can flag them basically. That way having the crab bucket effect.

Bad actors? By what definition? How is this crab bucket effect working for the opposite behavior of those crypto barking dogs, shills, freaks, lunatics ... ?

I think you misunderstand what this comment was trying to say. Read the whitepaper of steem for the full description :)

"I saw many who posted they were leaving Steem." ..... I was think this text...and I want ask same .... why they think all must be good...what I see is that ...not ideal things teaches more ...than good and ideal things.

And this... "I believe Steem will get a lot bigger".... I believe same... I not know how I can say it... but some how this is for me the most logical thinking here to do. I feel there is something big coming up.

LULZ, believing... and logical thinking, back to Church or back to School...

Heh, I just wrote a post about how I am struggling to find motivation to keep on steeming. This is a great point of view. It really doesn't matter what I decide, as steemit will keep steeming on (and I know this fact, but still, an interesting thought.) However, it is hard to find the motivation in the lulls of Steemit. I have been on this platform for over 2 years. I have gone thru at least 4 waves of peaks to lulls, and we are in a lull right now. I love the times when Steemit is electric and everyone is abuzz about this platform. But I also know that it is the ones that trudge through the lull that can enjoy the peaks much more. I see you are very optimistic about Steemit. I struggle with that optimism, but appreciate seeing it from others. Thanks for the good read.

Don't forget to leave, start living and stop dying...

Thanks for the comment @queenmountain.

I appreciate what you are saying, it is tough to stay motivated when the feeds slow up and the content diminishes. Sadly, much of it seems to be along the lines with the price, when that drops people get discouraged.

I maintain my optimism by monitoring and writing about the development. What is taking place is astounding. I know there are a number of apps we will see in the next year that will be maga-hits. This will bring a ton of traffic.

I find that through it all, @steemhunt is still very vibrant. @dlike is starting to get some attention with more people posting and commenting on there.

So you feel the future success relies a lot upon the Dapps that will be coming out for the platform? What is your take on SMTs? I will check out @dlike, I have never heard of it before. I haven't done much with @steemhunt, but seems like a cool idea.

Yes my view is the applications are where it is at. When dealing with the masses, I dont think they will care anymore about blockchain than most of us do about tcp/ip, sntp, or flash. It is what is on the blockchains that will interest people.

Besides, when we see multi-chain applications, people will not even know what chain they are on. I parallel it to being on an app, lets say instagram. Start at home on the wifi, switch to the mobile network, then get to school or work and get on that wifi.

The entire time the person was on instagram...didnt even notice the shift in networks.

Heheheh that's a good point. The masses won't care about the blockchain, only us crypto nerd enthusiasts care about that. It will be about the outputs, such as the apps, that will bring in the crowds. As long as they are dummy proof, that is.

Ease of use is one of the biggest undertakings that developers in the entire cryptosphere are going to have to tackle. There will never be mainstream adoption with things so complicated.

crypto-nerd? Hey I made it up to nerd. Cool. Now if I could get to geek I could start helping to take over the world. 😀

I dunno man, geek is like scary high up there lol lol! I am by far a mega crypto nerd, and most my friends don't get it AT ALL but how to un-complicate things? It may never happen!

LOL Yes it is waaaay up there. They say it is good to have goals. I guess I should learning something about coding. Now that I think about it, it isnt that much of a goal.

Yeah I am a mega crypto nerd too. All crypto all the time. Few I ever speak to get it. As for how to uncomplicate it, I wish I knew.

Perhaps we need to think about using sock puppets.

I am so grateful for this space! It's awesome to be in the mix amongst the newest of technologies that has the ability to allow the change i want to see in the world! While i notice ppl that have left and there are some i will/ would never forget, yourself included @taskmaster4450. I wonuldn't waste too much time boohooing their going. I embrace what is. And, what is coming. I would totally invest fiat if i had it in abundance atm. I don't cry about not gaving it either. I try to post the best I can. And, engage the best I can. Ppl will always have more and less than i do. The cool thing is, i walk and live in my way! It's unique. Powerful. Enough to unite with other likeminds and forge the #ageofabundance unpon us. Which is available for everyone willing to recieve, heal and be the change!!

Another note about @exyle he resently mentioned he's posted daily for 500+ times. That type of commitment and consistency goes a long way!

Great article! Have a fantastic day!!

I think a lot of those that complain were also led to believe Steem was a solution to make money quickly and that is unfortunate. With so much history that supports the fact that nothing exists to make money easily and if it does, it is probably illegal; so many seek the quick buck trend. I think that a positive approach of the latest bear market will truly lead a more powerful base of users that can generate value and build the ecosystem to its potential.

But Steem is a solution to make money quickly, just ask the right folks... and not the sheep aka bagholders.

I agree @newageinv. I have stated on a number of occasions that part of the problem is the few people on FB and YT touting the idea of making thousands in a few posts. Some of those people are detrimental to the ecosystem.

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