
The problem is that now if you make one post and 5 comments with that 15 sp, your rc is dead for a week. The common advice I am seeing is for people to "buy in" for 100 sp. This is scamworthy advice to someone looking for a social media platform to post on.

The budget of all pools have been increased to compensate this. The cost of a vote has made 19x cheaper, custom_json operation was also made 20x cheaper (except of follow custom json operation).

When these go into effect, the accounts will have more

As for buy in, I am not sure how one is buying anything when they own the money they put up. The 100 SP, in your example, still belongs to the account.

Of course, since it was implemented, it was said that it would take some time to reach AND that Witnesses had the ability to alter the costs in the code.

It seems like that is exactly what is happening.

This is just the type of comment that makes no sense at all to a person fresh off the street. Content creators are normally not asked to "invest" in the platform in order to make comments on it if that is the point your are making.

I'm glad the witnesses are spending their time fruitfully. A fix to this cannot come too soon.

It is a scam, grtz... did it sink in?

With 100 SP, the inflation/dilution game has started. Before they could outrun this inflation/dilution by selfvotes and making lots of posts and lots of comments in the hope someone will vote on them. Now they will never be able todo that.

This is intentional. It's greed from the centralised masters, the devs, witnesses, they are all in the same boat. Thats why this website stays as it is, no innovation, no updates, nothing nada....

Because the blockchain is growing and growing, the costs to keep it running is hitting their profits... so they went some steps further... invent resource credits...

Don't judge what they are saying, judge what they are doing.

They all keep the mantra going on, steem to the moon... but it should be steem into their pockets...

@nokodemion, I completely agree with what you are saying. This entire situation is created intenionally, and greed and a feeling of superiority are the reasons why.

Hey, @fitinfun.

I agree. Content creators are not normally asked to invest in a platform in order to make comments. They also don't potentially receive rewards for their comments either. Those social media sites are generally subsidized by advertising or by selling off data collected from users, too.

The problem is, there is a cost to everything, but usually there's someone else paying for it. Here, I guess, the costs have been largely picked up by Steemit Inc. The move to RCs, in my mind, means that Steemit Inc. is done picking up the tab. The costs need to be shared among all users, which apparently means, having enough to even function, let alone potentially do enough to make anything here.

So, what I wasn't told, and what you probably weren't either, along with everyone who has come in after us, is this is not a free social site, and there is a minimum amount required to function, even if the account is 'free.' That's where the 'freemium' comes in we've been hearing about lately, like an in app cost you might find in a smartphone game. You can play the core game if you like, but if you actually want to level up, win, etc., you'll need something else to do it with.

Personally, I think those who were here pre-hard fork, at the very least, should be able to function as they were before. Everyone since, I'd like it if they could function to, and I agree it is in the best interest of the social part of the platform if they can, but so far, aside from the potential changes suggested in this post, I don't think that's the direction this his heading.