Is @dStors A Steem Application?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy6 years ago

There is a bit of controversy that arose with @dStors. It was started by some questions by @whatsup and spiraled out of hand.

To start, the questioning posed by @whatsup was legitimate. There is nothing out of line about what was asked and the concerns raised. In fact, that is what we are suppose to do here. Unlike the centralized world, we do not look to big brother to regulate who is legitimate. We research, question, and post as information becomes available.

I will say as a supporter of @dStors, I am somewhat taken aback by the response from the main account. I will agree with a few of the comments that it does give one pause.

That said, the points they raised, albeit with a poor tone, were valid.

Here is the first post that started the ball rolling.

As you can see from reading this, the questions posed are legitimate.

Here is the problem:

@dstors' website will not interface with the Steem Blockchain at this time.
and the tokens will be issued from Bitshares.

So, the only thing this has to do with Steem apparently is the funding.

This is fine as long as you are aware of that, but remember dlive and consider other than creating a market for crypto this really doesn't have anything to do with Steem.

The comparison to dlive is a poor one. Dlive came to Steem and did integrate into the blockchain. However, they showed up here with the intention of leaving. They were already funded through other means in addition to receiving Steemit delegation.

Using the logic presented though, we would have to conclude @steemmonsters is not a Steem application.

Does anyone in their right mind think that? Their website does not interact with the blockchain. In fact, I give them credit for that since doing so means all posts are put in the Steemit blog which can create a host of problems.

Realistically, didn't Steemmonsters only create a market for the tokens? I understand that the two main parties involved are both witnesses and do a lot for the blockchain. That I do not question. However, to the point of the project being Steem, they are no more connected to the blockchain than dStors is planning.

So I guess we need to consider what it means to be a Steem project? If one is not connected to the blockchain, is it considered one? That is something people will have to work out for themselves.

Personally, I do not feel the reasons presented here exclude something from a Steem project especially when the plan was stated repeatedly to integrate in. There are valid reasons for each of these projects not doing so. That does not mean they are not "Steem projects".


The other point is the part about Bitshares which obviously pertains to the part about STORS not being a SMT.

Here is a simple question: how can STORS be a SMT? How can any project have a SMT? The answer is that it cannot. The protocol has not been released.

To go one step further: Where are people's Hunt tokens? Or their AFIT? They are on a database on the servers for those projects.

So, technically they are not STEEM tokens either, In fact, there are no traded Steem tokens other than STEEM and SBD.

As for the response by dStors, this brings up a larger point. It is the centralization versus decentralization and it is here that centralization kicks the living hell out of decentralization.

The problem with decentralization is we let everyone post what they think.

We see it on here all the time. Everyone here wants STEEM to moon. We all want the blockchain to grow. All of us want more developers to create wonderful applications that capture the attention of the masses.

Yet we see stuff like this in posts:

  • Steemit is a bunch of idiots. They don't know what they are doing.
  • Ned is a crook and is scamming everyone.
  • The Whales are all greedy and can only about themselves.

The we see:

  • Why isn't anyone buying STEEM? Why is the price falling?
  • How come our retention rate is so low?

Duh. Look at the posts. Is an outsider going to drop tens of thousands of dollars reading stuff like that? Would you if you were not on here and read posts like that? I do not think many would.

Johnson & Johnson just got slammed a little over a week ago by the Bloomberg article. Do you think they allowed every employee to go out and comment on the story? Of course not. It was only select people who were tasked with discussing things with the media.

Do you know who was not in that group? Investors. It doesn't matter if one has one share or 100M, they speak solely as an individual and not for the company. Period. It is their opinions and we know what they are like.

Facebook is the same way. That is a company of geeks. Do you know why they lock their geeks in a room and tell them to only code or they will hit them over the head with their keyboards? Because geeks do not understand the central premise of "it is not what you say but how you say it".

The message is structured and consistent. This is something that centralization has going for it.

So why did the @dstors account behave in that manner? I honestly cannot say that and that is something that the team will have to answer. They have some explaining to do if they want to maintain credibility of with the Steem community.

It is one thing for an individual to go off the deep end but the main account is an entirely different manner. To me, it is time to change who has access to the posting. Whoever it was, that person has no business operating on this end of things.

Once again, I love our developers and believe you are the ones who are laying the foundation for what Steem will become. That said, many of them should just stop interacting in an official capacity. Quite frankly, it is not their forte. There is a reason I do not try to code and leave that to others.

I was glad to see @kaliju put up a comment that explained things a bit further.

Here is the link to the comment.

So where does this leave us:

  • @whatsup should be commended for bringing these points up and providing a public service announcement.

  • @dstors needs to find the person who was answering in the main account and, if that person gets near it again, hit his/her hand with a hammer. The response to questions that are legitimate is completely unacceptable. Firing back at people saying they do not understand is beyond comprehension. If an individual does it, that is one thing. But to have that done from the official account looks very bad on the project.

  • @dstors has some questions to answer in detail. A good place to start is what was posed by @shanibeer in this comment.


It is often not what is said but how it is said. On this, dStors actually failed both miserably. This must be atoned for.

  • Each person who is delegating to this project needs to look at it closer. It is a topic worthy of discussion. This is the key to decentralization: we do not depend upon Big Brother. It is up to us to decide what we do. To achieve this end, passing along valid information is required. We cannot depend upon just one person. Genuine conversation needs to take place.

  • As always, people need to make up their own minds. None of this is financial advice. Nobody can tell you to delegate, undelegate or not delegate. That is up to each of us. While not at the level of J&J, dStors is now mired in some controversy, a good bit of it's own making. This adds another level of uncertainty that was not present before.

Personally, I will be awaiting to see what comes out from the @dstors team. I believe this project can be an asset here. However, as most of us are all too aware, in the crypto world, you cannot be too careful. The reactions exhibited raise a valid level of concern.

I hope they address this in a rapid manner.

Here is a follow up post by @whatsup that has some more discussion.

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SteemMonsters does interact with the Steem blockchain. It just doesn't use the reward system. SteemMonsters cards exist as Custom JSON objects on the blockchain. I'm guessing the game mechanics uses other Custom JSON objects on the chain as well. So, SteemMonsters needs Resource Credits to work thus creating demand for Steem Power which is paid out of the pockets of the players who purchase the cards with fiat. Am I correct?

Thanks for taking this one before I could get to it...I did a double take after reading that, but I think it's good feedback that maybe people don't understand how Steem Monsters integrates with the Steem blockchain since it's not through the typical posting and rewards mechanisms.

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

Exactly! SteemMonster is the perfect example of a decentralized (not 100%) Steem app that utilizes the blockchain for almost every operations.

What he said and thank you for clarifying!

I was thinking the same as I know I see my @steemmonsters activity on the blockchain. The cards are assets on the blockchain which is why they can be combined, gifted, bought and sold. It is the best example of model project to follow within the ecosystem.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Exactly every game I play Is recorded and purchase. Right now we even get 10%sp for buying a pack.

Hi taskmater4450, I didn't expect a simple post to lead to this. Not only was the @dstors account rude and misinformed they contradicted themselves in many places, also complaining about me having the nerve to ask a question in several places...

I guess you might be unaware that SteemMonsters does interact with the blockchain, in fact each and every card has an ID and is traceable at any point until it is stacked.

@starjuno, @haejin and @ranchorelaxo all flagged my post, the people who were speaking to me and many of my own comments. These are supposed to be business people. What will happen if a buyer or a seller asks them a question or if there is a bug? Did you find their team the type of people who can work well with others, build a team and release a product?

At the time I wrote the post I was mostly concerned about this not being a site that interacts with the steem blockchain in any way... After last night I am convinced they are up to no good and they are doing it with Haejin.

@kaliju 's comment conflicts directly with their white paper... have you read it?

Here is another poster who raised concerns a few days before. Who was flagged and scolded by Haejin's account @starjuno.

Why is Haejin acting as if this is his personal project? Why hasn't he romoved his flags, why are they so defensive.

Has anyone seen so much as a Mock Up of the future site?

If anyone wants to invest in it, but look no further than the white paper for a lot of red flags.

Invest wisely people.

Points noted. We're making progress, and I definitely don't hate on folks that are making sites with the goal of steem integration. I'm definitely excited to see decentralized marketplaces.

As a matter of fact, have you seen Homesteaders Co-op? It's a marketplace where the customer can purchase handmade sustainable goods around the world exclusively with steem and SBD. Built by @sagescrub, it isn't decentralized per se, but he is sharing the code with others that are also wanting to set up shops to accept steem/SBD.

This is the exact kind of thing that the crypto space needs. When people ask "yeah, but can you buy anything with it?" we can now say things like "yeah, the honey in your tea was bought with it." This is the future, and it's something I think you'd love to see and check out, @taskmaster4450.

The site is up and running and the vendors are piling up! I think we now have vendors in seven countries, and we're only coming up on a month old. If that kind of adoption doesn't signal something big, I don't know what does.

After looking @whatsup was asking yesterday I Pulled my Delegation. I actually appreciated what was asked and once I did not feel comfortable I decided to withdraw my SP and Move On. Thank you for taking the Time @taskmaster4450 to bring this to the forefront................

I respect that decision and applaud you for taking it.

Personally, I am not in that place. I feel a lot of this was blown out of proportion and although the questioning was legitimate, it quickly turned into a pissing contest. I do not see a project that is going centralized for the sake of speed to market to be a problem. Also, the delay in SMTs caused many projects to find alternate routes. Do not be surprised if a couple go ERC20 in the meantime.

I might be wrong and if I had invested traditionally by giving money as opposed to delegating, I might feel different.

Theres quite a bit more research that has been done. Maybe dig a bit further?

I appreciate how you wrote about this in very clear and precise words. I guess some investors were not clear on whether dstors was 100% on Steem or not. Hence, i appreciate the post by whatsup and your response to it. Here's to hoping they get professional PR people on that account.

I did write a few lines as comment to her original post and i'd like to share it here.

Good to see a post such as this.
The Whitepaper did state that the project is cross-chained and will accept several other tokens/cryptocurrency. Namely Steem, WLS and BTS. with options for Fiat. Hence, dstors had nothing to hide from the onset.

Also, I don't see anything wrong with this post. In fact, I think it is timely because it brought to light what a lot of investors might have missed in a hurry. Dstors is not entirely a project 100% on Steem. It is cross-chained and has its tokens on bitshares. @whatsapp has a point!

However, that Dstors isn't entirely on Steem doen't make it any less legitimate. In a way, value is created indirectly since people can spend their steem there. More people can learn about this platform on dstors too when it is operational.

However, the whitepaper model doesn't exactly state how dstors will direcly bring in monetary value to steem. We need buyers on here. So, other than getting upvotes using STORS (which is a way of taking from Steem) i do hope the project buys steem from a part of their earnings and powerup over time. I also hope to see sales contests and promotions that subsidize fees for users when they trade using steem.

Likening dstors to DLive is not relevant. Dlive was built on Steem and left anyways. Doesn't guarantee dstors would. It's a service. A business.

Name callings aren't exactly the right way to go with this. I think whoever is behind the comments from the @dstors account should be disciplined by the @dstors Team because he/she lacks the insight to see an opportunity to clarify questions. It was very wrong and it raises concern about the character and professionalism of the people behind it.

I have read the whitepaper and i delegated because i think it's a great project. However, i'm not completely skewed or emotional when investing. So, I am open to discussions and looking forward to your full review to get a different perspective on the project.

You can never be too careful... Also, because decentralization and the free will to air opinions.

At least they're working on building something, which is more than i can say for the numerous shitty upvote contests on here with zero value and outrageous rewards.

Completely agree and those are valid concern ... Not only official account but also at the discord group, they need certain level of professionalism to handle queries or concern. No doubt being new things in crypto world,many challenges would comes up. But handleing them with proper care is what shows a true mind and character. The tone should be such to speak up everything.

Posted using Partiko Android

They’re definitely not giving people the tokens they deserve. Delegating for a minimum of 6 months and you only get 3 tokens per SP.....? When I read that “offer” for the first time, I saw it as a real slap in the face because that is the lowest ROI on a delegation we have ever seen! And then they say it’s gonna be on BTS instead of Steem.... Because that strategy makes sense.

i saw @haejin, or whatever his name is, is one of the backers

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By the way, despite STORS being a Bitshares token, the key question is whether DStors will use the Steem blockchain for posting or Custom JSON operations. Either type of use will require DStors to buy Steem Power, which is key to creating demand for STEEM. I will not delegate my Steem Power any project not creating demand for Steem Power. But it is not necessary for any project to tap into the reward pool to be a Steem project. In fact, it is better that way.

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