Dealing With Non-Crypto PeoplesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy6 years ago

It is almost as if we are a cult.



We interact with each other on a daily basis and talk about things the rest of the world has no idea about. Our conversation incorporates ideas such as decentralization, disruption, governance, and an alternative monetary system.

To the rest of the world, it is business as usual.

I spent some time over the holidays with people who are not Steemians. To them, cryptocurrency makes about as much sense as nuclear physics. Actually, they understand that the later is real since we have nuclear power. Crypto, as we know the mantra well, is nothing but a scam.

So who is disconnected from reality? Are we the ones with the pie-in-the-sky views that put up somewhere between mythology and down right crazy?

It is always fun to be in the "know" even if we are not sure exactly what we know.

I was talking with a guy in the car business on Christmas. He is semi-retired but basically spent his life in it. He worked all facets of the from the maintenance side. It was very revealing.

The topic turned to electric cars. He was a wealth of knowledge about that. Most people are not aware of how big electric is about to become. I asked this guy his view. His response was simply "it is inevitable". There are too many advantages to it.

This struck a chord with me since it is not only how I feel about the car business but what my belief is about blockchain and cryptocurrency. My sense that it is inevitable that blockchain takes over many facets of our world. It will not take over everything and there is a time delay before many things will be ready for blockchain. However, ultimately, the immutability and transparency that is offered are going to be required.

At the same time, cryptocurrency is only going to explode in the coming decade. Why? Simply because it offers too many advantages over fiat. No matter how hard the bankers try, they cannot create a system that offers what decentralized money does. It goes against their entire business model.

If you told the average person that the mega-banks are under threat, they would not believe you. It is just too much to comprehend. Too big to fail is ingrained in their head. Incidentally, so is the premise that the United States government could collapse. Yet it could happen, even within a decade or two.

Drinking the Crypto Kool-Aid provides wonderful insight. For me, one of the biggest things it did was remove the fear that most others are mired with. I now understand how the system is going to change. We who are early adopters see the potential, not only overall but, in our own personal finances. The adding of tokens consistently will net major dividends over time.

There is a lot of uncertainty with cryptocurrency and blockchain. That said, I feel there is less risk than the present system. We only need to look at some of the projections about the markets and the "bubble of everything" to realize this could end very badly. Personally, my sense is there are less problems to work out with crypto than society at large. In this realm, we are dealing mostly with technical issues. Those can be worked out. In the other, there are decades of screw ups and manipulation to unravel if there is a chance at progressing forward.

Quite simply, I do not see that happening.

Of course, to the average person, it is business as usual. They listen to the media who tells them who is to blame (usually depending upon the ideology of the network watched). Then they go parrot that to whomever will listen.

All the while, the elites are trying to scotch tape it all together to keep it from collapsing before they are ready.

Damn, I am glad I am involved in the Cult of Cryptocurrency.

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It was similar in the early days of the World Wide Web, although it was never as much disparaged because few of the incumbents realized the threat and those incumbents weren’t as dysfunctional and powerful as those threatened by Crypto.

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Me being very left politically, I see this A LOT. Sooooo many of my compatriots who think crypto is just for capitalist scammers. They buy into "magic money on your computer." They think it's just a speculative thing, inexplicable and incomprehensible like when the news talks about "derivatives" or "credit default swaps."
So I try and tell them that crypto can be a great equalizer. That it can bank the unbanked, and at Steemit and the other dapps, those of us without fiat can still earn. That it can decentralize control over monetary systems. That even if you're anti-capitalist (which I am), it might very well be the stepping stone to a different system. And in the meantime, we still have to survive in said capitalist system.
I've explained it all to my mom before, who doesn't get it really, but will ask me, "so how is your Bitcoin?" At least she tries. :)

Over Christmas I struggled to talk about crypto with anyone as they all believed it was a 'scam'. It seems there is no middle ground with people, either they are huge believers or huge doubters.

Yeah, it's kind of a cult... but being a geek is like that, and often great things happen.


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It has sure has been an interesting Holiday season with financial markets in trouble and crypto’s bear market! Family now saying that they need to buy gold for safety! They understand its feature in the monetary world but fail to see the same with cryptocurrencies as they cannot see or touch it. It has led to some amazing discussions.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I talked to the extended family about Actifit DApp over Christmas dinner but they all laughed and asked, "oh yeah, and how much are your tokens worth?"

They are not ready and I have no desire of being their personal financial adviser who is responsible for their panic in a bear market because they have no curiosity to do their own due diligence.

We have a person who is surgeon and has a hobby of paragliding and fishing. Another is into gardening and cooking.

Would be wonderful material to post on this platform. The younger ones could simply post what they learn at school.

I would talk about it on numerous occasions but they all live in their own bubble of fear and scarcity and I live in my bubble of abundance.

Our different bubbles don't cross paths...

Posted using Partiko Android

We are without a doubt a cult, we pick coins we preach their brilliance to the world, we defend it with vigor and we don't want to hear that scam shit. We come up with all sorts of reasons why even when the prices keep going down that its great lol so yeah but I enjoy the cults company.

The internet was a cult phenomenon, so was social media, instant messaging eventually through longevity and adoption we end up with it becoming socially acceptable

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” - Rob Siltanen

We are a cult, all my friends know me as that weird cryptocurrency kid.

I tend not to talk about it when I first meet people because it usually confuses them with how niche and technical it is.

But there was a point in Bill Gates life where he was the weird kid tinkering with technology no one understood apart from him and his circles.

Posted using Partiko Android

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