Time Is The Most Valuable Thing That Can Be Gained Without Price

in #busy6 years ago

One of the most important thing that is a part of our life and eventually at a point in our life it just runs out on us.

Why is time so precious? A part is answered in the title and in a point it is indeed the thing that we all desire at the late stage of our life but not when we have plenty in our hand to spare.When you are spending the time in doing things that you are not supposed to do than think of it like this way you are not giving the value it deserves while some day it will pay you back like the way you are treating it now.


Think of it like this and it might help you to get yourself on foot imagine as if you are a tree. Many things that happen to you along the way scar your trunk as a matter of fact you cannot get rid of these scars they are a very permanent part of you. But instead what you can do is you can grow, making these scars a lesser part of you.Also you give shade to many in the form of love and sympathy but in return they just tears down the leaves and leaving the pain behind.

Everything has a life span so do you.Use each & every moment of your life wisely who knows this very moment can be the last moments for you !Remember Time flies. It does not comes back. Hence, use it well.

Thanks for Stopping by Everyone


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Yeah, I completely agree with you.
Time is precious because the time we have in our life is less every second. Spend it wisely by doing good, fun 🤗 or beautiful things, preferably but not necessarily things that benefit ourself, others, or the rest of the world.☺
Thanks for sharing this post @rehan12.

Wise words my friend !

Thanks for being here !

I am realizing this concept more and more every day. It's a large part of the reason I do not spend much time on Social Media anymore or watching TV.

Well in time we get to learn the lesson of life.

While I am sure you are going to like Steemit I suppose :)

I limit my time on here as well. But yeah, it does tend to suck a person in doesn't it?

Well it does depend on how one sees it buddy :)

Whats your thoughts on it? I'm still relatively new here, always welcome a new prespective on this platform.

Well if you are looking to take it seriously and if you are interested in Blockchain and if you just don't want to spent your precious time in any other social media for nothing than this is the one .

While if you are just here to be than this might not be the place ;)

We should live like tomorrow never comes. Whatever task finish today. If we value time it will do value us back.

Wise words my friend !

That's an important message my friend :)

Thanks my friend for being here .I see you have quite mastered the language in a very short period of time ;)

Time is the most precious thing that if guided properly ,I tell you will never experience anything called stress .

Thanks for this good friend .

Yes it sure is one of the ultimate weapon that anyone can have .If used properly anybody can be a gainer in the long run.

Thanks for being here my friend !

For me time is priceless, not because it is limited but because it's time that provides the opportunity for everything. Great post brother!

Thanks for sharing @rehan12.

Well we do have different opinion in many facts so be it on this one :)

But like the words buddy !

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