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RE: Ellen Suggests It Is Okay To Be Kind To Someone You Disagree With...

in #busy5 years ago

I didn't know about this and that's because, for the most part, I don't allow these forms of media to creep into my mind and manipulate me. I'm also Canadian, so the USA politics mean nothing to me. I know there's a huge divide and seemingly no such thing as a middle ground over there but as an outsider looking in, people being concerned about who sits next to who is borderline insanity. Is that country truly that boring?

I can't imagine finding my seat at the hockey game, but before sitting, I'm handing a form over to the one in the seat next to me, with questions they must answer, before I can sit. If they don't answer correctly, I have to find a new seat or ask them to leave. If I don't follow procedure and sit next to the proper individual, I might get fired from my job, fined, banished from the tribe.

To even care about who sits next to who and where shows how powerful the media brainwash in the USA truly is. Social media makes it all spread like a virus.

Maybe it's time to stop stalling and just have your little civil war over there. It seems like that's what a lot of people want anyway. May as well just get it over with now so people have to die before they realize sitting next to those you disagree with is how matters get settled.


You don't need to send out a form. You can wave your phone at them and your phone will tell you where or not you should go purchase another seat. Technology sure is amazing.

This whole story makes me sick.

Of course. How could I forget...

Hello, it's nice to potentially meet you. Present your chip please. Thank you. Sorry, you've been declined. We're incompatible and in order to prevent civil unrest, you are not allowed to be within 100 meters of me because I think the toilet paper falls off the back of the roll, and you're one of those demented front facers.

meters? you sure ain't American, just like you say.

I suppose I could have said yards, but meters are better.
That should be enough to trigger these Americans into a frenzy.

I guess you could have said we like to utilize the system recognized by the rest of the world as Universal, because if it's not broken we don't go around fixing it.

Just because it is a story at all?

Dude it would all be so much better if people stopped consuming news altogether. How can people not see the damage all this hate machine called mass media and now social media has caused to our integrity as a human race?. Nowadays everyone gets offended for anything, families torn over stupid politics, and so on. Worst thing is that this is a pattern that I’ve witnessed in the 4 countries I’ve lived so far. Fucking disgusting.

Cult members don't know they're in a cult until it's too late, usually. This is like a new religion and the handheld device is god.

Canada is being affected by this stuff. A lot of my relatives are older now. They all have phones now. That generation has been brainwashed since birth. Their television commercials used to have doctors selling cigs. They used to duck and cover under their desks in school to hide from the war propaganda. Now, I'll hear them talking, and for some strange reason they care about USA politics. They're angry at times for no reason and what some say is parroted straight from the news source. They're not even thinking for themselves. The youngest generation doesn't even know what's hitting them. To them it's normal and that's dangerous.

Yeah, it's weird how the whole world fights over USA politics. I didn't know this before social media.

Its probably less awful here than it might come as. Most people probably sit somewhere in between the extremes but the bat-shit crazy people get all the attention because they show up at the rally.

That being said, shit can get pretty wacky in certain circles. I dated a girl who was super into social justice and all that. She and her friends would get worked up over the weirdest shit and I'm sure this is very upsetting to her... That kind of makes me happy. Lol

As an outsider, yes, it looks crazy as hell over there, based on what can be seen in the media. It would be wrong of me to assume that's how everyone is, and I know that, yet it seems, due the media, many over there don't get it, and end up acting like the people they see in the media. If you're not at the protest, a horde of people might think you don't care... oh no! My status is at stake! I won't have friends if I don't act like my friends!

Haha There is some truth to it. You hit the nail on the head, I think. The system likes us divided here. It keeps us distracted from the fact that there is little difference between the various faces of the ruling class. The show us the worst of the the worst and some, not insignificant, number of people buy into it and overreact by acting just as terrible. You guys on the outside just to get treated to the spectacle plus the wars and economic crashes and stuff.

We aren't all shooting each other and I have seen few political disagreements turn violent. I live in a very racially mixed region and I have a touch of Mexican in my heritage (you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me, though) and I have personally seen very little serious racism against any group. There are plenty of assholes, morons, and crazy people floating around but I assume the same is true anywhere.

I find it funny that people blame social media for the state that America is in currently, when really it's the work of what Mainstream Media has been doing to us for the past 100 years. First the newspapers and then television news networks all have continued to stir up the pot to create more conflict, all while trying to subtly support whatever group of faction they wish to see win. Social media just allowed them to do it faster and more efficiently, but the root cause is the same.

This also stems from deeper causes as well, namely collectivist indoctrination in schools and universities that makes kids think they must follow the prescribed "tribe" they are told to follow, support, love, and not question. In many ways, our issues started when we stopped following our core ideals of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of (one's own) Happiness, and started thinking that European philosophies held better promises of utopia, of which are totally unattainable. "You, the individual, don't know best, the group does. The Race does. The State does. The Nation does. The UN does." This cycle of collective indoctrination goes on and on... And the results are seen all too keenly in America today.

As for a civil war, well... whatever happens to us will directly affect Canada as well. You are our neighbor after all!

Tagging @whatsup since this reply is rather in depth for the whole issue

I happen to agree with you and I no longer watch the MSM, but I do end up seeing stuff that happens on Twitter.

I don't understand it. Also, I have to wonder if most people don't care, and just the over zealous people are featured in the media.

I have a feeling the majority attitude is something like, whatever. That's not juicy though and drama sells. They need to create enough filler to fit inside of those commercial breaks.

It is difficult to avoid this madness completely. I got clickbaited into watching Trump say a few things on Youtube recently and now my feed is full of that stuff. It's also easy for me to then detect how I'm being fed more from one side than the other. If it's a fox news link, I'll see the right perspective. If I click a cnn link, I'll be fed the left. I can't even enjoy late night comedy anymore, since that all turned political. One click is all it takes and that brainwash machine starts spinning. They'll show those most effected by the brainwash. Their reaction makes the news, and the news feels good to those creating the news because... it's working.

A few silly stories come to mind. I have friends in both parties and yet no one I knew cared a single bit over starbucks cups and Christmas.

No one I know hates gays or is running a war on families. I think some of it is just hyped up.

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