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RE: Ellen Suggests It Is Okay To Be Kind To Someone You Disagree With...

in #busy5 years ago

I happen to agree with you and I no longer watch the MSM, but I do end up seeing stuff that happens on Twitter.

I don't understand it. Also, I have to wonder if most people don't care, and just the over zealous people are featured in the media.


I have a feeling the majority attitude is something like, whatever. That's not juicy though and drama sells. They need to create enough filler to fit inside of those commercial breaks.

It is difficult to avoid this madness completely. I got clickbaited into watching Trump say a few things on Youtube recently and now my feed is full of that stuff. It's also easy for me to then detect how I'm being fed more from one side than the other. If it's a fox news link, I'll see the right perspective. If I click a cnn link, I'll be fed the left. I can't even enjoy late night comedy anymore, since that all turned political. One click is all it takes and that brainwash machine starts spinning. They'll show those most effected by the brainwash. Their reaction makes the news, and the news feels good to those creating the news because... it's working.

A few silly stories come to mind. I have friends in both parties and yet no one I knew cared a single bit over starbucks cups and Christmas.

No one I know hates gays or is running a war on families. I think some of it is just hyped up.

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