Using as your Condenser for Steem Blogs

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

I have tried most of the condensers of Steem from the original one, then I also used the Esteem App for mobile created by @good-karma, the by @surpassinggoogle if I want to be hired or hire people for certain skills or services, if I want Reddit style interface, if I want to compile all my posts into chapters.

Of course, I used Dlive and Dtube and although I know of Steepshot but since I don't take much photography aside from food I don't use it that much. I have on another account use and Zappl for shorter content.


From -Unsplash-

There are so many applications and different uses being developed in the Steem blockchain. Now my personal favorite is made by @fabien . I started using this last November when Steemit went down a couple times and was the suggested portal to use. I have been using it ever since because of its interface and many features that I wish that Steemit had.


Ever had that feeling that you really liked a post and know that you can use it in the future for example @carrieallen's very excellent 🌟ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial🌟 so you either bookmark it in your Google or Firefox browser or you can use the bookmark feature of Busy!


Just click on the three dots on the upper right side of the post and click to save the post. When you want to look at save posts all you need to do is go to bookmarks on the upper left of your screen.


Activity Logs and Notifications

So you are the type of person that likes to know what happened to your account the last few hours and although there is Busy also has a similar function that you can see your activities for the last few days.

image.png | image.png

Another thing it has is Notifications. Click on the bell icon and it will show you whoever made comments, followed or mentioned you.


Watching Dtube

It is absolutely genius that using the Busy Condenser you don't need to be redirected to the Dtube site as it plays there right away! Although in this version Dlive still goes to it site but I am confident that the Busy team will be able to do it the same way it did for Dtube.


So you are creating your latest masterpiece and doing some research so you have multiple tabs open and would switch from the material to your blog when by accident you clicked on the close icon. Oh no! you are dead fret note because you can go to Drafts and see there a couple of the latest post not published is saved there.

Hopefully, it saved the latest there and you can retrieve it.


For good measure, I often delete already published drafts before I start working on a new one. Consider saving in a word document as well.

Edit Profile

Although it is pretty similar to the edit profile in steemit it has some additional features as you can add your other social media profiles and even your github to show in your profile.


Another thing that is cool with the condenser is you can add your signature so that you don't manually need to add it everytime you create a post. However this only works if the person viewing your post is using Busy so if they are using a different condenser then it will be blank. Hopefully future releases may fix this.

Referral program

Now this is amazing as you provide a referral link to your friends and family that you invite to use Steem using the busy condenser and you earn 10% of what their posts get for 30 days. So you have the incentive to see them succeed in the platform.



Now, this is one of the main reasons why you want to use

Prior to you reaching 500 SP you will not have the capability of having a vote weight slider which to think of it is good if your SP is about 15-50 however when your SP is about 200 plus already it would be a good way for you to spread your votes more and have the capability to adjust it to 30-50% at a time.


This is a good way to maximize your curation rewards.


There is another reason to use It has its own upvote bot and if you use the Busy Condenser and add the #busy in your post you will be getting an upvote from busy. It was written here Introducing, the bot that rewards your influence

How does the bot work?
The bot will upvote you based on the weight of your followers. The more influential followers you have, the stronger upvote you will get from the bot.

  • To get an upvote, you need a minimum of 500 SP following you
  • To get a 100% upvote (around 10$ value), you currently need 12 Millions SP total following you (25 whales).
    How to get a vote from
    It's free and instantaneous, you just need to:
  • post using (works on both version: v1 and the new beta)
  • use the tag "busy". It doesn't have to be the primary one
  • The bot upvotes maximum 1 time every 12 hours per user. (2 upvotes/day/user)

Put those followers to good use even if they have forgotten about you! All you need is to get to a minimum of 500 SP cumulative of all your followers. You would be getting a 0.06 percent weight vote which according to a witness actually uses 1% of a vote of an account. That is about an average of 16-22 cents for a vote every 12 hours!


Recently I have been able to get more people to follow me and break into a million SP total for all my followers so I got upgraded to the upvote bot. It's 1 % upvote is $1.01 dollars which are not bad at all!


So the more SP your followers have the bigger the upvote value Busy will give you.

If you are interested to know your followers total SP and you have no access to SteemSQL you can make use of

Then scroll down and look under your followers mvest


Now unless you can compute mentally how to convert mvest to Steem you can use this tool


This is a great way to ensure that your post does not turn to dust especially if most of your post when you start off might not reach 0.02 cents. A 0.20 cents upvote is still nice.

saber border.JPG

There you have some of the reasons why I live using when I write my blogs. It has tons of great features and is continually making updates to make the user experience better.

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so now I know why people are using busy org.... good post u got here! I really need to start using it soon.

by the way, my draft stays in steemit all the time unless I clear the cache.

Yes it does, @asianetwork. It's one of my fav discoveries about Steemit publishing.

I wrote a post up on Monday, am not ready to edit yet, and it's just politely sitting there, waiting for me to come in and give it some polishing love. ;)

Oh yeah it does but since I have on my settings to clear cache everytime I close a browser I need to have a better way.

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Thank you for the feature :) hope it gives people some information about and how useful it is.

busy org has a great interface and a lot of possibilities, I really love it.
I use it in 90% of my blog posts, other 10% goes to Dtube:)
You explained it very well all the benefits, nothing more to add.

Hey thanks and I agree that Busy is very useful and the different things I listed would hopefully help other people decide if they want to use it.
Thanks for dropping by!

I like Busy too, i have been using bsteem constantly recently. Are they related??

BSteem is made by a different team but is also a condenser for Steem like Busy.

Sir mav grabeh ang dami pa pala bukod sa steemit at busy. @steemgigs next ko eh. One at a time ako. Pero resteem ko na para once tapos nako sa steemgigs at added info mo dito sa busy in which I will just take a look every now and then at iwas kulit din syo sa chat. I do value your time din at pag may magtanong din I'll proactively send this link and just let them read. In this way, we'll be more efficient with our time and be able to do more important things and just exert less effort sa pag explain. :) Thank you for this post.

Thanks man and it's ok to ask questions as I like answering people.

Yeah there are so many apps and condensers in the platform now so keep exploring and experimenting.

It's awesome that a lot of people are involved in making things more diverse and creating new projects.

It's really important to make ourselves updated all the time and keep up with the rapid changes. The easiest way to do that is learn directly from trusted and brilliant minds like you. No doubt it's effortless you got a lot of people always wanting more posts from you.

this is a very helpful nuts and bolts post thank you maverick. i'm now following you btw i got here from the engaging convo in another thread which happened to mention then happily just stumbled into this post;) you challenge my thinking i appreciate that

Hey no problem I think discussions are very important on the platform.

Let me start shifting! Haha

hehe yeah use it!

Thank you for your reminder and use busy the slider option is so nice.

Oh yeah definitely try it as it is a great condenser to use.

I also forgot to say that if you watch dtube or dlive videos it will play it in the same window.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't take 20% of your post's earnings if you use that condenser?

Ah no Busy is supported by Steem I ng and even received massive delegation.

esteem is the one that has a 5% cut and so is dtube at 25%


I LOVE you!!!

Testing is on my Happy Must Do list TODAY... the one I haven't recorded yet because I've been busy writing an overlong comment on your 'dust' post. ;)

And it has to be today so I can use it as an interim publishing platform until I get my 500 SP sorted. I hope its slider helps with comment in addition to post upvotes.

THANK YOU so much for writing this post. Have NOT read it yet since I have to go record, but it is JUST what I need to dig in to Busy more easily later. Blessss you!

Oh yes the slider works for both posts and comments.
So you will be a able to manage more of your voting power. Remember to keep it at 75% -80%.

Thanks, Mav!

I'm in Busy now. Input a post and ready to schedule it for Wednesday but I don't see that option.

HELP! ;)

Oh there is no way that it has teh ability to schedule the posting of a post like in streemian were you can input a post and have it published on a a certain day and time.

You can however leave a draft and once you are ready you can go back to that draft and click to publish.

Ok, great! Thanks for clarification, Mav.

I did go in to Streemian yesterday and put in the same post. Just forgot to look up the UTC time equivalent, so thankssss for reminder! Added to today's To Dos. ;)

Yes, Thanks for reminder. It was back up to almost 70% earlier this morning. May have bugged that up since though.

Mav, how do I get the slider thingy when I'm upvoting a comment in I just went to a comment, clicked upvote, hoping it would bring up the slider like in DLive but it didn't and just voteddddd!!! LOL

btw, @MaverickInvictus, JUST scheduled first post using Streemian and sent you a 'Thank You' via Zappl. ;)

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