E is for EGGS - My Entry for A - Z Photography Contest Week 5

in #busy6 years ago (edited)


My post today is for the A - Z Photography Contest initiated by @sustainablyyours. This is Week 5 for The Letter E, and I am very late, but hopefully in time.

I have been looking for places to post food photos and information for my new @fitinfunfood blog, and now this is going to be a place until we get to the letter Z!

Eggs are part of a healthy diet that I describe as having two steps:

  1. Eat less crap.
  2. Eat more nutrition.

Eggs are mostly in the second step with some information about the first step too.

But this is a photo contest, so here are a bunch of egg photos I took and one of them will be entered in the contest through this post.

Let's see if we can find a good one. And:

Dear @sustainablyyours,

If you like another photo better, feel free to choose it. I am flexible!

So, starting in Bangkok Thailand, this is how you can get eggs in a cart. The lady is gone now and not worried about theft, I guess. She is also selling yummy steamed sweet potatoes.


I can never miss a chance to post ant egg soup photo. This is about the best soup I ever had, and ant eggs knocked out of a tree are so yummy. They are a bit like chicken eggs in flavor and pop in your mouth as you eat them, unless you get an ant.


Close up!


These next eggs were in a steamer in my local Bangkok market and are in various stages of development. The ones on the right are called balut and include a chicken that almost got to live.


These are salted eggs Thai people did not think I would like, but I love them. I'm pretty good with all versions of eggs but these are very flavorful and filling.


More eggs at a Thai market, next to wonderful and cheap mangos. No one refrigerates eggs here in SE Asia and they do not die from them.


This is the ingredients of an egg salad I made. The Thai holy Basil was great in this dish.


Now we are in California. My farm fresh egg was used to show the size of the dates. They were $3 for the container and I wish I had them now.


Here's the guy with the eggs and other delectable food at the Coronado Farmers Market in San Diego. I took photo of a person!!! I should have put this is one of my Market Friday posts for @dswigle, but I flaked.


In the next set of photos I'm showing how to hard boil eggs for a weight loss client I had. I kid you not. This girl was 21 years old and had only eaten fast food for her whole entire life before this time. She thought you could only get eggs hard boiled at the 711 one by one.

Me: It's good to eat eggs. They are cheap and you can make a few at a time.
Her: They only come one at a time.
Me: No! You get them by the dozen.
Her: Where do you find them like that?
Me: At the grocery store or the Farmers Market.
Her: Oh, I did not know that. I get the hard boiled ones at 711. They are 99 cents for one.

So I made a little food essay for her about how to boil eggs.


And how to cut them into slices.



And how to eat them another way.


After that egg story, I did this one.

You see a mixture of veggies, cheese and eggs - all chopped finely.


Then I put that mix on bread I baked and heated gently.


Until the cheese melted and steamed up my lens.


Here's a whole other egg sandwich. I baked the bread and grew the spouts. This had cheddar and feta cheese too.


Well that was another look at my horrific attempts to photograph food.

I think the best of those photos is this one:


So on to the nutrition. First let's discuss Part Two of the plan.

  • Eat more nutrition

Unless you ar one of the 10% of people who cannot eat eggs because you are allergic, you should!

Remember that you are trying to get more of the 31 essential nutrients into your diet:


Eggs are good sources of some of those according to the Worlds Healhiest Foods site.


Really. The Worlds Healhiest Foods site has this chart too:


And eggs have great health benefits accounding to the Top Health Remedies site:


So you have a lot of reasons to eat them if you have a weight loss dream.


And sadly we need to think about Part One of the plan as well:

  • Eat less crap.

Eggs are a place with all kinds of nonsense in the mainstream sources.

  • At least get organic and "non-gmo."
  • Try to get pasture raised.
  • Try to buy locally from a small farm or homestead.
  • Do NOT get plain old regular cheap eggs at the store.

I hope I do not need to tell you all the bad stuff about regular eggs. Comment if you need me to make a post proving factory farms are not your friend, and I will.

If you are in San Diego, contact @mariannewest. She raises chickens for eggs, and you might be able to work out something with her or other people she is connected with.

Also search Craigslist and local FB groups for good sources.

That's it for this post. All photos were taken by me with one of the many Canon point and shoot cameras I have had over the years.

Thank you so much for your attention to my post and I will see you for the letter F if not sooner.

This post is also for @steemiteducation. You can post here too. Find the daily prompt post, follow directions, and then teach us what you know. We want to learn from you!

steemitedu logo 2.png

I am a proud member of @socalsteemit. We bring Southern California to you on the STEEM blockchain. If you have a connection to this area, please join us. We would love to have you!

= =

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Monday Minnow Tips for Everyone from @fitinfun

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Situation Critical – My rent and wifi are not paid and now are both overdue

UPDATE: I am so happy and relieved to tell you that:

  • my rent and a wifi top up have been paid.
  • the money sent to my US paypal account is on its way and will be here next week.

A bigger post describing this will be posted soon, but I want to let anyone checking on me know that the first part of the situation is solved and that at least I will not be cut off from the world without a roof over my head.

I am so grateful to you all.

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bxlphabet fitinfun before and after.jpg

It is almost Super Bowl Sunday. Statistics say that only 5% of people with health resolutions for the New Year will still be on track. Is your fitness equipment still out and are you still on a "diet?"

I lost "Half My Size" eight years ago by using natural methods. I started on December 5th and did not give up. You can do it too!

This is Sharon @fitinfun. I am posting:

Please follow along or contact me directly if you would like some individual help with weight loss and health. Anyone can do this if I did.


Howdy fitinfunfood! wow this is a wonderful post, I love eggs too, I agree, about as perfect a food as you're going to find! I thought the photos were pretty good too!

Aw! Thank you. This blog is making me push them out and I'm so happy for that. It's hard for me to work on food!

Howdy this fine Tuesday fitinfunfood! I agree, I think food posts are really hard to do, plus you got alot going on!

Aw! Thank you! I'm brain dead, to be honest :)

dang you produce pretty darn good for being brain dead!

My motto here is:

When my eyes start closing, I go to sleep :)

haha! very good fitinfunfood, that's awful dedicated and when the price of steem gets higher it will all be worth it and you can breathe a little easier.

No kidding - go STEEM go! I'm up and at 'em again now. Posts are coming :)

Congratulations! You won the Reward Edition Highland Archer Gold and Daria Dragonscale Steem Monster Cards in last week's A-Z Photography Contest!

Just let me know the Steem account name where you would like those to be sent, and I'll send them over!

Thank you for participating, and I hope to see you back for this week's contest!!!

Thank you so much! I am coming back for sure. The account for the cards is @bxlphabet. You are awesome. Great contest!

Allrighty. The cards should be sent. Please, let me know if they don't make it, and I'll try to figure out what I did wrong. lol

I talked to my son on Discord. He got them and he is thrilled! He said that one of them is like his other cards and the other came some different way, but he was tired and will look at it again when he wakes up. Thank you so much for this, @sustainablyyours.

Since you are in this and I am not -

My son only has cards he won (or me lol) and he needs a starter pack. Do people ever have contests for those packs, and is it really 10 usd to get one? He says he needs it and I do not feel like joining the discord to try to figure this out. Our budget is really that tight.

Any thoughts you have about this will by greatly appreciated. i'm working on my post now :)

So... what is 711? That girl never been in a supermarket before?
Eggs are the most complete food one can eat. Everything is in it.
I can not say they are cheap, to be honest they get more and more expensive. By now it is about 2 euro at least for 10.. (here you buy thin with 10 or 6 sometimes 30)

Posted using Partiko Android

That is expensive! But still worth it for the health benefit.

No, she had never shopped in a supermarket! Her mom only got them fast food her whole life.

711 is a convenience store. Like a small grocery.

I will love have my own chicken.. to have egg from... well we really are looking for them... just here are a little bit expense but soon we can get some
Thank for share so complete information
Have a great week

Posted using Partiko Android

You're welcome. I wish I had chickens too, but I am not in a good place to raise them. I'm so glad you like the post!

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