Coronado Farmers Market Friday and My California Twofer Part Two

in #busy6 years ago

The Coronado Farmers Market in San Diego California is making its second appearance for the MarketFriday initiative by Denise @dswigle.

This post is also doing double duty again and entering into the MyCalifornia Weekly Contest by @socalsteemit.

Today also marks the debut of @fitinfunfood to these two wonderful weekly events. I have previously been posting food with my @fitinfun blog. Last week that blog took you on a tour of the Coronado Farmer's Market here:

Coronado Farmers Market Friday and My California Twofer

On Jan 1 decided to split off my food posts to this new @fitinfunfood blog. I was lucky enough to see and take advantage of the recent 90 Free Account giveaway by @emrebeyler, and this is one of the accounts I picked up. You can read about @emrebeyler's incredible effort here:

STEEM Santa is Gone - See You Next Year

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, @emrebeyler. I have been wanting a blog just for food for months. People really want to know about my food story, tips and tricks, and other food information since I lost "half my size" eight years ago.

I have never been able to do the topic justice in a couple of buried posts a week @fitinfun, and now I have a new home for all things food. You did a really nice thing for so many of us, @emrebeyler, and I will not let you down.

So I've been working it @fitinfunfood like crazy for the last couple of weeks and you can read about the struggles and triumphs on this post.

Introduction to @fitinfunfood

And find out what I am learning about having a baby account in this nuthouse called the STEEM blockchain. I've got all kinds of information here at this post (and in the comments) with a lot of tips for other noobs:

Minnow Tips after One Week from fitinfunfood

The RC issue is real people! Our baby steemian fish need help to survive. If I was not able to lease some delegated sp from @blocktrades with my other account's STEEM, I would not be able to function at all.

But mostly its all about food at fitinfunfood, so here are some flowers!

Denise always likes to see flowers in the MarketFriday posts, and I aim to please. These lovely sunflowers were in a bucket on the ground at the Coronado Farmers Market and I got a shot. The color is a bit different than what I expect from sunflowers, but I like it!


This wonderful pic is of grapes that appear for two weeks each year - right about this time, I think. This is actually one of the apple vendors who has these delicious morsels only if you are lucky and get there early on those two days in January.


The market runs on Tuesdays from 3 pm to dark. On the two grape days a year, this lady is selling grapes for the first hour and then they are DONE! You can have some apples if you want them, but all the other knowledgeable Coronadans have already spent a ton of money on the grapes.

This small bunch would have been $7 maybe, and no one cares. We will buy them at any price and be thrilled at our luck.

I can taste them now. The skin is soft. The flesh is sweet. The entire grape melts in your mouth as you chew. They have a few seeds in them, and one year a lady told me she has tried to plant them for years with no luck.

Bonus shot without hand:


So yum! Worth its weight in gold and that is how much it costs.

The cheese from Petaluma Creamery is also a bit of heaven. They bring photos of their cows for the booth. They know each cow by name. This cheese is outrageously expensive and I could spend $50 here if I was feeling rich. Then my son @bxlphabet would eat all the cheese in one hour if I was not careful to hide it properly.

Petaluma Creamery put out samples of all the cheeses, and if you were there late and they liked you, they would let you eat what was left while they packed to go back up north.


Petaluma Creamery also sells this ghee from a neighboring farm. It costs an arm and a leg and is so good! Ghee is supposed to have better health benefits than butter for people like me with autoimmune disease. And it tastes and cooks up like a dream come true.


Now that I am in SE Asia, the ghee is CHEAP, sold everywhere, and comes in varying containers; some huge! Many people eat it as a regular part of their diet. Some of my flatmates now are Indian guys who cook up a storm in a gang a few times a week.

I know they are in our shared kitchen when the laughing, banging, and stair climbing up and down takes an uptick. They are all doing something, and every knife, every pot, and all the woks are going strong. They use the blender to grind up spices and other aromatic things. Then the smell wafts, and and I have to go check out what's happening.

They have a few jars and cans of various types of ghee at all times. They cook their food like "Granny" did and it's a lucky day for me when they have made too much. I would like to meet this Granny who is down south in a place called JB.

OK - back to business...

Why More Coronado Farmer's Market Photos?

I have so many shots of this market because:

  • It was a place I felt comfortable (sort of) in my new thin body.
  • It was a place I went to every week.
  • I was trying to promote the Market to Coronadans so they would visit and support the place. (Such a fail!)
  • I was working to develop my photography skills based on a free online course I took for a year and a half. (Bigger fail!)

Here we are at my scary melon pic. Would you come to a place for food based on this crap shot? No you would not.


It's hard to believe or imagine from this pic, but trust me when I tell you - those gigantic $4 melons will melt in your mouth.

Here are more cheap persimmons like I showed you last week. When these come into season in California, people are giving them away at work, but these are about the best quality you can get, and almost baseball sized. (Samples!)


I do not have more shots of oranges being sold like last week, but here are some I purchased and slaved over for hours.

One of the tasks in my online photo course was a weekly challenge. The first time I entered the theme was "Breakfast" and I thought this photo was a sure winner.

This shot is one of hundreds I took like this while out on the common patio of my apartment. My neighbors already thought I was crazy, so this was no surprise to them. I had a ladder, if that can tell you anything more about how strange I can be.


But instead this one was the winner! Out of over 300 photos, in my first contest entry, I was the W I N N E R!!!

Yes me!

You could have knocked @bxlphabet over with a feather. He had not seen the photos and was so proud of me after he got over his shock!


The idea was to learn to take photos that would be good for Social Media Posters and the judges loved this one. "It has great color, composition, and contrast; and excellent white space for text."

Oh! The accolades!

But I have never used it once for anything because I liked the other photo better. (Oh, Sharon...)

You would be hard pressed to make a worse poster than this one.


But I did!


Notice the tag on that poster! FITINFUNFOOD! This is from about 2014. I'm not some kind of fly by night social media pro. I have been making bad posters since at least 2012.

I started with fitinfun online right as I was starting my weight loss journey in 2010. This was in my stage of "I am going to lose weight or die trying." Fun times!

Before I took the online course I did not even have any photos online. I thought people would read my words. Ha! Think again, fitinfun.

In the interest of completeness, here is the third photo I took for the "Breakfast" Challenge. The reason I did not enter before is that you always had to send a set of three. This was the first time I had three inspirations and actually took the photos in time.


I do not know why this one did not win lol. All I can tell you is the @bxlphabet was very infuriated, and glad when I was finally done with my long day on the patio. He got to eat about six of these beauties. (The banana slices were different on each one, and I worked hard on the peanut butter swirling effect. This was shot on the "best" of the 4 plates I had out there.)

And here is where I found out I am not a set designer either. My market haul photos are all sub par (to be kind). The lighting really makes this shot, as well as composition.


But wow! I sure miss this food. I cannot get any of it now anywhere in SE Asia that I know of.

  • Those yellow beans were very expensive and remind me of my mom. She would have loved them.
  • The plums? Melt in your mouth. Maybe $4 worth is seen in this pic.
  • I have yet to see a red radish in SE Asia and they are one or my favorite foods I even ate when I was fat. I make do with Diakon radishes as long as my arm now.
  • Swiss Chard! $2! I'm crying!
  • Strawberries. Yuck. These are for @bxlphabet who loves them. I eat them sparingly, in season only, and these were $5 organic. As to regular strawberries in the US?





Strawberries are another poisoned fruit now. Unlike the apples I already told you about, strawberries do not have the MOST chemicals sprayed on them. Instead they have the WORST, most disruptive, reason you can't have babies chemicals on them. Farm workers in regular strawberries fields are the sickest we've got.

Don't do it, friends. Buy organic strawberries if you must eat the sour gritty things at all. (Great for Vitamin C - an essential nutrient you need to have.)

  • The steak is from an organic farm where they do not name the cows. Instead, they kill the animals after raising them in the cleanest way possible. I said a prayer giving thanks for the cow who died for me every time before I dug into this amazing hunk of meat. @bxlphabet is vegetarian so this was all for me, me, me!

The photo of the haul on the table was not bad enough, so here is the haul from the next week on the carpet.

This is the very turning point when I realized I am a documentarian, not a stylist.

Another week, another day @bxlphabet begs me to go back to accounting and make money like I used to.


I am literally in awe of myself with that shot. I was on the floor for a good long time, I assure you. It's all yummy, but the corn is much better in SE Asia. @bxlphabet had to pick it all up when I was done and I went to bed after this. I can say nothing more.

I'll be back!

That's it for this week, folks. I can barely move now, and do not have a camera, but what I do have is 150K photos on three hard drives, so never fear - Sharon @fitinfunfood is here.

I am nothing if not flexible.

Many of these photos can be found for sale(!) at my FAA/Pixels Artist's Site, and in various food related essays at fitinfun foto on Behance

Most of these were taken with one of the many Canon point and shoots I have had over the years. I had a big Canon with lenses for a while, but it was too heavy for me to handle and so I got rid of it. I have no idea which photos came from which camera.

Start where you are, with what you've got, and do the best you can. And be sure to fitinfun no matter what!

= =

bxlphabet fitinfun before and after.jpg

It is that time of year when the fitness equipment is out and the diet books are being read. I lost "Half My Size" eight years ago by using natural methods, and you can too!

This is Sharon @fitinfun. I am posting:

Please follow along or contact me directly if you would like some individual help with weight loss and health. Anyone can do this if I did.

= =
If you would like to help the @fitinfun family survive and thrive, please follow our blogs! I am using @busy to post one post a day for each of them, and we get upvotes based on our followers collective SP. We all follow back; and big or small, we love you all!

And send me your comments on this or any other post. Please tell me what you want to know about food, and I will post about it. I am working hard to make this a success and help us all navigate the hazards in our food supply while eating the tastiest and most nutritious food we can get.

I want to hear from you. I have a comment contest going RIGHT NOW on my Greens post, so come on down! You might win some SBI!


This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

Thank you so much! What a wonderful boost today. I will get that witness vote in!

Your healthy idea is amazing!!! Your post are an awesome idea to help people.
Thanks for your work and Steem on!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much @monica90! This reply comes right when I need it. I will keep going and thank you so much. You have no idea how much you just helped me. Sharon {{{Hugs}}}

I send you a big hug too, but I am a man, and my nickname is *"moncia"...

Posted using Partiko Android

Oops! Thank you so much - I am moving fast and you really gave me a boost.

No problem!!!
It is an issue of my username, because it is not the first time😊👍 and I understand that people can be wrong!!!
Steem on!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

It's good we are a friendly bunch anyway :)

Wow, Sharon! @fitinfunfood This was an amazingly thorough walk through the market and what you have discovered through trial and error. I cannot believe your posts didn't work! I want to fly out there and go. Or perhaps, I just like Coronado! :)

The citrus and grapes are unparalleled. Oh, my! My friend owns a vineyard and the grapes out there are amazing. Just food alone is. It must have to do with the sun, the weather and the soil. Doesn't it always?

You have really come such a long way from the first post I ever read of yours on TSU. What a journey, my friend! Every time I think your life is going to get easier, life slaps you again! You sound like you are fitting in nicely in your new place, and I hope, in time, it will be a place you can call home.

I use ghee here in Washington, DC and it is actually pretty cheap here. Although cheap is a relative term, right? The Asian countries are notoriously cheaper than we are, but, in some ways, the difference in salaries even it out. Somewhat. Sometimes.

I want to thank you so much for posting in the #MarketFriday Challenge. It is always a pleasure to see you here! Good luck with all!

Upped and Steemed


Every time I think your life is going to get easier, life slaps you again!


Thank you for the laugh, Denise @dswigle. I will be sure to tag you in my upcoming newest tragedy post I am writing RIGHT NOW!!!!!

I love my tsuers most of all and without you all, I do not know what I would do.

I was just thinking of this time before I read your reply. The market was one of about 5 things I tried at the same time 2012-2013. I was completely new to social media due to the weight loss. I only had LinkedIn for my resume before this.

That photo course was incredible and wide-ranging and in development. Now it costs a fortune but this was free while they created it. I tried all their ideas I could to try to be a success. "Ask local businesses to hang you work on their walls." "Ask local businesses to let you create a marketing package with photos." On and on. Every one of those was a huge effort leading to a huge fail! I have stories! You will laugh until you cry!

In this case, I would post a photo to maybe 10 local fb groups and say, "Come on down to this wonderful local event." By the next day, I would have 50 comments bashing the idea, telling me the photo was bad, saying the market was in the wrong place, the vendors were horrible, the food was bad, we need a new market with a better set up, someone went to the hospital after they ate a sample etc etc etc...

Because of my marketing efforts for this market, a whole new fb group got set up to try to get a market in Spreckles park instead, and maybe 100 people joined in two weeks! They were not even thinking of this before I started.

And the vendors did not like me taking photos!!!!!

One small, tiny story of the misery of my first years after losing the weight.

This is why it is good that people told me I should be dead so many times in my life and from so young. I have a refusal mechanism for bad news. I refuse to give up and "Be sure to fitinfun no matter what."

It's true about the food there in Cali. I remember how amazed I was by it in my first years. Then you get used to it. I am sure in a new ball game here :) Ghee in huge buckets I could not lift is maybe $15 here. That's the cost of that one jar in the post.

I'll be back next week for sure. Thank you so much for doing this and all your support!

OMG! Talk about luck!!! You need to fitinfun when you can! I agree!!! Thank you again for joining and it is always a pleasure to see you here!

🎁 Hi @fitinfunfood! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Thank you for participating in this weeks Show us Your California contest!

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