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RE: Coronado Farmers Market Friday and My California Twofer Part Two

in #busy6 years ago

Wow, Sharon! @fitinfunfood This was an amazingly thorough walk through the market and what you have discovered through trial and error. I cannot believe your posts didn't work! I want to fly out there and go. Or perhaps, I just like Coronado! :)

The citrus and grapes are unparalleled. Oh, my! My friend owns a vineyard and the grapes out there are amazing. Just food alone is. It must have to do with the sun, the weather and the soil. Doesn't it always?

You have really come such a long way from the first post I ever read of yours on TSU. What a journey, my friend! Every time I think your life is going to get easier, life slaps you again! You sound like you are fitting in nicely in your new place, and I hope, in time, it will be a place you can call home.

I use ghee here in Washington, DC and it is actually pretty cheap here. Although cheap is a relative term, right? The Asian countries are notoriously cheaper than we are, but, in some ways, the difference in salaries even it out. Somewhat. Sometimes.

I want to thank you so much for posting in the #MarketFriday Challenge. It is always a pleasure to see you here! Good luck with all!

Upped and Steemed



Every time I think your life is going to get easier, life slaps you again!


Thank you for the laugh, Denise @dswigle. I will be sure to tag you in my upcoming newest tragedy post I am writing RIGHT NOW!!!!!

I love my tsuers most of all and without you all, I do not know what I would do.

I was just thinking of this time before I read your reply. The market was one of about 5 things I tried at the same time 2012-2013. I was completely new to social media due to the weight loss. I only had LinkedIn for my resume before this.

That photo course was incredible and wide-ranging and in development. Now it costs a fortune but this was free while they created it. I tried all their ideas I could to try to be a success. "Ask local businesses to hang you work on their walls." "Ask local businesses to let you create a marketing package with photos." On and on. Every one of those was a huge effort leading to a huge fail! I have stories! You will laugh until you cry!

In this case, I would post a photo to maybe 10 local fb groups and say, "Come on down to this wonderful local event." By the next day, I would have 50 comments bashing the idea, telling me the photo was bad, saying the market was in the wrong place, the vendors were horrible, the food was bad, we need a new market with a better set up, someone went to the hospital after they ate a sample etc etc etc...

Because of my marketing efforts for this market, a whole new fb group got set up to try to get a market in Spreckles park instead, and maybe 100 people joined in two weeks! They were not even thinking of this before I started.

And the vendors did not like me taking photos!!!!!

One small, tiny story of the misery of my first years after losing the weight.

This is why it is good that people told me I should be dead so many times in my life and from so young. I have a refusal mechanism for bad news. I refuse to give up and "Be sure to fitinfun no matter what."

It's true about the food there in Cali. I remember how amazed I was by it in my first years. Then you get used to it. I am sure in a new ball game here :) Ghee in huge buckets I could not lift is maybe $15 here. That's the cost of that one jar in the post.

I'll be back next week for sure. Thank you so much for doing this and all your support!

OMG! Talk about luck!!! You need to fitinfun when you can! I agree!!! Thank you again for joining and it is always a pleasure to see you here!

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