Easy Fermented Carrots

in #busy6 years ago

What's up, Doc?

Well, certainly not my posts! Between spending some time learning how to use my new Blue Yeti mic, several failed attempts at vlogging (I may have to post a Blooper Reel soon!) and a round of sick kids, this mama has been out of the Steem-loop! I've barely been able to curate & comment and need to get back into the Steem-swing of things in time for spring! Time to hit the ground running, and what better way to do that than with some quick and easy probiotic-packed fresh spring goodness!

Carrots are an amazing vegetable and we used to have them all the time until we discovered my daughter's allergy to them. I still occasionally will roast or steam them, but I no longer include them in soups, stews or crockpot roasts. But, I still want my other kids to munch on them because they're such an easy veggie to get into kids!

So, instead of just giving them carrot sticks, let's upgrade carrot sticks to Super Hero Status!

There are lots of great recipes using dill or garlic to add some more pizazz, but my kids like their plain ol' carrot sticks, so that's how I make them. (Although I may try to sneak in some garlic one of these days-at least for me!)

I also recently got this cool fermenting jar with weights and have been wanting to give it a go. So, with a large bag of carrots and a spare 15 minutes, I went to work peeling and chopping.

This is my first time using a fermenting jar. I've done this with wide mouth pint jars with great success in the past, but it was nice to be able to do such a large batch in one container this time.

The instructions are so easy and adaptable to whatever container you're using.

  1. Simply chop your carrots and lay your container of choice on its side to make stacking the sticks easier. Try to leave 1 inch of headroom. (Peeling is optional, but my kids are more likely to eat them that way.)
  2. Dissolve 1-2 Tbsp of quality salt in a quart of water. If you have raw kraut juice or fresh whey, you could add a Tbsp here and reduce the salt a bit, but I just used salt this time.
  3. Pour the salt water over the carrots and either cap tightly or use a cloth with a rubber band. If capped tightly, be sure to check periodically and burp the container at least daily.
  4. Once the carrots are to your liking, enjoy immediately or refrigerate for well, I don't know. Mine don't last more than a few days, so let me know how long yours have lasted. As for length of fermentation, I know some like them after 7-8 days, but my kids really enjoy them after 24-36 hours.

BONUS TIP! These are delicious dipped into my super-easy fermented mayonnaise. Seriously, I made a triple batch of mayo this weekend just because I knew it would go fast with these sticks around!

So, what do you think? Have you tried fermented carrot sticks? What's your favorite fermented food?

I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

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Aw, thanks! I'm flattered! And thank you for taking the time to curate and create such a well-written article!

Well that's something new, I've never even heard of fermented carrots... What do they taste like?

They just taste like carrot sticks with a little salt! If you let them ferment long enough they can actually get a bit fizzy, which is really fun for the kids. If you've ever had real live sauerkraut-the kind that bubbles over if left out of the fridge, it's kind of like that. If you've never had any live fermented foods, it can feel almost like the old candy Pop Rocks on your tongue.

Some folks like them stronger and leave them on the counter for 7-10 days for a stronger flavor, but I haven't tried that yet.

Ya know, I'm going to have to try this. I love me some pickled veggies. Most recently I have just been eating the ones that come on my bahn mi sandwiches. It's usually carrot and diakon thin sliced with a sweet ferment on em. But a nice spicy carrot sure sounds good. :)

Yeah, I really need to make some garlic carrot sticks for myself. Everything's better with garlic!

Interesting! Can't say I've ever heard of this. I'd give it a try!

It's super easy! And if you're going to have carrot sticks anyway, why not give them a "Power Up?" 💪

^Ditto! I have never heard of them.

They just taste like carrot sticks with a little salt! If you let them ferment long enough they can actually get a bit fizzy, which is really fun for the kids. If you've ever had real live sauerkraut-the kind that bubbles over if left out of the fridge, it's kind of like that. If you've never had any live fermented foods, it can feel almost like the old candy Pop Rocks on your tongue.

Some folks like them stronger and leave them on the counter for 7-10 days for a stronger flavor, but I haven't tried that yet.

Definitely worth a try.

I may do one batch to see how the kids like them, my husband is against all cooked carrots. I think the work “fermented” is a big no to him.

Yeah, fermented has a stigma to it, doesn't it? I'm still relatively new to fermenting foods, real sourdough, etc, but maybe don't call it fermented? We used to just call them fizzy carrots for the kiddos!

And if your husband drinks beer or wine, well, technically those are fermented... 🤣

🤣 yeah he does drink a few

Thanks for sharing this, I am going to try that. And I like that picture with the rabbits: how fresh and nice colors!

Thank you. I hope you try them!

Cute rabbits. I have gardens. Some carrots. But no bunnies hehe. I'm Oatmeal. Thanks for sharing. So fun. Almost as cute as a room full of kittens hehe. Almost.

We don't have rabbits yet, just chickens and full grown cats for now. But they are rather cute!

Reminds me of my pet guinea pigs. Adorable.

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