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RE: Bozzlife: Delegation Dilemma

in #busy5 years ago

I am a pro member of Dlike but I never post without including my own commentary. It is hard though because I know a lot of people frown upon Dlike in general so I don't want to be lumped in with the people who abuse it.


I am a pro user as well but rarely use it. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions. Sounds like we are struggling with the same one right now.

Yeah, I was really excited about the partnership with sports talk social and dlike, but it sounds like the user base of sts isn't really a fan of it, so I don't want to ruffle any feathers. It's one of those cases where just because lots of people are taking the easy way and profiting off of it doesn't mean I want to sacrifice my standards to follow suit.

Understand. If you look at Dlike a large majority of the post are sports-related and I am guessing so because of the partnership.

Yeah, it wasn't always that way. It used to be more crypto markets stuff.

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