Bozzlife: Luke Combs at The Dow

in #busy5 years ago

A couple of weeks ago @mrsbozz and I were lucky enough to attend another concert. This one consisted of a couple of acts she has been wanting to see for a while now, so I knew I had to get tickets when they became available.

Little did we know this was going to end up being one of the oddest concerts we have ever been to. Don't get me wrong, the show was fantastic. It just always seems that @mrsbozz and I attract the crazies when ever we attend events like this.

Thinking there was going to be a pretty big run on tickets for this show, I made sure I took advantage of the pre-sale. The Dow isn't a very big venue, so that means they can't fit as many people inside. That in turn usually leads to a higher demand for the tickets when the big name acts come to town.

Finding our seats, we agreed that I had done a pretty decent job on the tickets. Ideally, we would have been one row down with just the rail in front of us, but I think those tickets were taken already (more on that in a second).

I later found out that a lady I work with hadn't gotten her tickets yet and called the day of the concert to the box office to see if they had any available. The informed her that they just had a pair open in the club level for less than what we paid for ours. The end result had them about twenty rows closer to the stage than us for less money. She told me she doesn't plan on ever buying tickets in advance ever again (at this venue at least).

The show started with a guy we had never heard of before named Jameson Rodgers. He did a pretty decent job of pumping up the crowd and he has a song called Cold Case that is pretty decent. He also made a point to sing part of a song he helped write that is doing pretty well on the charts right now.

Next we got to see a band called Lanco. @mrsbozz loves them and she was really excited to see them in concert. Even though they are a country band the lead singer looks more like he could be fronting One Republic.

They were fantastic though and it was really exciting to see them sing the songs we are used to hearing on the radio.

It was about halfway through Lanco that the weirdness started to happen. Remember how I told you we always attract the crazies?

Just in front of us to the right there was a group of four people, three guys and a girl. Two of the guys appeared to be there "together" which @mrsbozz and I have no problem with. The other guy and the girl also seemed to be there together, so we thought it was a double date or something like that.

They were there before the show started. Meanwhile, like I said about halfway through Lanco, this group of three girls came into the row and sat just to the left of them in front of us. You could tell they had been drinking quite a bit and were having a good time. Most everyone else in our section was sitting down enjoying the show, but these three girls decided to stand.

This ended up being the view I had for most of Lanco's show. There were about six seats open in our row to the right of us, but we didn't know if people were going to be coming to claim them. My wife was able to see decently, so I just put up with it. I could still hear the band, so that was okay.

I can't be sure, but I think these ladies took at least 200 selifes before the show was even half over.

Eventually, Luke Combs took the stage. He has a pretty distinctive voice and a lot of his songs have been doing really well lately. I really enjoy his music and through the course of the concert he seemed like a really down to Earth guy who wasn't really expecting all of this fame, but is doing the best he can to handle it.

I leaned over at one point and I was able to get a little bit of the show from my vantage point.

It wasn't long into the main act that the group in the front of us to the left had shifted around a little bit. Before we knew it one of the guys that we thought was gay was talking to one of the girls in front of us. We noticed that the other guy we thought was gay looked a little upset and the girl that we thought was with the other guy was trying to comfort him. Again, we just kind of laughed the whole thing off. We soon realized that no one was going to fill in the seats to the left of us so we shifted over so we could both see the stage.

I don't know if you have ever been to a country concert but what happened next was pretty crazy even for us... Now, I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind (bonus points if you get the reference) but this was definitely not that kind of concert. We happened to look over and the girl that was talking to the "gay" guy was making out with him and grinding all over him. They were basically dry humping each other against the rail. By the end of the show, the guy that we thought was there on the double date with the girl was making out with one of the other girls. It was just so bizzare.

We happened to look back at the people behind us and they were basically in the same WTF state as we were.

@mrsbozz and I tend to pride ourselves on our people watching skill and our ability to figure out social situations, but we were totally off on this one!

The remainder of the show was fantastic though and it end up being a really enjoyable time once we were able to see the stage.

If you ever get a chance to see Luke Combs in concert I highly recommend it. If Lanco was big enough to put on a full show instead of being the opening act I think they would have kept the crowd on their feet the whole time. I am going to try to close with a couple of videos I took of Luke Combs.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed!


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So you had an extra show thrown in at the concert that was weird but maybe it’s just me showing my age but weirdness seems to be becoming something more ch more commonly seen than it used to be
Sounds like a fun concert

Thanks for this great post and being an active member of @steemusa !tip

It was a good show! Yeah like I said we just seem to draw them in!

Posted using Partiko Android

We seem to draw the crazies sometimes as well, but it gave you some more for your post ;)

Ah.. pity about the people in front! I hate it when people do that, it is really just inconsiderate... when I'm at the movie or a concert, I'm always hyper aware if I'm in someone's way... especially if a kid is sitting behind me!

Anyway, I don't suppose you could have just tilted them off the railing?... kind subtle Hitman style?... and then change clothes and then no one would have suspected you?

I pretended to push them much to the amusement of the people behind us.

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Oh, some guys get all the fun! ;)

Well, your night sounds adventurous! Quite the show in front of you, too bad you were playing dueling banjos with the concert. Nothing shocks me anymore, how sad is that. But, yeah... to be that far off. Their door could just swing both ways. One never knows, right?

Thanks for taking us along. The sound was great and the pictures awesome! Concert pics are so hard to take!


Thanks I appreciate it and yes that had occurred to us about the "bi" thing. It was just quite the scene. :P

And thank you for being a member of #SteemUSA!

You got me with your "show" and I forgot that! LOL

Haha, seems like a typical thing to happen. You want to enjoy the show and then there's people who just block your view the entire time :P

Good that you still managed to see a part of it though :)

Howdy @bozz, excellent job on this post! You really captured the magic of the show and did a wonderful job with the narrative.
In my experience with concerts, I find it's best to take in the annoying distractions comically, by simply observing the weird things that people do, and plenty can be observed with people who are in altered states, which many are at concerts.
Into my early 20's I would find annoyance with rude/inconsiderate behavior, but these days I find the actions of drunk people to be comical, as long as I keep distance.

Also, every concert has a different energy, and some are a bit more free flowing with movement. I really like outdoor concerts for the fact that open space is easier to achieve, and overall feels more comfortable for me. Indoor concerts can get crazy, especially heavy metal, but I find the adrenaline is intoxicating in a good way.

Ok, enough ranting, I loved this post man, great job!

Thanks I appreciate it. Yeah I got caught in the mosh pit at a NIN / Queens of the Stone Age concert and it was not fun. I enjoy lawn seats too especially for the ticket price. As I said though the crazies always seem to flock around us, especially at general admission shows like that! I think mainly we were just shocked that we had read the situation so wrong. Either that or we were right and that whole row in front of us had no moral compass that night. Booze can do that I guess 😛

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I'm a magnet for crazies so I totally get it 😄

There's probably a connection to be made between moral compass and certain inhibitions. Booze tends to strip away inhibitions for many lol.

Sounds like the "side show" was almost as good as the real one. (I suppose asking the women to please sit down so you could ... you know ... see the stage ... was just out of the question.)

These days it probably wouldn't have went over that well... You just never know what you are getting into.

It sounds like manners just died somewhere shortly after your generation. (Note to self: Another reason to avoid crowds. All the annoying people.)

We had a female whale wiggling her arse in front of us at a Lady Antebellum gig a couple of years ago. Was tempted to give her a kick but thought better of it.

I understand having a good time and standing up to dance but they were seriously the only ones. 20 years ago I might have enjoyed the sideshow...

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20 years ago I might have enjoyed the sideshow...

And you don't anymore? I better not say anything else.. @mrsbozz may be reading.. ;)

Good catch 😀

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Hey Bozz, reading through tons of comments after creating an awesome post like this one can really work up the appetite, so we've prepared some cake for you. Great job on this post!
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Thank you!

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It's really difficult to get good photos at concerts, but you pulled it off! Great job and storytelling!

It sure is and thank you!

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