How To Start The Right Business.

in #business6 years ago (edited)

How To Start The Right Business..png
Maybe you’ve been thinking you’d like to start a side gig or start a business and jump in fully. You’re seeking more freedom. You are attracted to the idea of being your own boss, setting your own rules and managing your time.

You may be someone that is in a current business that isn’t working or that you no long enjoy or maybe you’ve done it in the past and failed.

Regardless, there’s an important aspect (that I believe should be an actual section in a business plan.) The first thing you should do before you decide on anything, is figure out what business is right for you.

All business opportunities can look shiny and bright. There is no shortage of opportunities, the million dollar question, “is it right for me?”

I’ve made this mistake in the past. It didn’t take me very long to realize, that it was the wrong choice. There wasn’t anything wrong with the business idea or the business itself, it just wasn’t a good match for me.

I spent a significant amount of time working on a business plan and invested a significant amount of money to get it started. All was good until a found myself 2 years in, hating the business. I fell out of love with it.

I felt obligated to stay with it, “how could a just up and quit?” With all the work and money I had put in and not to mention the business was doing ok, and it had a lot of potential. I had to get real with myself, and it wasn’t a quick process.

In the beginning, I though it was me. I though I needed to “fix me” somehow. After all, I was known to get bored easy and always moving to something new. I started really analyzing the situation and most importantly myself. This was when I committed myself to personal development and mindset work which eventually led me into seeking spiritual growth.

Through that process, I became self-aware.

Self-Awareness is the golden nugget.

Become self-aware. First instinct, you might think, “I’m self-aware,” “I know myself.” Take a second look. Dig deep. Commit yourself to doing some deep exploration of who you really are and what you really want.

Self-awareness is what will point you in the right direction to what business is right for you. Even though you may find yourself in a desperate situation and willing to anything other than what you’re doing right now, I highly recommend, getting it right the first time.

I remember doing the business plan. Crunching numbers, market research, and doing all the “business-y stuff.” But I avoided looking at how, I as a person, was going to fit into all this.

It’s easy to look at a business opportunity for what it is, but at the end of the day somebody has to run that business, drive the business and make it work. Not saying we aren’t capable of it, I was. But the goal should be to do it great AND love it.

There’s something more valuable than some shiny business opportunity that we can make mediocre. It’s you and your unique skills, experiences, qualities and expertise that can be transformed into a business opportunity that’s often labelled as your “purpose.”

In my opinion, If you can pull that off, find your purpose and make a living from it, wake up everyday and love what you do, that’s like winning a lottery.

How To Start The Right Business.-2.png

It’s possible.

Here are some question that will help prompt you to some important answers hidden within.

Relax through this process, allow your soul to speak and be aware of what feels right in your body.

Using a journal or paper write out your past experiences, jobs, accomplishment etc. and look at what things you really enjoyed and when you felt proud of yourself. Make notes beside each thing. (Starting back from your childhood to now)

Proceed to answer these questions as authentic and true to you as you can.

:: What am I great at?
:: What am I an expert in?
:: What do others often come to me for advice?
:: What comes naturally to me?
:: What am I passionate about?
:: What gets me excited?
:: What could I talk about for hours and never get tried of it?
:: If I were rich and had everything I needed, what would I spend my time doing?
:: What are my top 3 qualities? (if you’re not sure, ask the people that know you best)
:: What value could I potentially offer the world?
:: How could I be of service?
:: What issues, problems and causes in the word do I feel close to?
:: What do you wish you could contribute to?
:: What are you core values and beliefs?
:: What value can I bring to the world? What problems can I solve?

These are the type of question that will get you thinking in the right direction. You may brainstorm an idea quickly or it may take a bit to uncover.

Through this process of self-awareness and focusing on starting the right business that suits you, it will also help you gain clarity around your “why”. Never make money the driving factor in why you start a business. We all want to create an income but it cannot be the main reason, make sure there’s something much bigger than that.

I’m not saying there won’t be a ton of other things you’ll need to learn along the way. But this is the foundation of your business. This gives you ground to stand on so you can start.

Here is an image that shows how this process of self-awareness plays an important role. It also gets you thinking about what the world needs, how you’re unique combination of skills and qualities can add value to the world and how it all correlates together.

Image source from

I hope this helps those that find themselves in a place where they are wanting to start a business or a new business but aren’t sure where to start.

I want to stress the fact that you are enough and if you dig deep, you’ll find the hidden potential within you. Believing in ourselves can be half the struggle. I'm committed to help others find their true potential and create the lives they truly deserve.

I plan to create much more content around entrepreneurship and personal development, so if this is something that you’ve found helpful, please let me know.

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Nice information you shared here...

Thank you :)

Life is journey and every success in life by the great take time but give a goods result
As you say"Using a journal or paper write out your past experiences, jobs, accomplishment etc. and look at what things you really enjoyed and when you felt proud of yourself"

yes, we sometimes forget all that we've done and we forget to honour how great we really are :)

Thanks for reading!

Really great article. I think those questions are spot on. Recently, a few really close friends and I committed to a similar exercise. There were six questions that we each answered first for ourselves (without sharing with the group) then answered for each of the other members in the group. It was really great and also remarkable how different everyone's answers were.

Also, I love the diagram of Ikigai. That is a new one for me. I've seen similar venn diagram illustrations, but they always lack the "third layer" explanation. By that I mean what happens in that space where three of the four main circles overlap--e.g. "satisfaction, but feeling of uselessness." Thanks for sharing that.

What a great exercise to do as group. really cool! It was probably a good example of how unique we all are, our intentions and desires in life. And yes, I wanted to include the diagram that shows those extras, I think they are important.

Thanks for stopping by :)

I just run multiple businesses and I’ll let nature take its coarse.

That is great advice and some great coaching questions, when people ask me about jobs and business I always ask what action will you be performing; they start talking to me in job titles, I stop them and ask again what exactly are you going to do on this job / business - "calculations/talking and selling/ metal work" and then I tell them if you love doing this action then this job/business is for you. Thank you for sharing your approach

Absolutely.. that is a great way to put it. In my experience I spoke of here in this post... I was an entrepreneur, but at the end of the day, I was a "soap maker", "gift shop work", sales, marketing ..... etc. 80% of the tasks I was doing I did not enjoy. I learned the hard way, but it also pushed me to become more self-aware.

Thanks for adding this example :)

I really love this article, please publish more of this content

Thanks, will do :)

cool stuff,really interesting

Thank you :)

This post has been shown by @tenorbalonzo to 7800+ followers

This would be great for everyone who are unclear about their future. Thanks @tressareid. Keep writing.

Yes, it creates clarity that some go a lifetime never figuring out. Thanks for reading :)

This post is resteemed and upvoted by @bestboom

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