How To Craft a Value Proposition

in #business6 years ago

How To Craft a Value Proposition

The first thing that needs to be understood is exactly what a value proposition is.

A Value Proposition:

  1. Distinguishes you from your competition 
  2. Clearly coveys to customers why they want you
  3. Delivers a promise to the customer that sets expectations

A Value Proposition is not:

  1. Your company's history
  2. Vague and generic positive statement 
  3. Self promoting 

Value propositions want to get to heart of what matters for customers. Value propositions are targeted to customers and focus on communicating the benefits of choosing your product or service.

Here are some positive things you can expect to see with a well written value proposition. 

  1. Increase in customer list
  2. Demand higher prices
  3. Longer customer retention
  4. Cheaper customer acquisition 

Your value proposition serves as the foundation for promotional and marketing material.

It is clear that most of the market does not have well developed value propositions. That's why most business owners end up using some of the following methods:

  1. Discounting services
  2. Haggle with customers over deals
  3. Spend more on advertising
  4. Run at a lower profit margin

Here are 3 of the main topics you should focus on when crafting a value proposition

  1. Identify a customer problem 
  2. Provide a clear solution 
  3. Give them a reason to act

Before you begin the value proposition, you need to collect some prerequisite information.

Things such as:

  1. Main desire of your customer
    1. SWOT Analysis
      1. Strengths
      2. Weaknesses
      3. Opportunities
      4. Threats
  2. Exclusivity
    1. Awards and/or proprietary property
    2. Guarantees or promise
  3. Credibility
    1. Social Proof (Media)
    2. Seals
    3. Frame
    4. Testimonials
  4. Clarity

Take a period of time 2-6 weeks as refine your value proposition. Continue asking questions that help answer the fundamental question for your customer and that's, "why should they buy from you and not your competitors?"

Each stage of your marketing plan should be touching on this value proposition and continuing to encourage the customer through your sales funnels.

Next, test your value proposition through a/b testing. See if different value propositions get better or worse response with clickthrough rate, engagement, and conversion. 

After some time and some testing, a quality value proposition can be woven into your business and completely transform your marketing and promotional material!

Consider spending some time this week refining your value proposition. Create a few pieces of promotional material that could help set the tone for current and future customers.

What's your value proposition?

What elements do you think make a great value proposition?

Thanks for reading this post! 


Great article. Yes it takes a bit of a mindset change for business owners to more be in the mindset of: How can we give this customer 100x back in value. Since most companies these days doesn't really understand or know how to communicate with their audience. The old way was to batch everyone under the same name but it does not work with the Internet where everyone is connected in a much faster way and can communicate new information fast. Since we now are living in Tribes again but online.

Real genuine care is clearly what is lacking and something that people doesn't want to think about. They don't understand the value of creating a long term client. That 1 person may be loyal to that brand for the rest of his life just because of the kindness that one person in the company did. Everyone knows the experience of bad customer service where you see that the company doesn't realize they will lose a person for a lifetime. And once that loyality goes away there is a massive loss of incoming profits.

This is a bit of a complicated field since there is no clear path or cheat code to use. People want to do business with people that they trust and can relate to. Many companies are scared of being a bit more relaxed and have a chatty tone. I have seen that Telegram on Twitter truly gets it how to talk to their users. In a very cool way.

Something else can take over when we start to trust someone. A deeper form of respect. But here you also have the issue where someone that has a monthly salary doesn't have an incentive to perform well since he will be paid the same. But I'm sure Crypto can truly change that since it unleash the ability for every human to share value in so much easier ways. And since humans are kind and generous the giving system works.

Thanks for the great comment @phoneinf! I appreciate your added input and contribution! I really like the fact the so many different economic experiments can be played out in condensed timelines with many different governance models. It's kinda like politics on steroids! We'll see in real time which philosophies will win the day. The world is a giant series of tests with swift and unyielding consequences. Thanks again for the comment!

Yes I agree with that. I mean just the fact how much value 1 place can bring like Steem and then add all the other 100s that is coming... Truly a paradigm shift in politics. Because of the Intellect we will see lots more being played out at the same time. Perhaps we will see no winner... 😉

The compound growth of all of this stuff will especially be fascinating to watch. Anything that can be monetised will clearly eventually. The take over the world model that some have seems like it will be a bit more complicated now with the Blockchain... More people than ever before that are thinking for themselves on this planet... Authority has gone away from 1 central place!

Great article. Thanks for sharing this..

@brettcalloway You have earned a random upvote from @botreporter because this post did not use any bidbots.

Really interesting post keep it up

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