Buildawhale Curation Digest 10/30/17

in #buildawhale7 years ago

Buildawhale Curation Digest 10/30/17

Thank you to today’s curators: @juvyjabian and @nicnas!

If you would like to help @buildawhale with curation, let @bethalea or @nicnas know in the @buildawhale Discord channel here:

@buildawhale now has close to 1 million Steem Power and around a $100 upvote. Check out the post

@buildawhale now also offers a way to get curation from its huge bid bot upvotes. Consider joining the PreVote club to get your vote in before the action. Check out the post

A post will be selected from our daily Curation Digest to be featured up to 3 days a week in the SteemVoter Guild Author of the Day post. Being selected comes with a huge reward, upvotes that could be valued as high as $150!

@buildawhale Sponsored

@buildawhale now offers Sponsored Curation!

If there is a post you would like to see curated, simply submit to @buildawhale as usual EXCEPT send 3 STEEM instead of SBD.

Check out the article on Sponsored Content here:

Hairshares Project Update: Exciting New Options For Using HAIRSHARE Tokens On Steemit

Author: @hairshares
Curator: @nicnas

-=- The @hairshares project and hairshare tokens are an amazing feet in the short history of Steem and SteemIt. @nepd has created a wonderful project out of compassion for those who are in need of a wig. While he has had family who experienced this need, his compassion for others is greatly appreciated.

A lot of new developments have come from hairshares recently and you will need to follow the account to keep updated. BUT if you ever have a chance to get your hands on the tokens, and you should, they can be traded for upvotes. You can get them many ways but mainly through the donation of hair to this project.

Keep up the good work @hairshares and @nepd. -=-


RHODIUM UP OVER $1400 PER OUNCE - SteemSilverGoldRhodium

Author: @goldkey
Curator: @juvyjabian

-=- A post about the increase price of Rhodium, silver white metal that is utilize in various industries and jewelry. A year ago, its price per ounce usually range from $700 to $1400, now its price per ounce stand on $1050 to $1400. According to the author, the price trend has a huge possibility that it will increase more.

Rhodium has a lot of uses such as in industries, jewelry, and science. Rhodium is not just a simple metal, but a precious metal which price could be 10x more than the price of gold. Its has a distinction as the most expensive metal. Its a member of the Platinum family and is use as electroplating because it has the capacity to resist scratches and can produce a white reflective appearance. -=-


One journey for a CHILD Part 2

Author: @corsica
Curator: @juvyjabian

-=- This is another post of @corsica regarding her journey of having a baby. This part was on the early stage of the journey since it still on its part 2. Here she was able to face Gynaecologist who doesn't her enought consideration of what might she felt during that day. As she put on her story, the doctor didn't even care to read all the documents coming from her previous examination, it directly tells her that you could not have a baby unless there's a miracle.

The doctor said that she is in total menopause and could not bear a child anymore. What is the menopausal age by the way? The menopausal age is within 48-55 years old. I would tell if the doctor doesn't know about or she's trying to avoid future engagement with the woman. The best advise that the author had during this time is to look for another doctor. -=-


Pressurized Liquid Extraction of Grape Seed Oil

Author: @kedi
Curator: @juvyjabian

-=- The author @kedi is sharing to the community about the rapid industry growth of grape see oil. This oil is a by-product of wine industry because the grape seeds that suppose to be a waste of making wine were sold to oil producers to produce grape seed oil. The oil is now frequently use in the food industry. Aside from this, the oil were also utilized as raw materials in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry because it has a good content of antioxidants.

Due to the advantage of influence of vegetable oils to health, the requirement of this product had increased. And since grape kernel has a good produce of linoleic acid and vitamin E, it made its way as a vital materials for various cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This extraction. The extraction of the oil is through the process called Pressurized Liquid Extraction system. -=-


B&W Photo Contest | Water | Subotica

Author: @sammarkjames
Curator: @juvyjabian

-=- This post from @sammarkjames is intended for the photo contest initiated by @daveks. If were going to look at the photo, aside from its good quality, there is a message embedded to the viewers. The interpretation of the message depend on how the heart of soul of the viewers. How they are going to understand these message will not only affect their views of life but affect on how they are going to live it.

The image shows hardship, simplicity, ambition, patience, chaos and anxieties. Now if you are able to connect to those words in meaningful description, then you will understand who you are. -=-


Look what she is wearing.. she's just asking for it!

Author: @bearbear613
Curator: @juvyjabian

-=- A post from @bearbear613 that talk about the abuses of woman. How a powerful man tend to utilize their influence and seek to disrespect woman by satisfying it lustful desire. Its hard to understand but respect to woman is a kind of glitched nowadays. There are people who doesn't really care about the welfare of a woman. They are visualizing woman as a toy to satisfy for themselves.

In the post, there is a question of what's going with the western civilization. Why is that? Abuses for woman doesn't stop in that area, they are also rampant in different parts of the world. -=-


@buildawhale does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties opinions or statements in Curation Digests. Any statements made in these posts are the author's and curator's own opinion.

All curated posts mentioned in @buildawhale's Curation digest will receive an extra upvote to their post thanks to @akrid. Please support @akrid and his projects on SteemIt as thank you for his generosity!

Much love from your Chief Curators,

@bethalea and @nicnas

Nic and Me.jpg

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How do you get featured in our Curation Digest?

Submit a bid to @buildawhale for 0.500 SBD or more and collect your upvote. Our curation team will look through posts submitted through our service and pick our favorite posts. The amount you bid is not a factor in the choice of posts featured in our daily Curation Digest.

Our Curation Digest was built on the idea of rewarding good quality content and not low effort spam. By doing this, we build a stronger better community and support the future of Steem.

My creator @themarkymark (witness) and @buildawhale are strong supporters of the Steemit community and want to see it grow into something magnificant. The Curation Digest is built on that mentality. Reward awesome authors producing awesome content.

If you want to support our efforts, there are a few things you do to help us.

Steemvoter @buildawhale

Adding @buildawhale to your account will allow us to have more funds to pay our curators and to reach additional markets. We would love to do native curation in native languages outside of English. We would love to go back to a 7 day schedule rather than the current Monday-Friday schedule we currently have for our Curation Digest. All the revenue from @buildawhale bidding & Curation Digest goes to growing @buildawhale Steem Power, Rewarding our Curators, and expanding our services.

Donate Steem Power

Donating steem power to @buildawhale or @buildawhaletrail allows us to provide larger votes and will increase our trail service to further reward authors featured in our Curation Digest. Currently @buildawhaletrail is in our [PreVote Club] but when we have additional steem power it will focus exclusively on authors featured in our Curation Digest.

Write a post about @buildawhale

We love to see community posts about @buildawhale. We pride ourselves in being different by not selling our votes outside of the bidding windows, minipulating bids, and putting everything we get back into growing. Our new PreVote club rewards @buildawhale users with additional votes and allows Steemians to get valuable curation rewards. Our daily Curation Digest helps promote quality content and feature great authors. Our new partnership with will provide massive rewards to being featured in our Curation Digest. Let others know what we are doing and how we trying to be different and transparent.

Vote for @themarkymark as witness

As a witness @themarkymark has proven himself to be transparent, ethical, and technically competent. A witness vote helps produce funds to drive community driven projects.


what an honor to have made it into this post! I am just wondering if post is 12 days how do you get upvote?!

I have spoken to you already. But just in case others are interested. We cannot use buildawhale to upvote again, for obvious reasons. But we do give an upvote, a small one, to the curated. Unfortunately, we do come across old posts and still feel they are worthy of being curated. We are trying to catch up but understand that we receive a LOT of URL's each day. There will still be the occasional older post in the digest and that can be b/c of many things. Sometimes the post isn't submitted to @buildawhale until close to the 7 days.

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