Buildawhale Curation Digest 10/18/17

in #buildawhale7 years ago

Buildawhale Curation Digest 10/18/17

Thank you to today’s curators: @ellicia, @ironshield, @lturner and @nicnas!

If you would like to help @buildawhale with curation, let @bethalea or @nicnas know in the @buildawhale Discord channel here:

@buildawhale Sponsored

@buildawhale now offers Sponsored Curation!

If there is a post you would like to see curated, simply submit to @buildawhale as usual EXCEPT send 3 STEEM instead of SBD.

Check out the article on Sponsored Content here:

Minnowbooster : Sell Your Vote to MB for SBD! Upvote Bot Market (UBM) Revealed!

Author: @minnowbooster
Curator: @nicnas

-=- One thing is fact, you cannot beat the amount of services @minnowbooster offers these days. Whether it be from allowing them to use your upvote in their new feature, lease steem power, delegate steam power, lease/delegate from/to minnowbooster bot or the all famous minnowbooster upvote bot. There are lots of ways to get involved, who hasn't benefited from this service yet?

Speaking of their new feature to use your upvote. There are so many advantages to this. It can be hard to find good content, enough to earn all your upvotes daily. Especially when there just isnt enough time. I think this loaned upvote could benefit members a lot. It's a win/win. Not only will you make SBD on your vote but you will get the curation too. Might as well double dip. Right? -=-


Gasteracantha: Tiny Spiders From Hell!

Author: @trumpman
Curator: @ironshield

-=- Today, @trumpman is inviting you to meet his favorite genus of spiders, the Gasteracantha. These are some of the most bizarre and alien-looking arachnids to roam the earth. They come in all sorts of colors and shapes. You will not be disappointed checking out this post. But if you have arachnophobia stay away, this will give you nightmares. -=-


“Delighted Delicacy Magic Moment” for my Little Kiddo !!! Elated Very very...

Author: @amitsharma
Curator: @ellicia

-=- Wow! I have never thought to be so creative with my children’s snacks. I’m not sure I could make something that beautiful, in that little of time, either, but I’m excited to try! If you want to step up your game, read this post, it will give you a new outlook on snack time. And, it may make your children want to help! What a great Dad thing to do, @amitsharma! I’m sure she loved it! -=-


Minimalism On A Mobile Homestead

Author: @floridagypsy
Curator: @ellicia

-=- This is fantastic! I’ve never heard of anyone making a mobile homestead function like this one. It’s definitely an inspiration for me, and it took my excuse of “not enough room” and made it invalid. If you would like to find motivation, ideas, or simply read about how they provide 90% of their needs, on a mobile homestead, give this article a read. Well done, @floridagypsy! -=-


Maximising your rewards on STEEMIT!

Author: @drwom
Curator: @ironshield

-=- Learn the winning values that will naturally earn you more rewards on Steemit! @drwom gives us an overview of how you can build an esteemed name on Steemit, causing you to increase your followers and your upvotes. Also some great strategies on how to use earned SBD invest back into Steemit for greater curation rewards. -=-


Buffalo Chicken Blue Cheese Pita Nachos with Greek Yogurt Ranch (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

Author: @gringalicious
Curator: @lturner

-=- What would a family football afternoon be without fantastic cheesy snacks? @gringadelicious does her usual fantastic job detailing, photographing and blogging about these very yummy-looking Buffalo Chicken Blue Cheese pita nachos. I freely admit I'm a recipe-a-holic and @gringadelicious is one of the top Steemians encouraging this addiction with her beautiful posts. It might be time to pull out the pita bread and the hot sauce and give this one a try! -=-


@buildawhale does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties opinions or statements in Curation Digests. Any statements made in these posts are the author's and curator's own opinion.

All curated posts mentioned in @buildawhale's Curation digest will receive an extra upvote to their post thanks to @akrid. Please support @akrid and his projects on SteemIt as thank you for his generosity!

Much love from your Chief Curators,

@bethalea and @nicnas

Nic and Me.jpg

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Please consider voting for @buildawhale founder, @themarkymark for Witness!


You can vote for him to be a Steemit Witness on this page:

You will need to manually enter his name: themarkymark in the vote box on the bottom. Thanks!



Hi, @buildawhale . You missed my upvote. Can you please refund 0.5Sbd to me?

It didn't get missed, the post was too old to vote on. Steemit won't allow upvotes after 6 days 12 hours, because we have 2hr 40m voting window so we won't vote past 6 days 8 hours.

I went ahead and sent you a refund anyway.

Awesome selection as always. A privilege to be featured :D

I love your whale on newspaper! And nice that you are doing such a digests. Hope to be featured somday here as well. I am drawing whales too :)
Whale Upvote from @dunsky

Awesome whale! I love it.

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