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RE: Bucket List Challenge: Dreams Fulfilled & Dreams to Come (Therapy Thursday)

in #bucketlist6 years ago

Thank you for the support and understanding, as always. Nothing has taken me by surprise so much as the fact that I didn't have many "want to's" that I haven't already done.

Traveling sounds good to me, but at the same time, I'm such a homebody, I could probably go 6 months without ever leaving my house. My husband is used to the kids giving me so much entertainment/interaction that he's gotten spoiled. Now I'm like, "TALK TO ME!" and he's stil the same as ever, replying with, "What do you want to talk about?"

I guess I spent too many years believing that once he didn't HAVE to work 80 hours a week, then we'd suddenly find things to do together. As it is, I'm realizing we still don't have the same interests, and if I don't have a project that I am passionate about, he doesn't seem to have one, either. He's spent too many years just supporting mine, I guess.

I don't know. It's obviously far more complex than I could cover in a comment or a post... or maybe a novel!


well, I think, a novel about the 2 of you and what you are going through written TOGETHER
might, just might, be the best thing for BOTH of you.

just a suggestion my beautiful friend <3 Many hugs

Gah, I wish I was as good at writing down cohesive 'real life' thoughts as I am at fiction. Maybe I need to start a "real life daily writing prompt" to inspire myself!

well this would be the YOU and HIM working TOGETHER as you said he supports YOU.......


So HE gives you the prompts!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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