Throw another log on the FIAT curreny fire

in #brainfeed5 years ago

As the banking cartel struggle with losing control of global payment systems, their actions become more and more obvious every day.

However their main weapons, voiced via the USA regulatory bodies seems to be sanctions eg NK, Russia, and Iran (none of which have a rothkiddies owned central bank).

Now in a desperate move they are accusing countries of 'manipluation' in regards to national currencies.
Talk about pot calling kettle black.

If anyone is guilty of currency manipulation it would have to be the USA, with their PRIVATELY owned 'federal' reserve turning on the printing presses any time a bank or war needs to be funded.

No wonder most of the world is laughing at the USA, and it is not about the leader, it is more about the obvious actions of their MIC and counterfeit printing presses.

The sooner the world moves back to a common denominator like gold to back their currencies the better, and will put an end to the huge sums that the USA spend on policing the world using ficticious currency.

The world will move on, maybe through a gold standard, although more paper gold exists than real stuff, or maybe we need a common digital 'standard' such as BTC.

Time will tell


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