How @stimp1024 lost 10+ SBD

in #bot6 years ago

More then 1 week ago the paid upvote bot @allaz was broken. This because they upvoted their own shit like 40 times. So there was no VP left and the bot only upvotes when 100% VP is reached.

As of that moment no one received an upvote anymore. I noticed that @stimp1024 kept buying (also a few others, but mostly not as much. And I don't have a trillion hours available for these kind of investigations). He buys upvotes like 10 times a day. I was guessing he build a bot to do so. I asked him and got a cryptical answer. I told him he needs help, but he did not react on that message. So he kept spending like 0.2 SBD per bid, 10 times a day for about a full week. Thats over 10 SBD 😳

I propose a few simple solutions :
Inform @stimp1024 (any volunteer?)
Inform @blocktrades to get his delegation out (done)
Ask @yabapmatt to remove this scammer from steemitbottracker (done).
Send message to @stratilatkryuko, as this looks the owner of the bot.



Laten we de rest er ook tegen aan smijten....

New round new chance

The force is with you! You got a 13.89% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Hups nog eentje


Two moet hof

Hoop gaan we weer eens

You got a 9.96% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!

You got a 7.41% upvote from @whalecreator courtesy of @crypto-econom1st! Delegate your Steem Power to earn 100% payouts.

The force is with you! You got a 19.26% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

You got a 9.43% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Prachtige time
Schrijf foutje 😀

You got a 8.51% upvote from @brandonfrye courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Want to promote your posts too? Send a minimum of .10 SBD or Steem to @brandonfrye with link in the memo for an upvote on your post. You can also delegate to our service for daily passive earnings which helps to support the @minnowfund initiative. Learn more here

Using bots is always tricky. This one also, trying to investigate best way....

The force is with you! You got a 19.84% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Next week test with only half and full buys.

The force is with you! You got a 16.13% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Just a little time to continue this half and full test

Interesting question is to see which bot provides the average financial value?

Can I conclude that after 1 week with only a few tests?

Klaar voor de keizer?

You got a 5.04% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!

Hartelijk dank en op naar de volgende

You got a 5.43% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!

Last minute is the best strategy. Sometimes this means you decide for a no go, because you see no value will be returned.

The force is with you! You got a 13.69% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

You got a 5.17% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!

The force is with you! You got a 16.67% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

It's quite difficult to determine the ideal transfer account. How can you calculate that?

You got a 3.96% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Zo sluw als een vis 😋

Ook de lekkers even testen. Twee vliegen in één klap....

There we go for early morning. Nice during my breakfast!

Wie is de keizer van allemaal?
Zeker niet Louis van gaal.

You got a 3.86% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!

You got a 6.01% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

You got a 21.98% upvote from @whalecreator courtesy of @crypto-econom1st! Delegate your Steem Power to earn 100% payouts.

Next test. Early morning is airways a good portion.

Mislukt, in zwembroek nu

Starting 4 minutes before the deadline to see how long it actually takes to write a short comment and buy the upvote.

Btw also checking the bot wallet one more time just before the upvote 😀

The force is with you! You got a 23.81% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

You got a 16.30% Prime Upvote from @alphaprime courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

All Upvoted posts are considered for additional Upvotes and Resteem based on quality content criteria chosen by our moderators in an effort to give something back to the community.

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You got a 10.42% upvote from @whalecreator courtesy of @crypto-econom1st! Delegate your Steem Power to earn 100% payouts.

Hup, testing how high 10% max ROI is?

You got a 0.75% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @crypto-econom1st!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!

Congratulations, your post received 10.56% up vote form @spydo courtesy of @crypto-econom1st! I hope, my gratitude will help you getting more visibility.
You can also earn by making delegation. Click here to delegate to @spydo and earn 95% daily reward payout! Follow this link to know more about delegation benefits.

"This because they upvoted their own shit like 40 times. So there was no VP left and the bot only upvotes when 100% VP is reached."

Wow! Unfortunate bug. They should give a refund.

I doubt it was a bug. Looks like the owner pulled all SBD/Steem out of the account.

Well that's always a risk when you send your Steem to someone, unfortunately.

I have a bit of an off topic question. Do I get any pay out for your 1% upvotes?

It doesn't look like I have enough SP for that, no. But you will get an increased reputation score.

Actually, I think I am going to up my upvote percent. I was concerned about using too much VP but I am struggling to stay below 100%.

I actually wanted to suggest that you better give me 1 full upvote per week or month instead of 100 times 1%. Because the 1% seems to be a waste. But it's not totally waste, since there is a very small reputation impact. Although I still prefer the one time 100% upvote.

Weet ge wat grappig is? Gij krijgt meer uit SBI dan ik, uw sponsor.

Nee hoor ik krijg nog niets. De upvotes van sbi2 ontvang ik van een Share die al weken geleden is aangekocht. Daarom zit die in poule 2. En hoe hoger de poule hoe meer de stemmen waard zijn. Als jij nu al stemmen ontvangt voor de betaling die je voor mij hebt gedaan, dan is er iets mis gegaan, want ik ontvang nog niets. Je hoort altijd een bevestiging in je Wallet te krijgen. Daar zie ik 1 bevestiging, maar daar staat niet voor welke aankoop, zie foto.

Het ligt voor de hand dat het die voor mij is, want die deed je denk ik als eerste?
Daarna volgden er echter nog iets van 20 aankopen???

Gij waard inderdaad de eerste die ik aan gemeld heb van de in totaal 11 denk ik. Eentje heeft 6 shares gekregen, als ge naar mijn wallet kijkt weet ge wel waarom. Had besloten om iedereen een share te geven. Eentje heeft gevraagd om het niet te doen omdat hij er al teveel van had!
Ik zie dat ik in sbi4 zit en een upvote van 2% krijg, die wel geteld 0$ waard is. Volgens de google sheet van sbi heb ik 5 shares, 3 aangemeld en 2 ontvangen. Zou dus bij de volgende update rond de 20 moeten zijn! Beter iets goed doen dan niet zullen we maar zeggen!

Die updates vinden volgens mij niet heel frequent plaats. Misschien nog maar even afwachten?

Wie had er al zo veel shares?

Rishi556. Geen idee hoeveel. Heb ook niet gekeken, wel zijn wens opgevolgd. Brave jongen als ik ben!
Updates: waarschijnlijk 1 keer in de week. Maar ik zie het meer en meer opduiken, dus zal er waarschijnlijk ook wel een SBI6 komen.
Mooie delagation die je van Mike grekegen hebt!

Ligt er enkel aan hoe lang het project aanmeldingen blijft accepteren. Maar anders haalt het uiteindelijk sbi80 😬

Net gekeken ze hebben de google sheet aangepast. Ik zou 17 shares hebben maar dat is volgens mij te weinig? Eerst nig maar wat onderzoek doen!

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