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RE: Freedom of Speech in the USA is being oppressed, what's Steemit doing about it?

in #boston7 years ago

Well, the issue here is really what evidence there is to support that it was really just a free speech rally. I don't believe it was, I believe it was a white supremacist rally. This is what my sources tell me. You might have other sources. What sources do you have?


I personally know two of the organizers, one of whom dropped out to March with the protesters in order to open up some dialogue after receiving some hate. They went so far as to contact his employer and pressured them to terminate his employment. The other gentleman I know has been been a progressive activist for many years. I also know Anne Armstrong, and Allen both from the healing church. They came to advocate their right to use cannabis for their religious beliefs. You should probably question your sources a little bit better. This wasn't meant to be a guise for hate. That's a politically motivated, and media backed lie.

I will check my sources, and I hope you understand that I will not take your word for it?
So please provide sources. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I just don't believe you. For now, at least.

Here we go, this conclusively proves you wrong. I dont suppose you'll watch it, admit your error, or apologise though.

I watched the video, it was interesting. It proves that I have been given a a biased version of the story, but the video you linked was also biased.
It showed one part of the story. Not conclusive in any way as to its perspective, bit I will admit, yes you are right, it was not a white supremacist rally. But white supremacists did attend, although several groups dropped off, like the proud boys.
Look at the list of speakers.
Please take note, I'm a pacifist, and I don't support the actions of antifa, although I sympathize with fighting nazis and white supremacists. The whole story is quite confusing, and it's hard to find good info.

Proud boys are not white supremacists, they're male chauvinists. They're a group reacting to the demonisation of masculinity in western society.

I really hope that you more critically examine the labels you attach to your fellow countrymen, Nazi and White Supremacist are labels that should not be thrown around lightly, lest they become meaningless.

Ok, Wikipedia and other sources confirm that they are not white supremacists, at least not as stated. They are however an alt-right group, extremely misogynistic, "patriotic" and they are described as islamophobic, by different sources. And they have white supremacists as members, like Jason Kessler for instance:
And then there is the founderGavin McInnes, he is a fucked up misogynist, and a holocaust denier.
And their main purpose os to fight left-wing protesters.

Who is demonizing masculinity btw? Both masculinity and femininity are social constructions, and both have their flaws, but of course masculinity has been more oppressive, with it's fear of weakness, glorification of competition, and general sexism.
I'm a man, and I was raised in a sexist culture. I had to unlearn it all. The disrespect towards women, lack of belief in their abilities, objectification, disrespect of sexual borders.
All this I was taught. So yeah, masculinity sucks, that's not demonizing, just my honest opinion. This does not mean that I'm in any way ashamed to be a man. I'm not a slave to my culture.
And also, I'm not from the U.S like the proud sexist, violent islamophobic boys, or like Noam Chomsky, one of the world's greatest intellectuals. So the U.S has both it's good and bad sides, admittedly.

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