
Chris Hadfield is also a very entertaining speaker, and I was fortunate enough to get to hear him last year. I especially enjoyed his story describing the "barely survivable" Soyez landing returning to earth from ISS!

Indeed he is, I love his Ted talk about fears and how he trained to become an astronaut.... Big fan of his... from books, talks through music (bit biased there :) ) and videos from ISS. :)

He also had a reality show on BBC something, training a group of people to become astronauts. Or at least to make a selection shortlist. It was entertaining, as much as a reality TV show with added drama could be, anyway, he did a lot of things, including singing Space Oddity, which I never knew until now :D

I will order it online, I know it's not the same thing but you made me curious!

I did not know that, although I saw him playing Space Oddity (it must have been around when David Bowie passed).

Damn is this cool! Amazing how he asks you not to turn it upside down.

You're right about taking a moment to think about the Amazon. It's shocking to think how it's all being torn down.

imagine that you had to choose about 200 hundreds out of 45,000 which Christ took during 2,597 orbits of our planet.

Nope, that would have been far too hard haha.

Great write up and I'm really intrigued by the book, I might have to get myself a copy!

Wow the passion and the wonder you can feel from your post is just immense! I love to see passion in a post! I’m so glad your trip to The Netherlands was all you’d hoped it would be! Today I read that Steven Hawkins died, a great loss for our planet and science. A very sad day. Today I also realised that passion exists in a lot of other people like yourself. Space boy, go forth and wonder, keep your passion hot and your curiosity lively! I loved your post! Mind blowing pictures!

Is that my favourite Dutch cookie floating around? Is it a speculass?

Behind the apparently dull doors of science, there is a world of fun, passion and of personal discoveries. And self achievement. And some selflessness :P

it is a pure joy reading your post . entertaining and educational
Chris Hadfield is the first Canadian to walk in space the final frontier has been conquered , nothing left to conquer out there . lol

I will put this one in the #post-promotion tab with a thumbs up

This post has been upvoted and picked by Daily Picked #6! Thank you for the cool and quality content. Keep going!

Don’t forget I’m not a robot. I explore, read, upvote and share manually :)

Beautiful book @svemirac. Were you actually looking for it or did you just stumble across it?

I've seen Chris Hadfield on television a few times and thoroughly enjoyed all his stories and, of course, his rendition of rocket man is a classic. 😊

Indeed it is!
Well, I've been waiting to buy it for 3 yrs, which I stated in the post, but I couldn't buy it since Amazon is not shipping books to Serbia.

I knew you'd been waiting to buy it, as you say, you stated that in the post, but i was wondering if it was out of print or something and that was why you hadn't bought it before. Hence my question.
Glad you were able to get your hands on it eventually!

I ordered it to the place I was staying in Utrecht, it played out well. :)

Good move! 😊

There are others that usually have it and ship it. I can't think of any now but in Romania we have many webportals doing so. Just have to look on google page 2,3 :D

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