The Steemit Book Club Begins Monday: Details, Call-in Numbers, Chat Channel, Party Tricks Inside

in #books8 years ago

We were all impatiently waiting, but the day is finally upon us and it is with pleasure that we announce the official kick off to the first Steemit Book Club.

Taking into consideration personal requests from some of you, we came to the conclusion that next Monday, September 12th at 6 p.m. PST/9 p.m. EST/2 a.m. GMT/11 a.m. (Tuesday) UTC would be the ideal time to finally launch this. 

For those who may have missed the preliminary plan, maybe it would be a good idea to let you know that one of the perks of this steemit based Book Club is the possibility it allows for book lovers to earn rewards all while reading a beautiful masterpiece in good company.

In a nutshell, all Steem Dollars generated from the weekly posts of the Book Club will be divided equally among book club members after finishing each book.

All you have to do is to attend 75 percent of the calls or chats, remain in the book club until the completion of the book, and, obviously, read the whole thing.  

Yes, our “ulterior motive” is to use this to motivate everyone to complete these epic tomes.  

The first book we’re going to launch with - as many of you know already - is James Joyce’s masterpiece: Ulysses. This particular book choice if you may recall, came as an almost unanimous decision in this post.

This was a book that was so controversial that when it first was released, this happened:

According to Modern Library, Ulysses currently ranks first on the 100 best novels of all time. So what better way to launch a Book Club than by starting at the top – especially with a book so many people want to read, yet few are able to penetrate.

Here are the final details:

What: The Steemit Book Club (SBC)

When: Every Monday at 6 p.m. PST/9 p.m. EST/2 a.m. GMT/11 a.m. (Tuesday) UTC

Where: Our first session will be held via Freeconference. You can join via internet by clicking the link below:

Or you can join by phone by calling one of these toll free numbers (800)  719-6100 or (218) 339-7800 if you are calling from within the United  States. The participant access code is 629-1831#.

If you’re calling from outside the U.S., click on the same link, then  click “join conference” and choose the option “Call by Phone.” In the  “Dial-In Numbers” tab, you will see a long list of additional toll-free  numbers from around the world.

Where Else: Some book clubbers will also be in on our channel #steemit-book-club during the calls, so feel free to write comments and enter discussions there instead—or in addition.

How: Just call in. Or go now to and register in #steemit-book-club to receive a private message containing this information on how to join the conference. These details will also be posted on a pinned post on the channel for everybody to see.

How much: There’s no reading assignment for the first call. Just show up and we’ll do the first reading aloud together. Though if you’re feeling feisty, read Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man first. 

Which: Preferably order the Gabler edition of Ulysses, which has line numbers in the margins so we can all communicate clearly. 

If you don’t want to buy the Gabler edition or can’t find it in your country, grab an earlier edition of Ulysses for free via Project Gutenberg or Kindle or in your favorite format.

Privacy: Fortunately, Freeconference grants us the option to host a club meeting using only audio. That means there’s no need to reveal your identity at all, especially if you use the web link option to join the call. 

Troubleshooting: If you are having any trouble joining the call, post a message in #steemit-book-club and we will get right on it.

Absences: Don’t worry if you miss a session. We’ll post weekly summaries along with the reading assignments for the following week, and, if everyone is comfortable with it, recordings of each call.

Meanwhile, the discussion will be open all week long in our channel (#steemit-book-club), which is now accessible to everybody. And judging by the brain-picking aspect of Ulysses, my guess is there will be a lot to talk about in the chat room.

This is going to be a fun adventure, and we hope that you will join us in making this initiative a success and in expanding all of our minds.

Until Monday, we remain…

Your Book Club Co-Captains,

@Neilstrauss and @the-alien

P.S: If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let us know in the comments section below. And of course, the next book will be chosen by those who survive this first book.

P.P.S. Please welcome the members of my Inner Circle mailing list. They are just about all new to Steemit and I’m sure some will become active members of the community. Make them feel at home!


Man, what a trip signing up for Steemit! I created a Facebook account but it kept giving me an email error message telling me I didn't have a valid email account. I Google trying to figure this out and eventually, leave it.

I move on from Facebook to Reddit and karma. O-M-G! I'm in a sea of links that are talking about topics of zero interest to me but, and this is a big BUT... I must comment and appeal to the masses to earn karma!

Sooo, I talked in a football thread and was sexist to my own gender and received TWO karma. I had a guy telling me I made a sexist comment.


wow...finally FIVE KARMA and karma glory!

And most important, I lived to tell the tale and I'm here.

wiping the sweat from her brow
"Hi everyone!"

Love the initiative, neil! I'd love to participate but I am hearing impaired so I really can't but I will start my reading anyway and maybe interact in the channel :)
thanks a bunch for this.

Great to see you on board! I invited you to the Chat channel, and It'll be great to interact via chat simultaneously :)

During the original book club of a few years ago, I started Ulysses but didn't finish (probably by 3rd time starting). Then, with the help of Frank Delaney's ReJoyce podcast, I finally gained the momentum to finish it this summer! I'm still considering if I'm up for tackling it again. On the one hand, it seems like starting another huge undertaking, but on the other, I imagine it will be much easier going this time around, and I know I'll find more intricacies in the text. In any event, I'm so excited for all of you who will experience the novel for the first time, and I am definitely in on the next go round!

Would be great to have you here, and to share what you learned from the podcast. I think you'll find too that on the second read, it's a whole new book and much easier, and things open up that you never saw the first time.

This is going to be a extremely fun journey! I look forward to this club!

Me too. I will read the posts when I can...such a wonderful idea @neilstrauss

Hey Michele! I invited you to the Chat Channel :) I hope you can join us in the meeting.

Thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

Great! :) Just received your newsletter, too. Looking forward to join the club.

Hi @febrid! It's great to have you!

If you want more details, or have any questions, you can join our Book Club Chat Channel if you want?

Welcome! :)

Great to see a steemit book club. Should be very interesting. Off to see the wizard, ... I mean join the book club!

Haha! Glad that you joined @virtualgrowth! I know I already said that in the channel but welcome! :)

Thank you, thank you twice then!

Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead,
bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay
crossed. A yellow dressinggown, ungirdled, was sustained
gently behind him on the mild morning air. He held the
bowl aloft and intoned:
—Introibo ad altare Dei.

How in the hell am i supposed to comprehend this?

People will help you, though this passage is pretty straightforward: Buck Mulligan has his shaving things and is imitating/mocking the ritual of a Catholic mass.

First of all, many thanks to @neilstrauss for making this happen!

A Book Club powered by Cryptocurrencies that rewards people for reading? If you told me that a few years ago it would have been like you're speaking Chinese to me. :)

And now it's here and I cannot wait for Monday!

Alt Text

Same here - excited to have you in the SBC!

thanks Neil! Thanks everybody else involved also. =)

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