Another Huge Book Haul!

in #books7 years ago

Hi Steemians!

I'm crazy busy with university right now so I've been super slacking with my posts on here... but I did want to share my newest video with you! It's the second part to the birthday book haul I showed you about a month ago.

After this huge book shopping spree I'm putting myself on a temporary book buying ban - a) because I need to save money and b) because I now have so many unread books and need to focus on reading these ones. I've always been very intent on owning all the books I read - I like putting them on my shelves, getting to look at them every day. For that reason alone I've never been able to get into e-books...

Do you guys have similar book hoarding problems? Or do you prefer to go to the library? I don't have one that offers the range of (English language) books I prefer to read, so it's unfortunately not really an option for me. Not that I'm complaining about getting to own these beauties... :P

Happy reading!


I do not have a book hoarding problem. I have a 'not enough space in my house' problem. If I just had my own TARDIS, this wouldn't be an issue... :)

Also, it looked like the Katakana on the cover of The Millennium Bug read "Maikuru S. Haieto" (from what I can tell, at least...I couldn't get a clear look). Assuming that's right, then you have a copy of Michael Hyatt's non-fiction book about what would happen when the date rolled around to 1/1/00. Hyatt predicted unprecedented chaos and disaster with no hope for the future, and...well, here we are, almost 18 years later, with airplanes that still fly, computers that still compute, money that still changes hands via digital transactions, and cars that can still be driven. Enjoy it for the panic-filled drivel that it is, because that's the only way to get any enjoyment out of such trash. :)

haha oh dear, well at least it was free :P

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