Blog Spotlight, Issue 4

in #blogspotlight8 years ago (edited)

Hiring Writers. Highlighting Gems of Original Content on Steemit

Curated by @donkeypong, who pledges to use Steem Dollars from the #blog-spotlight upvotes to continue promoting Steemit to blog authors, journalists, writers, photographers, videographers, studio artists, music artists, and other original content creators.

Other submissions and comments are always welcome from the community-just reply to this post.


Hiring Writers

Writers wanted! (It’s an opportunity, not a job.) I definitely need some help with this newsletter and other projects, plus I’d like to do more collaborations. Are you a good writer who hasn’t made much money yet? Maybe I can help. To contact me, please join the Slack Channel and send me a Direct Message on there. Here's the link if you haven't joined: Thanks.

Our Selection of Original Blog Posts (Worthy of More Upvotes!)

It seems like ages since the last Blog Spotlight newsletter came out. I marked some of these posts at least two weeks ago on my computer. Since the last issue, we’ve seen the rush of introductory posts, the DAO articles, a number of notable writers and bloggers coming in, and some other worthy trends. The newsletter has dug more deeply, beyond the trends. Here is a list of posts that represent great original content and deserve more rewards. Also, special thanks to @cryptogee for his posts and efforts to highlight deserving writers.

1.) I Must Be by @qaaro in # poetry

The poet Robert Graves once wrote, “There’s no money in poetry, but then there’s no poetry in money, either.” Will the Steemit platform prove him wrong on either score? At press time, this nice, original piece of work by the poet @qaaro had a payout listed at $1. Read it, feel it, become it. Come on, people, this is real art, posted right here on Steemit! Do we need to set it to rap music to get your attention?

2.) The Thought Experiment by @kenny-crane in # Steemit

“We all have peaks and valleys in our lives. Let’s make the most of the journey.” So begins @kenny-crane’s introduction to this original story. It’s painful, it’s visionary, and ultimately it’s healing. Here’s hoping that Steemit’s comment king writes some more original posts. And thanks for welcoming and supporting so many other posters with your wonderful replies.

3.) My rational basis for being pro-fork is that to be never-fork or anti-fork has much worse long term potential consequences by @dana-edwards in # ethereum

Another post by @dana-edwards was highlighted by Dan Larimer earlier in the week. Indeed, this blog has featured a number of well-researched, clearly explained articles in recent days. While they are starting to getting larger payouts thanks to Dan’s post, the newsletter had its eye on this one, which is still worth mentioning. The piece begins with the laws of robotics and moves through an examination of several different smart contracts situations to grapple with the non-aggression principle that is so central to libertarian thought. Whether you or not you agree with the author’s conclusion, this is an original and thought-provoking article.

4.) The man who lives next to the overpass by @soulsistashakti in # cycling

There is nothing more original than capturing a fleeting moment in time, whether it is memorialized in words, in photography, in video, or in some artistic medium. In a city of several million people, some of those fleeting moments add up to a pattern, such as seeing the same person every day in about the same place. This post by @soulsistashakti is a sweet story and short enough to read with your busy schedule.

5.) FILM REVIEW: Udta Punjab – My review and why teenagers should watch it by @mummyimperfect in # film


You’ve seen her blog posts and Pregnancy Diary. Steemit has welcomed more of a female perspective in recent weeks and @mummyimperfect has played an important role. A few weeks ago, I tried an experiment myself, posting a beer review (and in my case, going a little overboard to make it sound as snobby as possible). My beer review fell flat. I hope that this movie review from @mummyimperfect gets more attention, as it seems to be an insightful take on this controversial film (which I have not seen). Movie reviews, beverage reviews, how about product reviews? Don’t forget to review the reviews. Steemit, we have only just begun.

6.) Where do the ancient rights of the city of London come from? by @teatree in # history

In the wake of the Brexit vote, how about a strong dose of English history? Romans, Britons, Vikings, Normans, Anglo-Saxons, who granted the City of London its unique rights? It all adds up to a relishing brew from @teatree. And “they continued to do their own thing” which still remains the case today. Anyone with an interest in history should check this one out; it’s not a boring read at all.

7.) The Psychology of Color by @aenor in # psychology

Kids have favorite colors. Most adults usually know which colors look best on them. And there are cool and warm colors. That is about all I knew about color before reading this fine article, but now I understand much more. From the science of decorating to bringing out one’s natural beauty, this is an informative and well-written piece from @aenor. Invest five minutes to read it and I think you’ll agree it’s worth some more upclicks!

8.) When is the Zombie Apocalypse? by @joshua in # funny

Steemit has a few good comedians and @joshua is making his stand (or is it ‘stand up’)? His creative rants and musings are full of originality. This one entertained me. By the way, winning posts shouldn’t need to be overly long; this one is just long enough that it should be better rewarded. Spoiler alert: you may see zombies before your 401k matures.

So that’s it for this edition of the Blog Spotlight.


You can follow @donkeypong by clicking the name and you’ll also find previous editions of the newsletter on that page.

As always, we welcome comments as replies to this post. Also, please let us know of any other posts you have found which you feel are underappreciated – perhaps we will add them to a future newsletter.

And finally, here is a link to the Steemit 101 e-book also, which @cryptoctopus told me to put in everything I write!

Click Here to Download and Review



Whaaaaaaaaaaat! Thanks mang! I guess I should write some more now.

I thought your post was great. Hope some more people discover your work, too.

Thanks so much for highlighting my original story! I'm honored to be among such a fine group of writers who were mentioned in this enlightening post. I had only read one of the other articles mentioned, so I will now head to the others and recognize their contributions to this wonderful community!

If anyone happens to like my original story, I invite them to read my brand new one, called "The Need For SPEED, a Historical Short Story." I hope it lives up to my first effort. :-)

Connect with me on slack. Would be glad to help

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