Me and Bitcoin since 2010.

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Lets get some unique quality stories to Steem!

Exclusive version of my original post from specially for Steemit! - fully edited and updated

The story wont be long but maybe will motivate somebody or.. whatever. Just i feel this may inspire somebody.
Please also don`t scream for typos or so – im not native english speaking, so if you love perfect english.. take some handkerchief to stop bleeding from your eyes 🙂

I got into BTC in 2010 when the main faucet of bitcoin [propably also 1st one] was giving 1-1,5BTC to everybody without any checks. Later on they added some and it was 1BTC per gmail account. I dont have to say how easy it was to get a few.. But nobody really cared.

My friend who introduced me to bitcoin back then said we should buy loads and we will be rich one day. So we did buy some numbers at 4$, then when BTCs jumped to 20$ – we were like – OMG, what a profit – sold alot.
Later on it dropped again to 5 or 10$, so i forgot of my wallet and had it somewhere on some old dusted hdd. There was topics on the original BTC forum about other altcoins but i seen no real reason for them to exist – if BTC is so small, why to make clones?! That was my logic back then. If only i also got LTC as 0 cents worth :)

So years passed [literally!] and i had no idea whats up with the BTC community till one day at some forum of my other interests somebody wrote ...BTC is at 200USD. After some hardcore digging [where the wallet was and how i found it again would require itself post] i got my wallet.
Again i had old coins from 2010 bought at 4$ so i was selling heaps at 200-250USD range + bought some miners (Butterfly labs!).

So since BTC raised so much i`ve noticed also PPC/LTC having correlation. Due to story of 2010 [yes i had coins, but imagine if i bought back then 1000 times more?!] i got into LTC at -3-4USD and PPC at 0,5 or 1USD.
Soon BTC got to 1000USD and other coins raised [LTC to 50USD, NMC to 13USD etc]. By this time i understood BTC and all cryptomarkets are not going anywhere and this is the future.

I started buying in BTCs and got into altcoins – of course only to get them into BTC at some point. I was buying asic miners, reading loads about algos, news and other coins. I dedicated myself to cryptocurrencies around that time and still its my main thinge.

Did GOX touch me? Not at all. When i heard first bad news on this market i took everything out to BTC-E and never looked back. I have some past in business and i trust my gut – it never fails me. It didnt at this time either.

Anyways back to altcoins. Ive noticed that a good – short-term – way to make BTCs is on mining scrypt coins and exchaning them on the right price. I`ve really spent 24/7 reading, studying, meeting people [meet as online mostly online on forums].
I fall in love with some coins, i joined foundations of HBN/COL and became altocoin promotor . Of course i helped many other coins with mediating them to exchanges, helping to get games, merchants and services.
I have to say i had pretty nice farm of scrypt/gpus . Im not just buying/selling, im an active miner helping networks to push their transactions.

What i always loved in cryptos is people helping others, tipping them – no greedyness [of course not everywhere, but we can say as a community we are really good and helpful people] so ive decided to do somethin for others too.
For start i made a twitter – where i got really huge numbers of followers – mostly due to many coin giveaways and pump infos that i have shared. I was happy with followers but felt like 1-2 sentence infos is not enough from me.
But i`ve decided to push it futher – ive made Financial Underground Kingdom – blog with double-optin mailing list and even tho it has just 4 posts now.. it has 16000+ people subscribed and loads of extra readers.
This is the place where i share some inside infos on what i suggest to get, when or what is interesting.

What else is in this story? I read alot of people saying ‘if only i were into BTC in 2010-2011’ i would be millionaire now. Would you be? Who in 2010 would buy 324234234 BTCs for 4USD and even if he did.. who wouldnt sell most of them at 20$? [500% raise of profit!].
He didnt sell at 20USD, what do you say about when it hit 200USD after 2 years of beeing nowhere? That is.. 5000% raise! You wouldnt do that? You are not man of business then! 5000% raise after 2 years staganation/loss is INSANE TO NOT SELL.

What im trying to say here – not always the oldest people in game are the richest, from the old BTC holders the most money made ones that forgot of their wallets [you heard such stories].People who had their wallets open seeing this prices had to sell most of their coins. I highly doubt somebody got into BTC at 4$, hold till 1k$ and sold then. Id rather say either coisn were sold 100-300USD range or not sold at all [some people just hold!].
IMO more big whales [by % of whales] are the guys who entered BTC at 100-500USD range and then invested than oldboys.

What it also means? It means, even if you are new to cryptos – with dedication and head on your neck, you can still enter this business and be successful.
The community is really helpful so dont be scared to ask. Who doesnt ask – doesnt learn.

STEEM guys - hope you liked the read!



Very nicely written story. I can totally relate, bought at 2$ and sold happily at 9$. Came back at 90$, but didn't want to invest into a bubble :D

Lots of fun we had, and great times ahead!

Please also don`t scream for typos or so – im not native english speaking, so if you love perfect english.. take some handkerchief to stop bleeding from your eyes


I got paid in BTC for 2 days work on a farm in California. About $250 worth @ $6 each I was also blown away when it hit the $20 mark. I have been hooked since that day and was inspired to learn all that I could about currency and blockchain tech. Once I felt that I had a good understanding of the technology behind it, I made it my goal to turn many people on to the currency. Here are some ways I went about that.
Exciting times to be alive!

You don't need to make your comments bigger than the others.

Upvoted :)

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