Steemit Blog Spotlight, Issue 1

in #blogspotlight8 years ago (edited)

Highlighting Steemit's Independent and Original Blog Posts


Steemit Blog Spotlight, Issue 1
Highlighting Steemit’s Independent and Original Blog Posts

A newsletter curated by @donkeypong, who pledges to use all Steem Bucks from my #blogspotlight upvotes to continue promoting Steemit to blog authors, journalists, writers, photographers, videographers, studio artists, music artists, and other original content creators.

Other submissions and comments are always welcome from the community. For submission guidelines, scroll to the bottom of this post.

Welcome to the Blog Spotlight

This is the premier issue of Blog Spotlight, a newsletter featuring some of the best independent and original blog posts on Steemit.

Every few days, some of Steemit’s best fresh content will be featured in a new issue of this newsletter. Please upvote the ones you like. Your upvotes are not just tools for making money. You can use them to reward new and original posters. That helps build Steemit, which will benefit everyone.

So give these posts some love. Show our new and independent Steemit bloggers that they can make an income and find a home on Steemit! Remember, they are 100% supported by your votes!

Featured Blog Posts

  1. First Harvest by @summersolstice in # gardening:
    Steemit’s gardening writers have been hard at work, sowing the seeds of a successful topic area. Amongst other posters, @gardenlady and @summersolstice have stood out so far as two prolific posters. In the coming months and years, we hope that #gardening will be the go-to spot for how to guides, Q & A’s, commentary, and sharing photos and videos of all those vegetables, fruits, flowers, and gorgeous ornamental plantings!

We’re loving the pictures of these strawberries, radishes, and arugula from @summersolstice. Please show this independent blogger some love with your upvotes!

  1. Posting a film script by @benjojo in # writing
    The writing topic has been another hotbed of original content. This is true in large part to the work of @benjojo as well as other posters, including @markopaasila. Let’s face it, @benjojo absolutely killed it with his Rose horror story script.

Most scripts and book manuscripts have never seen the light of day, let alone made over $1,000. Let’s show @benjojo how much we appreciate him publishing this on Steemit and let’s show other writers they can make real money here on Steemit.

While there are multiple postings for the Rose script, this one is the best entry-point, as it comes with a nice introduction before the link to the whole enchilada:


  1. A Walk in the Park by @mldorton in # photography:
    If you haven’t been outside lately to enjoy the spring, shame on you! But even those of us slaving away at our computers can enjoy the outdoors vicariously, thanks to @mldorton.

Thanks for posting your walk in the park. We can call ourselves fortunate if we have a beautiful place like this nearby. Your pictures almost make us feel like we walked with you as you discovered those lovely views, paths, and rhododendrons. Upvotes for this poster, please!

  1. The Evolution of Consciousness by @void in # philosophy
    Thanks in large part to Steemit’s philosopher-in-residence, @clains, the #philosophy topic area has seen some thoughtful posting and provocative conversation. I’d like to draw attention to this blog post by @void about whether/how we can take a more active role in the evolution of human consciousness. This post asks more questions than it answers, but hey, that’s philosophy!

This posting is only three paragraphs long and it includes a link to an outside source, which provides the main background for @void’s commentary. So if it isn’t original and it depends upon an outside source, why am I including it here? Because the commentary is original and heartfelt. It adds something new and fresh on Steemit. And three paragraphs is sometimes enough to get the job done.

This one does. Please let @void know we appreciate having it here:

  1. How to Setup a Self-Directed Traditional or Roth IRA for Cryptotoken Investments by @complexring in # financial
    ‘How to’ posts in professional topic areas are especially useful for Steemit community members. Areas like law, health & medicine, and #financial have so many daunting rules and practices. And getting any advice in these areas often means paying unconscionable amounts of money to doctors, attorneys, accountants, or financial consultants.

You do not need to be a highly educated/experienced professional to offer ‘how to’ advice on Steemit. All of us have interests, passions, and hobbies, in addition to whatever we do for a living. If you know more about games or cars or travel or dogs than most users on here, please go ahead and share some of that expertise with us by posting on your favorite subject(s).

You may not even have any background that ‘qualifies’ you to make a particular posting, but perhaps you recently had to learn how to change a flat tire, go through a divorce, convert a moving GIF to a video file, or sun-dry some peaches, and now you can share that step-by-step ‘how to’ with the world.

This post by @complexring hits a subject area that is extremely relevant for cryptocurrency users, covering it in an informative yet accessible manner. Let’s hope that some of the rest of us can use this sort of advice when Steemit reaches the moon!

Submissions and Comments

Submitting Your Blog to the Spotlight: If you have another independent and original blog post to recommend from writers, blog authors, photographers, videographers, journalists, commentators, moviemakers, music artists, visual artists, or other fresh content creators, then please reply to this post and include the link in your posting. Other readers may upvote these also, and all ‘reply submissions’ will be considered for featured spots in upcoming issues of the Blog Spotlight.

Criteria for Evaluation: All featured blog posts are evaluated based on their originality and included here if the curator feels they help make Steemit a better place. The curator does his best to establish that these posts contain unique content, and that work includes cross-checking the content online. This is harder to do with videos and some photos, so as always, the community may decide which posts are most deserving of its upvotes.

Community comments are always welcome. Just reply to the newsletter posting thread here in #blogspotlight.




Great idea to be on the lookout for great pieces of content I may have missed :-) Keep at it!

Thanks. We need to develop unique content on Steemit, so this also is my way of helping those bloggers get more visibility. Also, I'm making enough Steem $ from this post that I will use the money to fund outreach to independent bloggers. More info on this coming soon - stay tuned!

Great idea to help out indie bloggers. I don't know this guy, but I really enjoy reading his stuff on Fort Galt. I'd never heard of it before reading his stuff. Exciting and well written. Upvotes for him please.

You are right. His articles are very good. I will keep those in mind for a future issue. In the meantime, I hope users will read and upvote his writings.

Suggest not including the topic tags in these posts. I almost downvoted it because when I'm browsing photography, I want to see pictures or at least articles about photography and also with so many tags it shows up in many categories. So it seemed like off topic spamming to me. I didn't though, since I like the idea of the post just not the tags.

@smooth: I totally agree. I just noticed it was in writing also. I'd only intended to put it in #blogspotlight and #steem and certainly don't want it to be a nuisance elsewhere. Tags fixed.

It is a pleasant surprise for me that this particular post was noticed and mentioned. Thank you for spreading the word :-)

So far I have been using Medium for publishing my stories, then posting a link here, but I am starting to seriously consider switching to Steemit. I find the community here much more active. It is fun to discuss matters here and also see what people come up with, like this very Steemit Blog Spotlight. Great idea indeed.

Thanks so much donkeypong! I love this blog spotlight idea and think these are great choices. I'll keep an eye out for other good original content to recommend. There seems to be quite a bit on here, but not all of it is in the form of regular blogs.

I thought this was a great original, helpful and interesting post by steemship

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