Arsenic Lullaby Blog/rant- It's about the content, stupid.

in #blogs6 years ago (edited)

frosty knows.jpg

I'm scrolling through my newsfeed on my beloved Steemit, and I'm seeing people yakking about steem being up .10 or down .10 or it WAS this and now it's THAT...

Stop thinking like an insect.

Who gives a fuck about the steem value at this point? No one with the big picture in mind.


I have lasted as an indy comic book publisher, publishing dark absurd material, far longer than most people thought I could. I have outlasted and beaten other publishers who had more money, more connections, more experience, and in some cases more talent. I have because I am diabolical and I always keep my view on the big picture. The big picture here is GROWTH and growth will come from one thing CONTENT.

Facebook grew because content creators went there, brought along whatever fans they had at the time, and put great content worth seeing there constantly. and THAT is ALL we should be focusing on right now. I came here because I wanted a new platform where I could post content without dealing with some dumbass algorithm, having to compete with paid ads, or worry about censorship. AND I wanted a platform where I could express an entire thought and not have it be an eye numbing wall of text. Check, Check, check...AND CHECK.

and what I am going to do get everyone I can on board. I'm confident I can get 50-100 quality content makers here, probably I can get a lot more, but let's say I only get 20. That's 21 (counting myself) quality content makers contributing great content worth seeing. Multiply that by ALL of us and no one will have to wring their hands about steemit being up or down .10.

Content is what builds platforms, period, the end.

I'd advise us to all take advantage of the platforms advantages in doing so. Anyone can post a meme on FB...but they can't post a meme and explain why they did, and add their own personal thoughts on whatever the matter is the meme is regarding. Anyone can post a pic on instagram, but they can't post several progress shots and interweave explanations of how they did it, what was a pain in the ass about it, what they think turned out well, what they struggled with, ect. Anyone can post a song on youtube, but not with an explanation of what the song means to them, what was challenging about it, ect...or if they do no one will see it because it needs the "see more" tab clicked.

This platform allows us to add a whole lot of personality to our posts that we can't add on the other older sites. Understand this, if you are an artist, a musician, a comedian, what you can do is like strange magic to the people who can't. You and how you do things is far more interesting to people than you realize. Use that.

AND...we can't grow this thing in an echo chamber. We can't grow this by telling each other how great it is. We have to go back to the sites we left and raise a little hell. Post exclusive content HERE...tell people THERE that it is HERE. I'm going to be more active on Instagram this week, for the sake of appeasing that fucking sites algorithm, then on Saturday (because that's a busy day there...and it being the weekend, give people time to fuck about on the interent more than normal)I'm going to start plugging Steemit there. I'd say it'd be more effective if a whole lot of us did the same thing.

We can grow this place real easy. There is a TON of talent on here. I wouldn't say that if I didn't believe it. (as it in fact pains me to ever admit that anyone is of equal talent to ego bristles at the thought). We need only let the rest of the internet know, and not be shy about it. About how talented WE ourselves are , or how talented our fellow Steemians are.

I've already been mentioning it on FB (although that place is heavy with Luddites)'s some examples that seemed effective.




also...I think this modified Steemit logo I've been using as my profile pic is pretty neat...I added it along with a link. Give that a whirl.


The point is you have to keep putting it in peoples faces. Coca Cola has been around for like a hundred years...and they still advertise, because they know this.

Today I sent out a mass email to my email subscribers.

and I'm going to keep doing this, until the next time I search my newsfeed there's nothing but cool stuff to see and no people yakking about what the market is doing ( YAWN).

It would be nice if using the search engine here wasn't like trying to put your dick through a cheerio, it would be nice if instead of a wall of vapid tags there was just a box to type in a tag. It would be nice if there wasn't a week or so waiting period to get in. It would be nice if the crypocurrency aspect wasn't so confusing...if would also be nice if a million dollars fell out of the sky into my lap. Steemit is as steemit is, and that's still better than the alternative and I ain't waiting around.

No one's gonna build this place for, right? Especially not the types counting pennies when it's still in beta mode. and if you are one of those, and your wallet, would be far better served by reposing something cool, than droning on about what direction the market is going to take with one cryptocurrency or the other, because the 18 zillion people out there on FB, Instagram, and Twitter, that the rest of us are trying to get over here...dont understand a word you are saying and don't GAF.

...let me add an asterix here, I have seen some blogs about crypo that explain some things in an interesting way, and were informative...but we don;t need 18,000 blogs about it every fucking day. Just...just take a look at this...the number on the left is how many posts have been made with that hashtag just in the "new" section of the hashtag list


I'd say we have it covered...I think there's enough. and this doesn't even include blogs with the hastags -bitcoin, bitshares, blochain, or whatever the hell else. AND MEANWHILE THE HASHTAGS " COMICS " AND "COMICBOOKS" AREN'T EVEN ON THE MAIN LIST?!?!. Uhm...I'm sorry...was last years hit movie about blockchains? or what is about COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS?! WHAT...THE....FUCK? a hashtag that covers the main subject of interest in the entire pop culture for the last ten years not on the main tags list? WHYYYYYYY???????


If we keep putting content here that is worth seeing, and keep telling others it is here, Steemit WILL grow. and if we don't, than it won't. The price of Steem has nothing to do with that is a by product of it.

See you tomorrow with new comics, and Wednesday with something else new, and Saturday with an Exclusive.



There's a big divide on the platform on the importance of content vs technology as you'll see as you get used to it more. I am fully on board with people bringing great content to the platform as it will be what makes this place attractive to the general public.

I "wrote" a shitty comic for 2 issues and threw in the towel due to the expense and at the time, not seeing the big picture as you said. It's definitely a ton of work and I appreciate seeing the behind the scenes of creator's work.

If you get a chance, make sure you join some Discord groups to get some networking in. Just like real life, the more people you talk to and help in some form, the better you'll do.

This one is Slothicorn, which focuses on art. There may be comic sections in there, but I don't know for certain.

Anyway, I'm thrilled as shit to see content creators on here that I respect. Keep it going.

Also: My view as I write this:

That is a fine looking statue! I should get more involved on discord, I seem to always forget it's there for some reason.
A divide between the importance of tech and content is absurd. Content is king, first last and always. Would anyone come here in there was no content? no. Could content makers use another platform? yes. Instagram is the lowest tech site there is, it's a feed that organizes pictures via tags...and it has like 18 million users.

You're doing a great job! I tried in real life but it's like they don't hear me. I know people with talents that could do real good on here but they look at me like im a wall or something. I often talk about Steemit with all the potential hoping they get interested but no I never see them joining.

Really weird because I saw 1 post of Peter Gric on Fb and joined Steemit right away.

I'm not good in promoting using writing but maybe I can share your FB posts on my timeline (not that anyone sees my posts on FB timeline) but maybe a start :) and maybe on Deviant Art.

Thanks! It's just a matter of keeping plugging away at it. Show and tell them the stuff you are posting first on Steemit, explain how what they will see here is more in depth and such. We each only need to attract a few others in order to get the ball rolling!

True I will share more posts from Steemit to FB to get peoples attention. Pretty funny that probably no one see it in their time line...

The ole FB algorithm isn't going to make it easy for us...but we can work around it.

Yeah we will :) I just tried to lure an artist to steemit who was leaving FB.

Haha, really?! Same with me. One of my friends shared @gric´s Steemit Post on FB and 3 minutes later I registered. And no one of my friends are doing the same... I still have no clue why, I´m begging all the time. Am I not trustworthy enough? :P

So we kind off started at the same time :) Weird isn't it it's like you talk in a different language :P Glad I saw his post and I rarely check FB anymore.

...I suspect samarth7080 did not quite grasp the point (or maybe even read it), since his content is one blog after the next about crypocurrency and the marketplace...BUT let's give him the benefit of the doubt, that his eyes have now been opened and he'll be resteeming content from creative types or even trying his hand at the banjo or something.

If Steemit had a 💜 button. You would get it. You're absolutely right. They can argue technology, crypto or content all they want at the end of the day if the content sucks, then there is nothing. Along with this is actually interacting with people.

If you start something you do it with intent and for the long haul, if not failure is almost guaranteed.

As far as your hashtag, people are idiots? I am confused at the 'main' tags list, so much I wouldn't give a second look at yet there is a HUGE comic fanbase. I guess we'll just have to start a series and use #comics and see who we can get to follow.

" I guess we'll just have to start a series and use #comics and see who we can get to follow." Done and done! (see blog I just posted) #comics #comicbooks

I think that's the spirit we should all embrace. I'm doing my part, too. I've been unsuccessfully promoting and, but it seems like no one cares.

And while STEEM is this cheap, I'm taking full advantage of it. I could never rent STEEM this cheap in December last year. Now I can... and I'm doing it.

As long as it's this cheap to rent Delegation, I'll use it to get to the 600 SP I want. (500 SP to have access to the slider and 100 SP extra to delegate to @msp-lovebot).

I feel like, a few years from now, a lot of our friends will regret a lot not having listened to us... but that's not my problem.

just keep at it! It's not costing us anything to raise a little hell on those older sites.

You have made more sense about this topic in one post than anyone else.

You're right that another hundred thousand blogs about technical crypto analysis is the last thing we need to help see growth.

Thanks, it all seems pretty obvious to me, but that may be because I've fought this fight before ( upending a larger media entity) content always rules the day.

Great post Buddy.....

I am new in steemit Please Follow me and Support me in the recent post

Nice! I think I got a handful of people so far...will get more. Look, 80 some people up voted this we each just need to get 5-10 to get the snowball rolling downhill.

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

New follower right here! We need more like you, can't wait to meet your 21 friends. I've been thinking what you are thinking, though I have abandoned FB, maybe I should go back and raise some hell. Love your examples!

BTW, there are some great new updates coming. New account creation in particular is going to get a lot easier and better. Also, I have been trolling the #steemit-webcomics tag. One thing I have noticed over the last year and a half is that niches have to settle into a tag, and before they do there are several and as such they don't make top tags. Since its decentralized the users of a niche have to agree. Its why spanish content uses the #spanish tag (not espanol, crazy kids) while korean content uses #kr.

I love this place, glad you see the potential, Keep it up!

Thanks and welcome aboard! I can all but guarantee following me will be interesting! and as for this- "Since its decentralized the users of a niche have to agree." Excellent point! Mentioned it in the blog I just posted #comics #comicbooks

Alright I will head over and check out your new thoughts now!

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