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RE: A Public Apology to @iloveupvotes / @livehonest / @livemoral / @topikzmonster (Revoked Due to Asshattery)

in #blog7 years ago

If is not Skeptic then it will be someone else.

I understand what the problem is, I think. The problem is money talks and he (assuming his gender, haha) was expecting to find a place where he can talk freely without repercussion and this is not it. Money talks and those with more money can purchase more stake (not necessarily by any honest means, one can buy shares with money from crime) and silence those who want to speak by taking any incentive to do so.

That's what I think he's fighting against and that's an idea I can get behind, I too came here running from censorship, I just disagree with his methods.

I am anti-flag too, not because you can control your stake and express your opinion by placing it, I do agree this is a good thing though I wouldn't do it myself. I also agree there must be a way to report abuse, but I don't know a better way to implement these parameters. The problem I'm currently having with flags is bots, as if alliances, secondary accounts and the fact that you can purchase stake aren't difficult enough to deal with.

I think Skeptic has been civilized to an extent because with the amount of things I've told him many had told me exactly how they want to see me dead. I don't think he's a troll and I think I'm a good judge of character given I've lived this far with my circumstances, you can read my blog if you want to know more.

I do think he might have a little bit of a warrior complex, perhaps he thinks irreverence can make the changes he wants and this apology might just show him right. Though I am glad you came forward to recognize you may be mistaken. Still, I think there's smarter ways to go about his complaint.

I may be wrong, Skeptic may just be what we need given we are still in beta. Imagine when the wild internet finds out you can get paid to rant? There's going to be all kinds of real trolls here so maybe this is just a necessary exercise to try to prepare for the masses.


Even the masses have never seen anything like me. I have been all over the web. Best Idea is to treat me and all others equal. Or the actual truth in the end is, you will end up with a million of me when the doors do open due to treatment. This is about nothing other than moral reasoning for me. This is once again a block chain, leave a link, I watch you fall. A very simple concept.

But once again for all paying actual attention, I'm not skeptic.

And the only thing this post did, was get me attacked more by asshole bernie who thinks they control others. While everyone sits around debating like I'm trash, I have a wall full of comments here that were only attacked on an apology post. You want to talk about making people angry and unwanted. Fuck the bullshit. I'm a grown ass man. Wait until the new toys come and doors do open. I want the world to see how everyone does. I have a month of compiled proofs I will carry with me from account to account. I will also make many more accounts. There is only 1 end here, and it is not mine. While all the scums wear out the names of their reputable accounts, in that day we will watch them fall as we flourish. And the ultimate product here being a mirror effect. Every move made only does themselves in. Me, I'm fucking expendable it seems. ;)

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