Major inventions of man. Part 3

in #blog6 years ago

This is my third post and probably the last one on this series as not all the inventions were life changing. Every invention has had an impact on our lives but I covered the ones which changed our lives in one way or the other in the previous posts and this post is heading in the same direction.
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I believe I have have mentioned most of the major inventions in my previous posts but here a few more which would fit in this category :



Although penicillin will count as a discovery but it had a major impact on the biological health so I decided to include it here.
Penicillin was discovered Alexander Fleming in 1928 who hailed from Scotland.
It is made up of antibiotics and is used to treat the diseases caused by infectious bacteria.


The computer is a device which is capable of doing mighty arithmetic and logical computations automatically.
The credit for the invention of computer goes to Charles Babbage who made the first computer in 1822. There were some early attempts on this before as well.
Although his old computer does not resemble the computer we use today but he sought of laid the foundation for tbe further development.
The first generation of computers started in 1940 and after the 3rd generation artificial intelligence took over.
We can't even imagine our lives without computers today.
Computers took over most of the work which was previously carried out by humans.


Mostly made up of silicon, the first semiconductor material was first built in 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley who were working at the Bell Labs.
Semiconductors are the foundation of modern digital era.

Internal Combustion Engine

Internal combustion engine was invented by a Belgian engineer Etienne Lenoir in 1859 and it was modified in 1876 by Nikolous Otto.
It converts chemical energy into mechanical energy.
Internal combustion engine became mire widely used and replaced the old steam engine.

You can check the other two parts below:
Part 1

Part 2

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