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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/28/18> I guess this is a Saturday Shout Out… it wasn’t intended to be… but shout happens , like trying to put this as an entry in comedyopenmic Round 11.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

So you run contests over there eh? I guess I forgot to put the contest number on there then, what number are you on now? I guess @dj123 and @buttcoins should have explained that to me a little better, I only know how to write , I never learned to read. My apologies for messing you all up, I told the DJ fella he would need a mop to clean my mess up, so he sent you do it I guess instead of him.
I'll change it right away mate. While I am changing it you might also do some changing as well please, "u" not "a" as in "insult" not "salt"


Hey Sulty, dumb of me for making that comment while having a hard-on. Couldn't even get a frigging "u" right. I pledge to close all Pornhub tabs next time I come around.

Not a problem, I think I might be in compliance for once in my life now that I made some changes.

Well, on the bright side, it gives me the leverage to surpass your records. A rare win win. Let's savour.

lol welcome to @comedyopenmice sulty! Good to finally see your entry!

Just put " Round 11 " somewhere in your title so if someone tries to plagiarize your entry we can say where they got it from. Also helps this weeks judges so they don't get confuse with >100 entries it can get a little overwhelming.

I didn't realize you folks were all contests, I just thought it was a place to drop a little humor every now and then. I just changed my tag to "comedynotopenmic" to get your guard dogs and janitors off my butt. I'm not a big contest guy, I don't work well with rules. If I do change my mind, where might I find the rules, are they in your discord channel or do I just dig through the blog to find them?

You dont like rules? Damn. We are borrowing a leaf from you right now!

calling for a vote!



Rules are normally so limiting and on here the "normal" contest folks want you to up vote , resteem , stand on one leg and take a selfie while drinking a latte. Just to get a faction a $2.00 SBD payout from the post.
I ran a photo contest back on April Fools Day, it had three rules. A deadline for entries, one entry per user name, and the photo had to be of sign. None of that other BS, and the it gave $20 Steem to the three winners with the breakdown of $10, $6, and $4 ... then I also added some more all told it came up to about $30 Steem when it was all said and done. That is how I think rules should be, the fewer the better, your rules seem fair enough, thanks for guiding me along.

That makes two of us. Willing to learn as much from you too.

Thanks for being cool.

Well it is a pleasure to meet you and I hope you took no offense to the guard dog remark or the janitor either. I can see that some order is needed among the chaos.

No offence at all. And yeah some painful order keeps begging for our attention.

haha, here you go, it's really a minimal to keep some sanity with all the volunteers helping out so we don't drive the help insane

Only thing we really ask is these 2 things:

  • Put the Round in the Title
  • Nominate 2 other Steemians

the visibility is rather strong with that COM tag, you'll be surprise at the number of new Orcas and Whales who come by to share generous love if you left it there a few more days

Well if that is all the rules, then I think I can follow those, no fine print anywhere from what I can see. I will keep that in mind but I think I'll just leave this one as it is right now with the tag removed and not have it as an entry or I may just re title it and copy and paste in a completely new post and let steemcleaners chase me around on it,... decisions,... decisions... damn.

i would suggest just changing it back and add Round 11 to your tile, it's way easier, but then again I'm lazy af, I just figure folks enjoy convenience like I do...hahah

Yea, I like the way you think, I don't won't to wear out the steemcleaner bot like I've worn the Gina out.

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