Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/24/17> letter to Santa, from @sultnpapper

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Dear Santa,
It has been a very long while since I have written you a letter. I think it has been around 55 or 56 years, can’t be exactly sure but I know it has to be right in that time frame give or take a year or two. My parents, rest their souls, may have led me astray when I was six or seven years old when it comes to Christmas. I don’t hold it against them; they were only doing what they had learned from their parents as well.

I know it is a little late in the game for this Christmas in getting this letter out to you for Christmas 2017 but you haven’t made yourself very easy to get in touch with either. All those letters that I wrote when I was kid either got returned or lost because I never seemed to get what was on my list that I sent you. Sure, you can blame it on the USPS, the service they provide sucks when it comes to timely delivery.

You though, are as much to blame as anyone. That's right, you have one frigging drop box in the whole southern part of Texas for letters to you? I travel this whole south part of the state and in all my travels I find one red receptacle for “Letters for Santa”. Do you really think that is enough? Seriously, put the dang elf’s to work up there at the North Pole and have them fabricate some more “letters for Santa Collection Boxes”.

By the way, the children don’t want the toys your shop is producing, face up to the fact that technology has passed your ass by, you and I both know this. I am here to offer you a solution to the situation. Electronic gadgets old buddy, that is where these kids are now a days. Don’t bother trying to build them; you can’t compete with the Chinese factories, just buy them from Amazon like everyone else. These kids are gullible as hell too, so if you want to slap a North Pole sticker on them, go ahead; I won’t let the cat out of the bag.

Down size the toy shop, you don’t need it anymore, and convert it to an IT research and block chain technology center. Keep one corner for the “letter to Santa boxes” production because you do have to get those built and placed out in the public space. To be on the safe side, use only “green” red paint, the environmental wack job nuts will be all over you if you use oil based paint. We both know the oil based paint seems to look better and last longer but it isn’t about quality anymore, we have to save the environment.

Another thing I think we need to discuss is reputation, REP, as it is referred to in certain places. You had better watch what the hell you are doing with your vacation time. Even the kids know that you are married; do you really think you should be posting pictures of yourself on the internet with those hot chicks in skimpy bikinis from some white sandy beach? These kids are gullible, not totally brain dead, they know damn well that isn’t Mrs. Claus who bakes the cookies at the North Pole in those pictures. I’m not being judgmental, but you could be just a tad more discreet, and if you are going to screw around on the wife be sure to protect the pole. The last thing we need is her filing for divorce because you bring home some STD and are kind enough to share it with her. One last thing on REP, quit showing up to work with liquor on your breath at the mall “Pictures with Santa” booths, you are scaring the little ones. They know that smell of liquor, their parents use it all the time to cope with having the kids in the first place. While you’re at it, tuck that bag of oregano inside your coat pocket, people will think you are a doper, I know it is for the pizza you stop and eat after work but they don’t.

Christmas is about Christ; “mas” in Spanish means “more”, so why have you not been promoting more Christ? You are suppose to be the patron saint of Christmas, good old jolly St. Nick, as some people call you. Have you completely lost sight of what you were sent here to do? I’ve seen you on those commercials, “what’s in your wallet?” The Santa Claus family doesn’t need you promoting the banks, get back to promoting Christ and the true meaning of Christmas.

I’m not against you making a little money on the side, but that crap you are promoting isn’t going to be around much longer, the currency of the future won’t be tied to any country or central banking system. You need to learn about crypto-currencies, so after you get done Monday night from work, get on the internet and go to steemit.com , search for @sultnpapper, then come comment on one of my posts. I am not a crypto expert but I know where to find them and I’ll introduce you around.

Hey, Shortie just said to tell you,” hello, and Merry Christmas”, even though she said she knows you are not real. Remember earlier when I said my parents may have led me astray? Well, I may have done the same too with my kids, and I am working on fixing that now, and it starts with this letter to you, Santa Claus.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, see you here soon.

photo: property of @sultnpapper



Best letter to Santa I've read in my whole life. You've really got this guy's number!! You know where this is going, of course.

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I glad that you enjoyed it, seeing that I have an advantage over most the kids who write letters to Santa it should come as no surprise that this would be the best you have seen, fifty plus years over those kids should give me an advantage over those little munchkins.
I haven't even pulled the feather duster out yet, so you have more in store in the future to tickle your fanny.

O m g this is so hilarious, fun and awesome! I love the end as far as “shorty” saying hi and you misleading as your parents did. So here I am, introduce me around. I’m new so I’m open to good people. Okay Monday maths my fourth week on steemit. Happy holidays xx

Anyone who reads my posts are good people. Lidac already upvoted your comment. She is a Romanian exiled to the states and is a Coon Ass Wannabe, which means she lives in Louisianan just not born there. She and husband , DC, keep me in check, good people. Then we have a whole slew of other folks that haven't showed up yet because they are still asleep over in the UK and Africa, but they will make it by and I point them out to you. Thanks for dropping in, I do this daily dose thing like "daily", so keep coming back for more if you like sult n papper on your food.

Ur Soo politically correct...no way for me to challenge that... Now... I better go find me some real stuff to read...

That's terrible. LOL
@sultnpapper was seriously funny ... Merry Xmas you two. This is probably a bustnbawls convo ...

Yay, I love good people and I can tell right away you are Alright! Thank you for @Lidac and Romanian is usually a Gypsy. Woop Woop. Powerful creatures, they. I loves me some 'ana people too, they can cook up a storm. I don't see you in my Feed, so I had to come back to this post to catch up. I was looking for more of your work. Thank you for the great post and sharing. xx

About 89.4% of the people of Romania are ethnic Romanians, whose language, Romanian, is an Eastern Romance language, descended from Latin with some Bulgarian, Serbian, German, Greek, Hungarian and Turkish borrowings.
Today only around 3% of the population of whole Romania are Roma aka Gypsies..powerful creatures as you so wonderfully put it but I my friend am unfortunatley not one of them..
Here is link that can clarify perhaps some aspects of Romania and it’s cultural heritage..https://wikitravel.org/en/Romania
Keep in touch & Merry Christmas !

Yes, I know all about Romanians and I have had a lovely Gypsy Romanian friend. She was a seer and very powerful. I was just curious about your background because, from my experience Romanians are lovely. Merry Xmas!

I wouldn’t say that I am lovely nor would I say I am , but you can find that out for yourself! Check out my blog and I will do the same and maybe we can find new interesting subjects to discuss..keep in touch!

I checked on my south Africans, the Grinch came by and stole the one's computer, @lizelle is her name not to be confused with the other of a similar name , @simplylizelle the latter is a little under the weather so she is keeping a low profile at the moment. You will see them in and out of my blog normally , so check them out as well.

Oh now how sad regarding stolen computer. I hope she is okay. Totally understandable regarding Simply, and I will keep an eye out. Thanks again. (:

First and foremost I must say hahahahhaha..Mr.Sultnpapper you almost got me believing in Santa again !! Another awesome post and a great letter to ol’Nick..he should have been up to date already with the world and start making life changing decisions by now! If not you managed (Sic!) to bring him up to speed with all what’s going on! Great post!!! Hehe..:))

Nice to meet you @lidac ... are you the nice friend from Romania? Gypsy perhaps?

About 89.4% of the people of Romania are ethnic Romanians, whose language, Romanian, is an Eastern Romance language, descended from Latin with some Bulgarian, Serbian, German, Greek, Hungarian and Turkish borrowings.
Today only around 3% of the population of whole Romania are Roma aka Gypsies..powerful creatures as you so wonderfully put it but I my friend am unfortunatley not one of them..
Here is link that can clarify perhaps some aspects of Romania and it’s cultural heritage..https://wikitravel.org/en/Romania
Keep in touch & Merry Christmas !

@eaglespirit, be sure and check out my other friend @thekittygirl , we showed up here on steemit about the same time frame and have been keeping each other going, she is a high energy lady and involved in several groups so give her and her blog a look see.

Yes, were are a in a couple of Discord groups together so we have seen each other's work. It's super nice to meet such great people. Thank you so much!

Best letter to Santa, ever!!! LOL!!! 😊

Glad you enjoyed reading it, Thanks for the compliment.

Just Resteeming this won't do justice, this should be on NYTimes, or allover FB (I don't have a FB, can't help) but it's original and hilariously funny.... You should really do Stand-up comedy ! On the other hand it's sad that us as a society, we teach everyday made up Fantasy's... that's not how it creates dreamers. Just because a majority follows, it does not make it real, even if it includes Christ in it, it's just another Pagan festivity with a twist...

Come back and look again, I got the snow falling effect working.

You got a deep, great, open, beautiful mind... That's not Texan at all...I really hope is for real. I like you more, and more, everyday...to me.. Ur the reason for me to be on Steemit, I know I don't belong...

What do you mean, it snowed here a couple weeks ago, remember my pictures? This Texan has a wide open mind , not totally sound, but wide open.

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @sultnpapper to be original material and upvoted it!


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It is very good to see these kind of handmade productions nowadays. People are mostly loosing their patience to produce something. It is more easy to buy it on a shop with a price but without a value.
I love to wear or use handmade stuff. It is more cheap and valuable :) hope to see more ...

Thanks for the spam , me and the other 100 other folks you spammed with this response probably couldn't have made it through Christmas without your stupid weak attempt to gain a few pennies from the system.
Makes we wonder just what people will do for a nickel.

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