Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/15/18> “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” Texas BBQ Review Vol. 10 Mustang Creek BBQ , Louise, Texas.

in #blog6 years ago

Who is hungry...

Oh yes, it is the 15th and you know what that means, I will have gotten to eat some good old fashioned slow smoked Texas BBQ and then tell you all about and where you can find it for yourself. This is one heck of a good deal for somebody, just not sure yet who that somebody is, but let’s get going and we will figure out that other part later.

Ticks bigger than this...

This month the BBQ review takes us to the little Texas town of Louise, and when I say little, I do mean little as in tiny. I have seen ticks on bloodhounds that would rival this town in size but don’t let worry you because where we are eating today isn’t even in the town. Louise just happens to be the town closest to it so that is where their mail gets delivered from.

Proof of nothing...

Just to prove how little the town of Louise is I did make my way into town and snapped a couple photos for you, this way you will never have to actually go there to see that there is nothing there for yourself. I can’t tell just how many folks live in Louise; the town sign isn’t like most the towns that have the population number under the town name, just the name on the Louise sign. My guess would be less than a hundred but maybe as much as two hundred. There aren’t a whole bunch of houses in the town itself but there are a lot of farms and ranches in the area, so the town does support a few little businesses.

Snow cones or stamps...

The post office isn’t much bigger than most snow cones stands in Texas, in case you’re wondering what snow cones are some places now use the fancy name of “shaved ice”, to me they are still snow comes though. In the picture of the post of you can see the building to the rear and left, that is the volunteer fire department. A couple blocks down and on the same side of the street is the local hardware store, it has been there a while but I didn’t snap a shot of it.

Rail lines for grain trains...

There are some rail lines that run north and south right along the old main road and there is a siding there for the grain storage silos. I’m not sure if the silos are still in use any longer but I am sure the rail line is in use.

One other thing of note about the rail line, most of the other little towns I have shared with you all had a rail road depot, I didn’t see one here in Louise. I am not sure if they ever had one or if it might have been torn down. It could be that the town just never was a stop for passenger trains. Not having a depot might explain a little about why the town never grew, I know I damn sure wouldn’t jump from a moving train just to check out a little dinky old town and guess others wouldn’t as well.

The old bank building...

The town does have a little antique store, it was closed the day I was in town, but I do know that the building it is housed in was the original bank building in town. I had an opportunity to go in there years ago when that building housed the offices of the water department. I actually got to look inside the old bank vault and they were still using it at the time. My guess is that the vault is still in there so I imagine the current business that is in there also has the use of it, which might come in handy if they have some small expensive items that they might want to lock up. The vault wasn’t much bigger than a walk in closet in average size house.

A few places...

There is a library in the town, not very big as you might guess; it was also closed that day. The tallest thing in town is the water tower. The Justice of the Peace does have an office there and there is a bank, both located next to each other. I don’t know which order they were built in but I guess that any bank robbers might want to think twice about sticking up the bank.

Let's go already...

Speaking of hold ups, at this point all I am doing is holding up lunch so let’s head over to the main highway, Hwy 59, and grab some lunch at Mustang Creek BBQ.

How did this happen...

I have been travelling this section of Hwy 59 pretty regularly for over the last ten years but it was only recently I stopped in here at Mustang Creek BBQ for the first time. Normally I won’t give a BBQ joint a review after just one visit, and this is no exception, I loved it so much the first time a couple weeks ago that I stopped again last week just to make sure I was impressed as much the second go round as I was the first, and I was.

Oh, well that explains...

The reason I never paid any attention to the place was I thought it was just an old vacant gas station and convenience store. There is just one little sign on the bottom of the big old gas station sign post out by the road at the bottom of the posts. Every time I would go by there was never any signs of activity, but I normally traveled by it on Monday or Tuesday and those happen to be the days they are closed.

A couple weeks ago I had to make an unscheduled trip in that direction on a Wednesday and there were signs of life and I was hungry, it was close to 3:00 in the afternoon and all I had that day was coffee and a couple donuts in the morning so I had a pretty good appetite. When I can hear my stomach growling over the road noise from the truck it is a pretty good sign that it is time to get some grub.

Beauty is overrated...

This place isn’t the most attractive restaurant you will ever set eyes on I can assure you of that, in fact it might scare some folks away just by the appearance of the exterior. When you step inside things get a lot better, the aroma of slow smoked meat fills the place up. As you can see from the pictures it isn’t a 5 star dining by any means but it works just fine for what they have going on here.

Buffet, oh yes...

Cecil Sanchez is the owner of Mustang Creek BBQ Buffet, oh I hadn’t mentioned the buffet part, I wasn’t sure about the buffet part either but it was on the sign. The pretty little young lady rang me up one buffet at the register and handed me a plate, “$13.92 sir.” she said and smiled. That was a fair price and I knew I was going to get my money’s worth since I was pretty much starving at that point.

Sauce not needed...

Cecil sits right behind the big cutting table slicing up the meat and placing it in the warmer tray, I took a little bit of each meat then moved on to get some potatoes. Having never eaten here before I did grab a ladle of BBQ for the plate in case I needed it, the sauce went to waste. That price included the drink and bread so one price, eat all you can I felt right at home.

Round two...

It didn’t take me very long and I was back for a second plate, the first plate I got ribs, brisket, chicken and some sausage but the second plate I just went for the ribs and brisket. I enjoyed it all but the rub Cecil uses on the ribs and brisket gave those a prefect taste. No potatoes this go round either, they were good too but I was in carnivore mode now.

One more, just to be sure..

I was in the same mode for my third plate as well and when I finished with that one I was done. They have a pretty good selection of the other side dishes on the buffet, but I am not a side dish guy, especially when I can have all the meat I can eat.

Working men eat here...

It wasn’t hard to tell that some of the people there were regulars; the girls working in there and Cecil seemed to know the customers on first name basis. Most of the people were either truck drivers or oil field workers the first day I was there and same goes for last week. I didn’t take any photos the second time, no need to, nothing had changed so why waste the effort.

Thirty years of smoking...

I talked with the owner for a brief amount of time. He told me he has been in the BBQ business for thirty years and I have no reason to doubt him one bit, and he damn sure knows how to smoke some meat. They even sell their own brand of rub that you can take with you for the do it yourself folks at home.

Just a little to close to the name sake...

In my conversation with Cecil I found out that they have been at this location for seven years, their original location was down the road a little closer to the actual Mustang Creek which crosses Hwy 59, but being so close to the creek meant being flooded out several times and finally this location became available so he moved a few miles north of the creek but kept the name the same.

Award winning to boot...

Mustang Creek BBQ has won several awards for their BBQ, they were voted best BBQ in the county numerous years and won several other competitions as evidenced by the big first place trophy that sets up near the cash register counter. The place is definitely Texas country charm decorated with some photos and knick knack type stuff. It is nothing fancy, but then, you don’t need fancy trappings when you serve great food, and I would say it was great.

The place to stop...

My suggestion to you would be if you find yourself on Hwy 59 about half way between Houston and Victory and you have a case of hunger this would be the place to stop. Even though the sign says closed on Tuesdays they were open last week on a Tuesday, and that is why I got my second visit in. I suspect I will be stopping here quite a bit more in the future and I might just kind of arrange my passing through that stretch of road on days I know they are open. It really is great food at a great value especially if you can eat a lot of meat like I do.

It'll be your own fault...

The place is clean as a whistle and the people are friendly, if you go away from there anything other than full it is your fault for sure. Most BBQ places don’t go the buffet route but Cecil has found a way to make it work for him and his customers and I suspect he will be there for quite a while to come.

So, what the town didn’t have to offer; Mustang Creek BBQ did, put this place on the approved list and skip the tour of the town. Thanks for dining with me today, we will do it again next month on the 15th. This has been the "Will Eat BBQ 4 U" Texas BBQ Review for August, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did bringing to you.

Until next time,

All photos are property of @sultnpapper


"Oh yes, it is the 15th and you know what that means." Of course I do, .doesn't everybody? It's my birthday. Wudja bring me, Sulty?

Yet another of your fine Texas BBQ reviews. To clarify, fine Texas BBQ, fine review.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


i brought you a fine taste of Texas BBQ, it is screen licking good too.

Wow, you've really moved up to the big time, haven't you? Two Curie votes in a couple of weeks??? You're going to stop waiting for us to drop by.

What, me move? Not hardly, they just finally came down to my level that's all. You know I have been cranking out the daily dose as pretty consistently as a person could do and not with a lot of change either, so if anyone moved they did.
I always love for the rail road folks to come by, and that isn't about to change either, I was born into a RR family and that is where I belong, even if I am just a hobo, catching a ride.

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it's 2 am and now I want ribs and nowhere near Texas LOLL

Thank You so much for sharing!!

Ha Ha, I have had that same thing happen to me when looking at food stuff on here. Thanks for stopping by.

@sultnpapper I am salivating right now! I live nowhere near Texas, but my boyfriend is stationed there. Maybe I can get him to send me some good 'ol Texas BBQ some time! This was an excellent foodie post as well as a travel post for anyone going through that area!

Well if you are salivating then Mustang Creek BBQ gets all the credit, it really is great BBQ. I can't say that I recognize you as have been being around the daily dose before so thank you for dropping in and making yourself known to us. I only do the BBQ on the 15th of each month, but I am here everyday with something to share so don't be a stranger and visit again sometime soon.
Where about is your BF stationed ? I travel the south part of the state regularly and there are quiet a few bases down here in these parts. If I knew where he was I could suggest a good BBQ place for him to try.
Thanks again,
Until next time,

He is near San Angelo. I know he doesn't like me to talk much about where he is stationed because of privacy issues but I think it's safe to say that much. I see your posts in the steemusa discord a lot and I keep meaning to stop by more regularly, but I saw BBQ and said that I must take a look at this!

Okay, we'll just keep that a secret and not say he is near San Angelo, Texas. I know how to keep a secret, I'll just never mention San Angelo, Texas again. The other thing is, I don't get to San Angelo or El Paso so I really can't recommend a good BBQ place over there for him, so he is on his own in that regard.
I'm not as active as I should be over there in the steemusa discord, but this is my busy season and I honestly barley have time to write my daily dose, this fall when things slow down I'll be able to spend so more time in the discord channels. Thanks again, no more San Angelo, I promise.

It's ok. He was in Fort Hood before that. He can't seem to get out of Texas. He's been there for over 7 years now and really wants his PSC or PCS (I get the anagram confused all the time) changed so badly. But I am glad he just got restationed there considering where the alternative was.

He will be coming up at the end of the month/first of next month for leave and I can't wait because I've not seen him in a year! It's been way too long!

Well I hope everything goes well and he gets his leave and makes it to see you without any problems.

Does anyone live in that town at all? Oh yeah, saw someone's car around in one of the pictures.

Its true what they say, that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I am glad you gave the place a chance and discovered its "hidden treasure".

30years in the Business? That's quite a lot of time, I guess that's enough assurance that one's gonna get one of the best BBQ around there from them.

It was fun reading about your new discovery!

Well thank you mam, there wasn't much activity in the town that afternoon for sure. I think I only saw one car driving on the roads while I was in the town itself. To be able to make it 30 years in the BBQ business in a small town environment like that is saying something for sure, because most of the people in that area probably have a smoker at home and will self BBQ regularly.
I can't think of a ranch that I have been to that didn't have a big smoker and a fire pit for grilling steaks. When you raise cattle there are always going to be some cattle that get injured and can't sell but you can butcher and fill your freezer so they always have plenty of meat to cook.
Thanks for dropping by today, glad you had fun reading and commenting.

I do miss the US, especially the food, maybe one day I'll be back but its unlikely. You may want to try @tasteem at tasteem.io if you are doing restaurants, they give you a juicy vote for quality writing.

Never heard of them, but I only do the BBQ review once a month so I probably should just steer clear of them, besides not sure that the writing portion would qualify.
Thanks for stopping by and the suggestion though.

I'm not in the states anymore and this post makes me drool. There is nothing like Texas bbq, and you sure got some of the good stuff. I love the cow in the restaurant. So Texas! I was only there in bigger cities a few times for work over the years and the food was always the best part. Thanks so much for the tour of little Louise. I am pretty sure you hit the highlights!

You are not the first drooler to show up here today, but welcome on in.
The cow is a good touch, Texas class. Some of those cows made like that are actually BBQ cookers. The side from the ribs to the far side of the back is on a hinge and lifts up.
The grill and fire pot is in the belly area and the smoke goes out the nostrils of the cow. It really looks cool when they are cooking. I don't think that one in there is a cooker, there are some that are just pure decor.
You are welcome on the tour and lunch, if you ever make it back here to south Texas I will buy you a BBQ dinner. I appreciate your support.

lol - I really want to see a cow like that in action! Texas is such an awesome place for things you would never see elsewhere. I will look you up if I ever get back there. Getting some bbq would surely be at the top of my list.

Next time I run across the smoking steer cooker I will get some shots and a quick video of it and post them. We do have quite a collection of oddities for sure in this state.

Awesome, to get a review of the place I researched recently! 😁 With all of your BBQ reviews, folks will be able to eat their way across eastern Texas if they ever visit! 😋

Jeez i never thought about it like that, I might need to start reviewing Mexican restaurants too then, most people would probably want more than just BBQ. I did see the old place finally, but I wasn't able to stop and get a picture. What was throwing us or at least me, was the actual creek that ran along his old BBQ place wasn't the Mustang Creek.
It was actually a small little gully that feeds into the Mustang Creek but it does go under the Hwy 59 to but I didn't see a name posted by the bridge to tell the name of it.
So when I looked at the aerial view I was thinking that creek in the picture was Mustang Creek but it wasn't. It turned out that the Mustang Creek was further south than that spot by at least a half a mile.

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