Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/04/18 > Even a Texan like I, didn’t know this about our Great State….

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

When you hear something on the news about tigers most people think of India which has the largest tiger population in the world or they think of their local zoo. I know that is how it has been for me, never in my right mind would I think of my home state of Texas. I guess that has to change now since I heard a local Austin radio program discussing tigers the other day.

I’m sure you have heard the saying, “He’s got more money than he has sense.”, well evidently that saying is true for a bunch of my fellow Texans. I will also say that the people we elected to run this state have even less sense than most could imagine. I try not to rag on my fellow Texans but sometimes I just have too, and today is one of those days.

According to Jeff and Ed, who host an afternoon talk show on KLBJ AM radio in Austin from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM weekdays, Texas has the second largest population of tigers in the world. India has the largest, Texas is second, and I can assure you that isn’t because we have a ton of tigers in a bunch of zoos around the state.

All of what I am about to share is second hand knowledge from listening to these guys, but I can tell you that these guys don’t make stuff up, and I trust what they said that day is true.

Evidently some wealthy Texans have taken a shine to having exotic pets, particularly tigers. Personally I don’t consider any animal that can bite off an arm or your head to be a “pet”, I think of them as time bombs. Some of these time bombs have been going off as of lately.

They cited a couple cases in which a ten year old girl was killed by a tiger in north Texas and another case where a kid had their arm bitten off at the shoulder by her grandpa’s tiger. They also mentioned a recent case where the Harris County Sheriff’s office had to track down two white Siberian tigers and shoot them with tranquilizers because the tigers escaped the owner's cage and were roaming the neighborhood.

So we have some dumb ass people who think that a wild animal, that is a carnivore, can be tamed to the point that its natural instincts won’t kick in. I am guessing that these people have moved into this state from California as the tech jobs have been moving here from there. I just refuse to believe these are native Texans housing these animals as pets, but oil money can make people lose their common sense too.

Speaking of loosing common sense, the Texas legislature has come to the realization that we have the second largest population of tigers in the world and that these animals might be just a tad on the dangerous side. So, one member of the Texas legislative body has come up with a proposed bill that would address the issue. Does that mean you will only be seeing tigers in public zoos in Texas if the bill gets passed into law?

That would be the logical assumption, but we are talking about politicians fixing the problem, so the answer is “no”.

The folks in Austin who run this state don’t think tigers are a problem, the cages are the problem. So they are working on passing legislation that will have minimum requirements for cages that should be capable of holding in the meanest, nastiest tiger you can imagine, yep, that will solve the problem according to them.

I’m pretty sure that if the legislation passes there will be some state agency that will have to be created to oversee this industry. More than likely a tiger owner will only be allowed to keep their time bomb, I mean tiger, if they have a cage constructed by an approved state licensed tiger cage builder. That same builder will probably be a cousin or brother in law of a Texas politician in Austin, because that is how we do it here, we are known as a “good old boy” form of state government. Where the good old boys get the contracts that government mandates.

How about just outlawing the damn things?

No, that would be the logical thing to do and logic doesn’t exist in politics; money does. The people who can afford these time bombs can also afford to write campaign contribution checks that have six or seven figures written on them before the decimal point. So, that is what is more than likely driving this decision to require specific cages.

Specific cages won’t solve the problem; did I mention the 10 year old girl was killed inside the tiger’s cage? Oh, I didn’t. Well she sure was, her step father who owned the tiger let her inside the cage with the tiger. There is where the true problem comes to light; these people have more money than they have common sense.

The truth is you can’t fix stupid, and that goes for both tiger owners and politicians.

Until next time,



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Thank you, I am very honored.

Sounds normal for politics. The government does not do their jobs. People will push the boundaries and there is no accounting for some people's stupidity. new and improved cages does not prevent animals from being animals nor does it prevent people's rampant idiocy. All this will do is indirectly increase your taxes to fund this new legislation.

Yep, just another typical scenario in the world of government confiscation and control. I wonder how lonely it must be for "serve and protect", we never hear of them any more in government.

They are serving and protecting! They serve themselves while protecting you from using your hard earned money!

Yes, that's one way of looking at it, the sad part is it is true.

We, the people, have allowed this to happen by electing the scum in the first place...

I made the almost exact same remark in a discord chat earlier this morning...

Great minds think alike...(and old minds seldom differ).

Logic: a wreath of pretty flowers that smells bad. Spock said that and I believe to be true. So in theory, it's our actual jail cells that are the problem not the criminals in them. OK! I guess your government is as nuts as ours. Have a great day.

The truth is the jails cells are the problem, they are using them as a cash cow and they have built so many that they can't even run them all so they have contracted it out to private corporations. Those contracts say that the courts will keep them at 90% capacity or more. So they keep creating laws to break so they can incarcerate prisoners. It like the movie "Field of Dreams", build it and they will come.
Damn right they come but not because they belong there, but because the law says they belong there. I've done some stories in the past on this, law is a sore subject with me. Not because I have been in trouble with the law, I haven't, but I have seen plenty of good peoples lives ruined by the BS this government pulls on the people with regard to law.
The law of the United States of America is the common law, which is broken when a crime is commit in where there is an injured party. What we are being governed under and made to answer too is statutory law; codes and statutes that are considered crimes against the state, there is no injured party if a guy sells a bag of weed to his friend, or he drives 60 mph in a 45 zone.
Property crimes, assaults, murders there are injured parties and the common law is more than capable of dealing with these, but even in those crimes common law is not used, they have constructed criminal codes to somewhat mirror the common law so a person never sees the court room they are entitled to be tried in.
The government is nuts because we have let them run a muck and not held them accountable, most people in this country have no idea on how this country is suppose to operate because they were educated by the government that doesn't want them to know.
Sorry if it might seem like I am going off on you, I'm not, I am just trying to get this where people will understand , people do not know what is taking place here.

No...I didn't take your response as "going off" on me. You sound really frustrated and you have every right to. I think you make some valid points... esp about the people not being educated properly about the system. It's no wonder so many people are homeschooling. Keep fighting the fight...... people are listening. The question is what gets them "doing"?

Sorry I didn't answer sooner but this past weekend I decided this dog would wag her tail not the tail wag me!

I'll tell you what gets them "doing" and that is having to answer bogus charges and not being able to afford a good defense, which in and of itself is an oxymoron, because lawyers don't defend anyone except the court. People who are totally innocent will plead guilty to "lesser charges" and take two or three years in prison rather than risk 10 or 15 years in prison if found guilty on the higher charges.
When that happens to them or a friend or family member is when they get doing.

That's just plain crazy! The entire aspect of tigers getting there and now that they are there ... just keep them in TX and do not ship them up here to CO!! hahahah

Yes, it is not what I would say is worthy of recognition or any other state should want to unseat us from as the leader because it is just plain lunacy to have tigers as pets.

mauahahhah "leader" ... i'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news ... TX didn't make the top 10 this year and i'm surprised CO was 10th ... losers i say!! losers as in Usnews!!


Do you like read anything I write in its entirety or do read like every second or third sentence? If we here in Texas are second in the world in tiger population then we have to be leader here in the United States in tiger population. Worst case scenario would be we in Texas would be second, but I;m pretty damn sure that India has not been granted statehood and become the 51 state in the United States.
This is about tigers, the animals of the jungle... and I wouldn't go around touting usnews.com as a trustworthy source for anything, but that's just me.

now i see your reasoning and yes i read it in its entirety. your wirds can be taken a couple of diff ways. usnews is not the most reliable, however, their top schools, cities and states are accurate. if this were politics theyd be one of the last I’d use as a source.

I just had to ask because the last time when I ran the photo contest and the subject matter for the photo was to be a "sign" you posted a picture of a BBQ plate, so I just thought maybe you are skim reading or something.
I'll grant you that my words can be taken different ways at times...

that one i did read fast while on the road traveling. 😁

Good read. People don’t seem to realize these wild animals live on their instincts. Hard to believe someone would let a kid in with their tiger. These wild animals have even turned on their trainers.

Like I said, you can't fix stupid, and how someone would think that a tiger would make a good family pet first doesn't need a family, and secondly needs their head examined. Thanks for coming by and checking in Red.

Welcome and I totally agree with you about keeping tigers as family pets. 😮

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