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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/12/18> Weather modification, geoengineering and YOU…

in #blog6 years ago

Thanks for writing on this important topic. It's such a depressing subject, the idea that governments are running experiments that inject chemicals into the very air that we breathe. No wonder so many people prefer to dismiss the whole thing as a conspiracy theory. I think they're just trying to pretend that it's not happening. But burying our heads in the sand won't make it go away.
In 2015, The Guardian newspaper ran a few stories linking geoengineering to big business. "Geoengineering: It could be a money opportunity for business"
"Geoengineering is no place for corporate profit-making"
"Company offers rain-free wedding days for £100,000"
There's also a video on YouTube by an Australian firm advertising artificial snow creation.
Sadly this really is going on.


It for sure is taking place and that governments will use these things as weapons of war, is disgusting to say the least. The fact that they are testing these weapons under the guise of " academic research" on their own people like here in the USA is even more disturbing. Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.

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